King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924_______


K I N G ’ S


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to P 3* f ;/ 9-1) Il T h e C h i l d r e n s G a r d e n Sophie Shaw Meader BSBB

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DEAR LITTLE FRIENDS: How many of you know that this is the birthday of our Children’s Garden? What usually happens on birth­ days? Did you ever hear of any one giving presents to other people on their birthday, instead of receiving them? Which do you think would make you happiest? Well, the Bible says: “ It is more blessed to give than to receive” and I know it is true, for I have tried it. Wouldn’t you like to try it? Well, then, what do you think of my plan for celebrat­ ing the birthday of the Chil­ dren’s Garden? The Plan A lady sent me $5.00 to use for the children’s work and I thought at once of a wonderful way in which to use it so that all you boys and girls could share in her gift. The plan is this: You know the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles has a branch of its work in Hunan Province, China. They call it “ The Hunan Bible Institute.” They have a splendid Bible School in the great city of Changsha, where native ^Chi­ nese young men and women study the Bible and are trained to go out and tell the Chinese the good news that Christ died for them. Then . they have twelve bands of thirteen men each (156 men in all) who visit the people in their homes with the Gospel message after having spent the morning in prayer and Bible study. Of course, all this* takes a great deal of money. It costs over $3000.00 a year for each boat, besides the money necessary to take care of the Bible School itself in Changsha. A great many more young men and women would» come to the school if they had the money, though it only takes $40.00 a year to pay for their board and room. Now this is my plan: Wouldn’t it be fine if our Red Book Club could support one of these students for a year and help them get ready to go out and tell the story of Jesus and His love? If ALL our members would give something we could do it. Why not start a Self-Denial Fund? Instead of spending all your pennies, or nickels or dimes for something nice to eat or drink or see or do, put part of them aside for the support of the Red Book Club’s Chinese student. Perhaps we could send a picture of the student whom we were supporting to each one who helps.

I will give $5.00 myself so that with the $5.00 already given by our good friend, we will have a nice start towards the necessary amount. You know it says in Daniel 12:3: “ They that bp. wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever.” How many stars do you think you will have in your crown if you help

Bible teacher who lives in Minnesota. Lovingly your Aunt, Sophie Shaw Meader. 225 W. 15th Street Long Beach, California THE CHILDREN They need to follow where He leads. To prove their love in worthy deeds. To hearken, and His voice obey; To seek His guidance all the way. By J. T. Larsen, Minnesota.

A TRUE STORY ABOUT A LITTLE GIRL IN INDIA By Sukumari Harlekar, India. (Age 10). One afternoon after I had finished with my lessons I look­ ed over the balcony and saw a girl just seven years old sit­ ting under a huge asoko tree crying with only a tiny bit of a dirty rag. I felt sad and asked mother to get her. I went down and got her. Mother asked her to get a bath and gave her some of my clothes. Her hair was all matted so she had to get a short crop. She was hungry and had dinner with me. Then she said that her father had died the day before.. Her sickly mother had no food nor clothes nor home to give her so she left her out and went away. She slept under a big tree and that very night a leo­ pard had killed a cow not far from where she slept so she said, “ I fear the night coming on” and she cried. I told her she should not be afraid, now that our dead Lord had brought her here. Since then she sits with me, kneels down and prays. She wanted an idol, but I told her

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The leaves come whirling swiftly down, All colored yellow, red and brown; They dance and skip as down they go, Soon to be hid ’neath Winter’s snow. October’s skies are gray and drear; Old Winter’s blasts will soon be here.

But when Winter goes away Spring will come again to stay. So it is with Life’s long path,

Smiles will chase away the wrath; Troubles are like Winter’s snow God’s bright Spring-time makes them go. ■ —Ivy Crose. save the Chinese boys and girls? Many, I know, and you will also re­ ceive a great blessing right here and now in your own hearts. Let me hear from every boy and girl in the Red Book Club. About the Stories I know you will like to read the four stories which I am giving you this month, written by “ Gardeners” in the first Bible Contest which we had, be­ ginning with the story written by the little girl in India, and then the three stories written by children in each of the different groups telling the story of the Garden of Eden, and how Christ’s love saves us from the results of the sin of Adam and Eve. Then I am sure you will all enjoy cracking the “ October Bible Nuts” and learning the beautiful little verse “ For Children” which was written especially for The Children’s Garden by a fine

no that is no god, its only a toy. She now knows our dear Jesus. Mother has made her my playmate. BEST MAY STORY IN GROUP I Eddie Caswell (Age 9), Kansas. (1) Adam was made of dust. Adam was made in the very image of God. (2) There were trees for fruit and trees for shade, and a large tree in the middle of the garden. (3) Adam had control over all living beasts, and got to name them and was to keep the garden in good condition. (4) God told Adam not to touch the fruit on the large tree in the mid­ dle. (5) One day Eve brought the for­ bidden fruit to Adam and he ate it. Then they went off and hid. When God fQund them he asked Eve why she picked the fruit and she said the ser­ pent made her. And Adam said Eve gave it to him. (Continued on page 672)

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