October 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
It is no wonder that while he is in the far country, the prodigal should waste his substance in riotous living. Wheels run fast down hill. He soon reaches the bottom. When he has spent all there arises a mighty famine in the land. It is not only that his own resources are gone, but the whole land of his choice is barren and bare. This is fulfilled in us when we have not merely lost that which was our own, but when we have discovered that in all the world there is nothing that can satisfy us or supply our need. There is naught but poverty and privation. “ The world passeth away and the lust thereof.” “ No man gave unto him.” Perhaps it was just as well. To give him a better suit of clothes for his rags as he sat by the swine-trough, to give him a better dwelling in the far country, would only be to prolong his residence there. Much of our vaunted social service is only to make the prodigal man comfortable in the far country. His misery
at his table. The passover feast was a type. He said, “ a hired servant shall not eat thereof.” (Ex. 12:45). The prodigal knows nothing of the father’s heart going out after him. He unconsciously wrongs his father by the very plea with which he intends to come to him, though it is true enough that he is unworthy to be called his son. “ He arose and came to his father.” This is the turning point. Whatever the motive that actuates him, he comes. The Lord invites every weary soul to come! “Whoso cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out.” “ Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.” It is not enough to look at Christ. One may look at Him long and admiringly and find no salvation. One must look to Him in simple faith as the only Saviour; then human weakness lays hold upon Almighty strength, and mortal misery lays its constraint upon Divine compassion. “When he was yet a long way, off his father saw him and
iOW ER COURT OF WOMEN ’S BU ILDING , B IB L E INST ITUTE breaking of an engagement with a young man who was not a Christian; still others seeking counsel and guidance as to some plan or course of study. Sometimes after a par ticularly hard month without seeing results, the dear Lord brings to our remembrance some girl who seemingly was one of those “ impossible cases,” but through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ was gloriously saved, and then we stop and ask Him to forgive us for even feeling discouraged, and press onward with fresh courage to win some more of the precious girls. The Calvary Baptist Church of Pasadena, Cal., with’ Rev. is a blessing in disguise. It opened his eyes, he came to himself and resolved to return to his father. He did not wait till he became more presentable and respectable; he did not consider that he might be ridi culed by his former associates, nor blamed and upbraided by his father. Leaving the greedy swine to take care of themselves, he set out on his homeward way. His hunger overcame him and there is bread in his father’s house. He makes one great mistake however. He says to him self “ How many hired servants of my father have bread enough and to spare.” The hired servants are not in the father’s house. God may hire a man of the world to do His bidding even as He gave Egypt into the hand of Neb uchadnezzar as •his hire for the judgment which He had executed upon Tyre. In His house there are only children
B. B. Jacques as pastor, have a fine Euodia room in their new building where the girls may gather, which is proving a great blessing and so convenient, being across the street from High School buildings. The banquet as pictured above was the closing event of the Euodia work for the year. To say “ Miss Rouzee was the speaker on this occasion,” means that we had a soul-stirring message that went home to every heart. Would you like to have a part in this great work? Then come to the “ Parent-Teacher Euodia Club,” which will be organized this Fall with Miss Rouzee as teacher. had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.” Thus the father’s heart is revealed. He had retained the image of the absent son and recognizes him at a dis tance though returning in such a different manner from that in which he had set out. This is a picture of God. A single question or a condition implied or expressed would have spoiled the beauty and marred the perfection of grace. Holiness can not be bought or bargained for. g He who is the Friend of publicans and sinners, calls us to repentance by calling us to Himself. “ We joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the reconciliation.” This joy in God is the evidence that the far country and all that pertains unto it, has been left behind us forever. Christ is the “ kiss of God.”
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