King's Business - 1924-10



K I N G ’ S- B U S I N E S S

October 1924


Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China Dr. Frank A. Keller Superintendent

THE BIOLA EVANGELISTIC BANDS The Annual Bulletin of our ' Hunan Bible Institute, located at Changsha, Hunan Province, China, gives a bird’s- eye view of that wonderful work, and contains some illus­ trations which help materially to visualize the work which has become so dear to many of our readers and contribu­ tors. In addition to clearly outlining and defining the regular course of instruction given in the Hunan Institute; the bulletin contains a story of the Nanyoh Autumn Bible Con­ ference which is held every year, and which has proven to be of such Vital import to so many native workers from many sections of China. It gives, also, an account of the Colportage Boat Work, which has won such high approval from various denomina­ tional missions, from Which we Quote: “ Biola is a word formed from the initials B.I.O.L.A., and stands for our mother Institute, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The Biola Evangelistic Bands are bands of Chi­ nese, evangelists and student evangelists, sent out by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to do a work of widespread, and at the Same time, very intensive evangelism, mainly in the fields hitherto unreached by the Gospel. Our special sphere of work is not in cities where Gospel work has been going on for years under a permanently established agency, but in the outlying untouched districts. We enter a field only on the written invitation of the mission responsible for that field. Our work Consists of house-to-house evangelism, talking to individuals and little groups in the homes of the people, and giving suitable Gos­ pel literature to those who manifest an interest in the message.

REV. WALTER T. STEVEN, (left) MR. CHESTER RUTLEDGE (right) AND MR. KAN YU T ’lEN IN A TEMPLE ON THE "SACRED MOUNTAIN" (NANYOH ) , (Since this, bulletin was printed, three more bands have been added, or twelve in all, making a total of 156 workers. Editor) During a Period of Nine Months our workers visited Over 200,000 homes and distributed over 700,000 Gospel books and tracts, hundreds of homes were cleared of their idols and in 33 places self-supporting centers of worship were established which, by God’s bless­ ing, will become true self-supporting churches. after their private B’ible study and prayer, the men of each band have an hour and a half of united Bible study conducted by the leader of the band, before they go out to their day’s work. This study is part of a regular systematic course covering a period of two years. ' A year or two of solid work in one of the Biola Evangel­ istic Bands gives a unique and invaluable experience. We most earnestly recommend every student of the Hunan Bible Institute to do at least one year of this work. It far more than doubles the value1of the two years’ course at Changsha, and the mission that makes the additional sac­ rifice and permits the student to remain with us for the extra year, however much they may be pressed for help, will be richly rewarded. As soon as a student graduates from the Bible School and begins work in one of the Biola Evangelistic Bands, he is paid a reasonable salary, and so is no longer depend­ ent on his mission for the daily needs either of himself or his family.

DELEGATES TO NAN YOH BIBLE CONFERENCE When people become interested, we organize Bible classes and seek to lead them to a fuller knowledge of the truth as it is revealed in God’s Word. We also hold open- air services in markets and other suitable public places, and generally conduct an evening evangelistic service in some rented building or large inn. Each band consists of twelve men and a trained leader. We now have nine bands working in three provinces, a total of 117 men.

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