K I N G ’ S
October 1924
All this took place on the street, and after having prayer with him we suggested that he come to church and tell of his experience. If you could have seen the change in this map’s features, feelings, and speech you would say what we said, “ My, that is wonderfuU-’ly He arose before some six or seven hundred people and said, “ I stopped my friends and asked them for a match for my Cigaret and I found Jesus Christ, whom I had been seeking for twenty years, and He is a match for all my sins and problems.” Is it any wonder we take pleasure in presenting the mes sage of such a Christ to men and women everywhere, espec ially to those who are in the shops? If you would like to have fellowship with us in prayer for the work and workers, drop us a line and we will send you special requests from time to time. SPANISH WORK R obert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and House to House W ork among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ Therefore,.m y beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.** EH as workers together with the Lord often have to be reminded of these words. Otherwise many times we would become discouraged and dis heartened because sometimes it appears that our labor is in vain. During the past month, however we were reminded that it was not so, even though in some of the camps where we preached, it seemed that the men were indifferent and self satisfied with their religion. Just when we least expect any results God marvelously works for the glory of His name. Recently it was our privilege to learn of a new con struction camp where some fifty or sixty Mexican laborers were encamped. On our first visit some eight or ten young men accompanied us with their pastor and we were cor dially received. We therefore returned on a second visit. After gathering the men together and singing, the message was given. At the close we were led to extend an invitation and sixteen men raised their hand professing to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. You can readily imagine our joy to see so many accept the Lord. It was all due to the prayers of God’s people and we give Him all the glory, all the praise, to His name. We have many things for which to praise the Lord this month. Some of the friends may have known of our need of a new machine for use in our Spanish work, the old machine being completely worn out. We want you to rejoice with Us that God has answered our prayers by send ing us an anonymous letter enclosing cashier’s check for $300.00 designated to be used toward the purchase of a machine. Other friends had already given us $27.00 for this purpose, and an auto has now been purchased. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the unknown giver and pray God’s richest blessing upon him. We still have another note of praise. Many of you will p-rhaps remember that several times we requested special prayer for a machine for the Mexican converts to use in helping us at some of our camps where we hold outdoor meetings. Through some gifts from friends interested and the offering given in our Mexican converts’ Bible class, we were able to purchase a used car at a bargain. Thus God has answered prayer and made it possible to have added help in our outdoor meetings. So you see we have great reason to praise the Lord for all of His wondrous works to the children of men.
How God Answered Prayer ■ Some months ago I set out in the strength of Phil. 4:19, to start a Euodia Club in a neighbourhood where there was not much to encourage girls toward Christianity. After canvassing for several days and having the promises from thirty girls to attend the first meeting, imagine my dismay when only one girl arrived. We turned our meeting into a prayer meeting and went again and again with very little apparent result. Sometimes two, and sometimes three girls would be at the meetings, hut we were fully confident that God in His own time would hear and Answer our prayers. Here and1there God would encourage our efforts by giving us a soul for His Kingdom, then we would be so elated that our hopes were raised and we were sure that God had put His'seal upon this work and it was for us to go on and trust; Him. As our faith in prayer grew so did our class. Friends were raised up Who began to see:we had come to stay,-and in six months we had a class' of fifty-Six girls and nearly all of these either accepted our Lord as their personal Saviour, or else were backsliders who returned to Him, and about thirty of these have surrendered their lives that He might use them in His work. Many attended' the yearly confer ence and the banquet, and will never be able to forget the lessons they heard which gripped their hearts and lives. It certainly pays to trust in the Lord, and “ Having done all, to stand.” Our girls just love1, the fellowship, the weekly Bible study and the earnest prayer life,1which is making itself felt in the school and church. We covet your prayers for all our young folks all over this city and sur rounding towns who have a hard struggle against the power of the evil one in this day and age. Our privilege is to pray. His answer is “ If ye ask anything in my name’ I will do it.” John 14:14. ste afe WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car- Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles B F the Shop Department stands for any thing it stands for definite soul-winning, and through preaching, teaching and personal effort we seek to carry on a work which will meet with the approval of God, in the salvation of souls. Many incidents- are continually coming up which are of Interest and help, but this month we wish to tell of one of the most remarkable conversions we have known. While in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (on our recent trip), we met several former B. I. boys, and one Sunday after noon one of them came to our room and invited us to take a walk. Consenting, we started out, not having any special place to go. Once we stopped and said, “ Oh, let’s not go this way.” Our friend replied, “ This is all right,” so on we went. After walking some ten or fifteen minutes we were accos ted by a man who had been drinking, who said, “ Say, give me a match.” Replying that we didn’t have a single one, we ■explained that before we were saved we used to have them, but that now we didn't smoke, so we didn’t need them. This provided the opportunity that we needed, and when we commenced to speak about his need of a Saviour he said, “ Man, I have been trying to find Jesus Christ for twenty years, but I can’t.” He told us how, after working on the boats for months, he would grow anxious about his soul, and would pray and seek, but there came no satisfac tion. Showing him that it was not a matter of seeking or even praying, but of accepting Christ, his face glowed with joy— and finally he said, “ I want to receive Him.”
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