October 1924
K I N G ’ S
2. Do I realize that some of my hearers are not ready to meet God? 3. Has it occurred to me that possibly some of my auditors will be hearing their last message on earth? 4. Am I feeding the people just sentimental confections and intellectual shavings? 5. Am I afraid of the snap of a pocketbook? Has tlie •matter of my salary had any influence in the making of my sermon? 6. Am I afraid someone will be offended if I dig down to the roots of his sins? 7. Am I aware of the fact that my reward in heaven will depend upon the enduring character of the work I am doing?
“Why do you take but one” ? the first man asked. “ Be cause,” he replied, “ I only want one deer and intend to shoot it when I see it.” It is this definiteness of aim that can be seen in all the preaching of the apostles and that seems to be lacking in so much modern sermonizing. May the paragraph from the convict’s letter strike home to our hearts. It has suggested to the writer some heart searching questions that might well be placed upon every pulpit desk. 1. Am I mindful of the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will be one of my hearers in this service?
É è ÊS> Third Annual Lyceum-Eteri Conference (Under the Auspices of the Bible Women’s Department)
Two hundred girls from the Lyceum Club and nine Eteri Clubs gathered at the Pacific Palisades during the first week in July for their third Summer Conference. Remem bering blessing of past years, they came ...expecting a. rich blessing from His hand and went away saying He had done? exceeding abundantly above all they had asked or thought. The Lighting of the Candles The three morning hours were given over to devotional messages by the girls, addresses from returned mission aries, and Bible Study classes taught by Bible Women. The afternoons were filled to the brim with good recreational times and wholesome fun. In the evening a devotional meeting was held with a heart-to-heart talk about Him and His life in us, followed by testimonies from the girls and sometimes a pageant. One especially impressive pageant depicted the history of the ,Clubs from the time Mother Horton, started the Lyceum Club, symbolized by the lighting of the first candle, Then one by one other candles were lighted from the first, telling the story of the formation of the other Clubs. As the girls were drawn to the candles, they were also sent out to the far places of thet earth and we remembered our missionaries who have gone from our Club? to carry the light to other lands. Girls went with open Bible and light to light the candles of the heathen, gathered in ,the background waiting with stretched out arms. Some received the message, but for others there was no one to bring the light. The meeting was dismissed and all went to bed very quietly that night, for God was speak ing to hearts. One young convert, taking the part of a heathen said later, “ There I stood, as a heathen, with out stretched arms wanting the Gospel and in reality it has been right at my hand all my life and I wouldn’t even take it until this week.” Heart-to-Heart Talks After the evening meetings, it was a common sight to see girls with werkers or other girls, stealing off two by two for a little heart talk with Him and then in the closing hour of the day, the voice pf praise and prayer could be heard from every tent as the 'girls gathered by delegations for their goodnight devotional. The presence and power of the Lord were wonderfully manifest from the first day and all through the week as hearts grew quiet before Him in the classes, through per sonal conferences and especially out in the open as one and another stole away for a quiet time with Him alone, He searched hearts, revealed His will in lives and brought
victory. Some big heart battles were fought and won. Girls testified eagerly before the rest of what He was doing for them and how they were longing to get back home to help others. Surely the Father’s heart was made glad. Sweet Surrender Two girls fighting against His will in their lives, yielded all to Him as the goodnight bugle began to play “ Have Thine own Way Lord.” One girl testified she knew what the Lord would have of her but she was not willing to give up. After a day or two, He won the ;victory and she went home a radiantly happy girl, wondering why it had seemed so hard to let a loving Saviour have His way. Another girl could not win the battle there but had no peace after she went home till it was all settled. A girl coming here from the East trying to run away from God’s will for her life, came to a Club meeting thè previous week, heard about the Conference and wont almost against her will, sur rendered to Him and when, a few days later, a big sorrow came into her life she was so thankful that the Father, knowing the need just ahead, had drawn her back close to Himself where she could find peace and comfort and strength in the dark hour. A Whole Delegation Saved All five girls from one delegation accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord during the Conference and went home eager to tell their friends. One reached home in time for the mid-week prayer meeting and without waiting for her dinner, hurried down to give her first testimony in the home church and to tell how He had bêen working in the lives of their girls. One woman said she had been fasting and praying all day for that very thing. A real spirit of revival fell upon the church as the result of the testimony of these girls and other lives were surrendered td Him and the life of the whole church has been quickened. The Climax Thè climax of the Conference was reached on the last Sunday afternoon when thirty-five girls came, not only to give themselves to Christ for full time service if He should so désire, but to make an earnest effort to discover His will for their lives. These, with fifty-fiyé others who had pre viously taken the same step, formed a new group among Lycéum-Eteri girls which will be known as “ Life Service Volunteers.” Only eternity can reveal the far reaching effect of the Conference. May God be praised!
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