King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924


T H E I K 1.N.G ’ S . B;U Sil'N'E 8 S'

Helpful Scripture passages were shown to those with whom we conversed who were Christians. - To Him we give all the glory and honor, and to you who upheld us in prayer we are thankful. Praise God for fel­ low intercessors! “ FOB Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood ,hay, stubble; Every man’s work shall be made mani­ fest : for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by lire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built there upon, he shall receive a reward.” . , , i H ■?''t ' I V» H ?Tf:$ H MS M i i.ijjsjit; .. BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men in th e . center of Los Angeles. Meetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. ' N oon-day Prayer Meeting. AIN Street was as usual crowded^-the big stores were unloading their seething masses* Of weary humanity. Toilers were scurrying for eyen ,pnp foot of space on over-crowded cars. Auto drivers with “ legion” for their name; were as usual smashing laws and jaws right and left, while curses “ volleyed and, thun­ dered” adding to the noise and tumult of the “ City of tlie Angels.” All was rush, bustle and confusion. Everyone for himself in mad haste for a bite to eat and then "off to the movies, dance and joyride. My friend had left the big plant where he is employed, making as usual, his way to Biola Hall, when his eye was attracted to a lad standing on the corrieri. In speaking of the incident later, he said it wasn’t simply the lad’s “ get up,” his unkempt and somewhat grotesque “ hand-ffieHiown” suit which smothered his little figure, hut something in the big, hungry, bewildered eyes which made the strong appeal and constrained him to slacken his pace with an almost irresistible call to give first aid to the injured. But, instead of acting on the first and better impulse, it was suppressed, although with Considerable difficulty, as nothing at the moment seemed to suggest itself to him fòr Securing a job for the little chap; so most reluctantly hé passed on the other side. However, he felt mighty uneasy over it as he reached Biola Hall, So' we made it a matter of prayer and asked the dear Lord to give hini ahother chance to show the kindness of God’s love to one Of His little creatures. Sure enough, a few nights later my friend ran across him right in front of our doors, the same big, brown eyed, little lad and the same queer outfit, this time spoke to him add giving him an invitation to eat,' arid, as we saw them come into the Fishermen’s Club, we knew our prayers had been answered. When the invitation was given, thè lad was the first to respond, making his first public confession of the Lord Jesus. The boys speedily raised a purse for his immediate needs, and provision was made for further “ eats,” bed, clothes, the work of removing several layers of dirt, the clipping of his hair. The good warm bath and new clothes surely wrought a wonderful transformation; even his mother (had he possessed one) would have had difficulty in recognizing him. He had drifted all the way from South Carolina, a little orphan, yet in spite of kicking up against the old world’s sin and pollution, had been miraculously kept clean and ignorant where the average boy of that age could give his great grandfather pointers; and as “we listened to him read­ ing aloud his little red-covered copy of John, repeating (Continued on page 633)

We rejoice to say also that many of our Children’s and Women’s Meetings are being continued during the summer months. Please praise God with us for all these benefits and don’t forget to continue to ipray for there is yet much land to possess.; SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt.— Our W orkers board all vessels in the p ort of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature ‘‘Call unto me, and 1. will answer thee and shew thee great and m ighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jer. 33:3. OT every year do- we have visit our shores naval vessels of other nations, but when we learned months ago of the intended visit of a part of the British Naval Fleet to San Francisco we began to pray. Friends far and near were asked to join us and now that the boats have come and gone we can all praise Him for answering our prayers. ; We prayed that extra literature might be supplied and sent to Mr. Zimmermann for these particular men. We prayed for transportation to San Francisco from San Pedro and return. We mentioned extra helpers that could be used wisely and especially for direct guidance in the smaller details of our work. The Evil One was busy but the Almighty Omnipotent One thwarted his plans. A few days before the boats arrived, abundance, of lit­ erature had been provided but four stores were destroyed by fire which, when checked, had only a brick wall between the fire and the literature. Our pass both to and from ports was given on one of the oil boats and by our trip on them we now have a more intelligent understanding of some of the men of the sea, also a deeper burden to .reach them. Besides these items Mr. Zimmermann’s launch was not in running order, thus necessitating other means of going from docks to the boats which were, anchored a half mile out in the bay. This was provided frequently in a mir­ aculous way for quite often we passed through great crowds of people, city police, and military guards into the very officers’ launches of,the ships we wished to visit. At eve we could say; “He hath done exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think.” Not a few obstacles were overcome even after on board the vessels and we could recognize the hand of our God as we went from “ foc’cl to quarter deck,” and from bridge and boat deck down to the store rooms. We were giving the message and speaking to the men personally besides placing in their hands or slipping into their rooms and lockers, a message that would lead any earnest inquirer from darkness into light. Just one instance we will mention. We had a good sup­ ply of literature on one boat and were waiting for a launch to take us ashore when we asked some of the marines and messengers on duty if we might take a snap shot of them. The privilege granted and the picture taken, we go over God’s plan of Salvation to the group, but one by one they left or were called away until only one lad remained. A straight, clear, definite invitation for immediate decision was given and we rejoiced to hear him say “ Yes, I will accept Jesus as my Lord, my Master and my God.” We offered a short prayer and still our boat was delayed. Of course we knew why, for in a few moments we heard him confess before others his decision to leave San Francisco trusting in the finished work of Christ our Lord. All seven of the vessels in. the fleet were visited and with the exception of one of the smaller boats we placed with our own hands tracts, gospels, pamphlets, and books into the hands, lockers and rooms of both officers and men.

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