King's Business - 1924-10


T H E K I N G ’ S


October 1924


P p,


Helpful Comments on C . E. Top ics

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O u r Young

S P e

, Rev. y. V. Morgan


✓ OCTOBER 12, 1924 My Denomination: Its History and Teachings Acts 2:1-21 (Union Meeting with the Alumni) A STUDY of the history of the Chureh is Interesting. One .sees How God worked in the past and traces God’s purposes through the ages. It is Instructing. History is said to repeat itself— this is a practical les­ son for us to know; that we may avoid the mistakes and profit by the suc­ cesses of the past. it is Inspiring. The lives and testi­ monies of the sainté of the past and the evidences of the power and glory of God will stir our souls and stimu­ late our zeal and faith. The first book of church history to study is Acts. An outline of the les­ son is as follows: ■ 1. Prayer for Power, v. 1. (The àécord of the disciples). 2. Pentecostal Blessing, vs. 2-13. (The advent of the Spirit)!' 3. Peter’s Sermon, vs. 14-40. (Thé appeal to prophecy). 4. Power of the Early Church, vs. 41-47. (Additions daily). Notice the foundation of the church *^-“ the apostles’ doctrine.” Doctrine determines the character and conduct of the members of a church. It is supremely important that a church have a creed. The apostles’ doctrine included the inspiration of the Scrip­ tures, the deity of Jesus Christ, per­ sonality of the Spirit, man’s ruin by sin, redemption by the Blood, salva­ tion by faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the be­ liever, the return of thé Bord, ever­ lasting punishment of the unbelieving, etc. Note the fellowship of the church —with Christ; with one another. . Note the fruitfulness of the church, —additions daily, and praise to God; the result of strict adherence to the doctrinal foundation, adoration of the Lord, activity in preaching the Word, and accord with one another. OCTOBER 19, 1924 My Denomination: Its Organization and Aims 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 G IFTS” means “ spiritualities.” The church needs these gifts more than organization. Accompany­ ing the gifts will be the right aim, which is the winning of souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.

An outline of the chapter is as fol­ lows: ’ 1. Diversity of Gifts, vs. 4-10. What, a wonderful array of spiritual gifts! Surely no need for the church to be impotent ,and impoverished with these riches at her command. Every Spirit-filled believer has some spiritual gift. 2. Tile Dominance of the Holy Spirit, v^. 4, 7, 11. Believers do not all have the same gift. These gifts are not to be bought and we cannot control the bestowal of them. Our part is to surrender to the! control of the Holy Spirit and He will bestow the gifts AS IIE WILLS. . 3; The’ Design of the Holy Spirit, vs. 7, 12-31. Gifts bestowed for a definite purpose. The church is com­ pared to a human body (an organism rather than an organization) with be­ lievers as. various parts or members of the body, and.Christ the Head. Since there is no discrimination by the Head, and no disparity of any member, there must be no disagreement! between members.. To fulfill the design of the Holy, Spirit ,there must be the corres­ pondence and coordination of all parts of the body;-the Church, and instant and complete obedience to the Head, Jesus Christ. 4. The Desire of the Wise Mem­ ber, Vs. 31, Ch. 13 and 14:1. The best gifts, the ones that, will glorify Him the most, should be desired. The good often becomes the ■ foe of the best. The preferred gift is prophecy or telling forth the. Word of Life, (14:1-4). 5, The, Description of Love, Ch. 13. No gift is great apart from love. OCTOBER 26, 1924 Why is Law Enforcement Vital to Onr Nation? Isaiah 1:16-20. A S long as men have sinful hearts, and as long as Satan is at large/ the enactment of laws will be necessary and the enforcement of laws imperative. Lax enforcement results in disregard for law, contempt of all authority and lawlessness, which re­ sults in anarchy, chaos and destruc­ tion. A striking illustration of this is found in Genesis. From the expulsion of Adam, for a period of 1600 or more years, men lived without the restraint of human government or authority. Every man “ did that which was right in his own eyes.” And that period was characterized by sin, sorrow, shame, crime and debauchery, until the whole earth was corrupted and filled with violence, resulting in the judgment of the flood.

In the passage given for the Scrip­ ture lesson We have. *1.; The Command to repent, 16, 17. (Matt. 3:3; 4:17; 11:20, 21; Mark 1:15; Luke 13:3, 5; Acts 3:13; 17: 20 ), 2. The Cleansing promised, 18 (John 1:29“ , 1 Cor. 6:9-11; j 1 John 1:7, 9; James 4:8). 3. The Compensation for obedi­ ence, 19. (Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:33; Psa. 37:3; 84:11). , 4. The Compensation for disobe­ dience, 20. (Exod. 34:7; Ezek. 18:4, 20; Matt. 25:46; Heb. 2:1-3; 10:28, 29), NOVEMBER 2, 1924 In His Steps. 11. What Jesus Said About Faith Mark 11:20-26 (Consecration Meeting) T HE following passages Will show what Jesus taught during His earthly ministry about faith. These passages should be considered in the light of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. Matt. 8:10: Faith in the word, alone, of Christ. This is commended. Matt. 9:2; Luke 5:20: Faith for another. Note that it is not the faith of the helpless man but of his friends that is commended. Matt. 9:22;: Mark 5:34: Humility of faith. Matt. 9:29: The reward of faith. Matt. 15:28: The importunate faith. Matt. 1.7; 19, 20, 1 6 ; ! Mark 11:22, 23: The power of faith. In God, not man. (Jer. 17:5; Prov. 29:25; Psa. 118:8; John 14:1; 2 Chron. 20:20; Isa. 7:9). Matt. 21:21: The power of faith. See James1! : 5-7. Mark 4:40: Rebukes lack of faith. See Hebrews 11:6. Mark 10:42: Persistent faith. Luke 7:50: Faith manifested in de­ votion. Luke 17:5; •’--See Rom. 10: 17. Luke 17:19: The gratitude of faith. Luke 18:8: Prophecy of the lack of faith to come. Luke 22:32: Faith strengthened by the prayer of Christ. (Heb. 7:25). F R E S H , UP-TO-DATE ILLUS­ TRATIONS from Real Life, will be found on Pages 628-63 1 (Evan­ gelistic W ork ); 644 (High School Girl’s Work) and 632-633 (Point­ ers for Preachers and Teachers).

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