King's Business - 1924-10


October 1924


K I N G ’ S


We ask for the ,continued interest and prayers of our friends until the great emergency has passed. A New Fellowship We also ask the interest and prayers of all in a new fellowship, known as Thé: American-European Fellowship for,Christian Oneness and Evangeliza­ tion. The object is to promote the oneness of all true believers, and the evangelization of the unreached mil­ lions of Europe. Thè" societies fiat present co-operating in this movement are:,, The :Russia Evangelization So­ ciety, The ,Christian Testimony to Jews, The Serbian Gospel Mission, and The, American Christian Relief Mis­ sion. Further information, if desired, may be had through any of these co­ operating societies. Europe is a strategic center for Gos­ pel ministry, It is a “ seething pot” for world events. Here Satan masses his forces “ against the Lord and against His Anointed,” and the Holy Spirit is working in power, raising a standard against him. Shall we come to the help of the Lord against the mighty, and get the Gospel to them now while the fields are white to the harvest? Continued Relief We purpose to continue to send re­ lief as the Lord enables and the dis­ tress continues: Money or checks for the work may be sent to American Christian Relief Mission, Edward A. Steele, treasurer, 901 Schaff Building, Fifteenth and Race Streets, Philadel­ phia, Pa. Warm clothing or service­ able shoes should be sent, prepaid, to American Christian Relief Mission, American Friends Store Room, 1521 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, where packing is done for shipping to the field. Jesu s only - be my Saviour, For Thy ¡Blood avails for me, Full atonement Thou hast given, From, m y . sins TJiou settest free. jesu s only be my Cleanser, Cleanse my heart from every ill, Cleanse from -pride and evil -thinking,.: W ork in m e ‘to do and will. jesu s only be my Blaster, Master all my life, and heart, Master every inner impulse, , Sanctify my every, part. Jesus only be my Keeper, Keep my lips from words that sting, Keep my life all sweet and faithful; Keep m y soul on prayerful wing. Jesus only be my Pattern, Power and Pattern w ilt Thou be, Let me imitate. Thee fully, Let the world see only Theel , Conquer Satan in his tempting. Lead me onward in the right. Jesus only be my Shepherd, Guide me to the waters calm, Shield me,through this vale of shadows, Let n o ‘foe my soul alarm. Jesus only is my watchword Thus I change the ‘‘he” to “is.” F or by faith I know H im-wholly, Jesus only, Jesus’ is. ,—-F. E: MARSH. ! Sgp dsla.-. gay Jesus only be my Captain, L ead me in the. holy -fight. JESUS ONLY j JESUS. ALWAYS

“Biola Best Books“ Influence The influence of the Sunday School child and of Sunday School literature tjpon the home is a large factor in interesting that home in Christianity. Think About Your Sunday School Make it a cuccess! Not by adopting all the methods in modern Sunday Shool work, but rather by adapting them td your conditions and needs. GET THESE HELPFUL BOOKS!

A Working Plan For the Church School A . E. Henry

Building a Successful Sunday School

P. E. Burroughs, D . D. A valuable study o f means and methods from which the best results may be looked for in the manage­ ment' of a large school. The sugges- •tions and plan are of an unusual value. Cloth $1.50 The Present Day School Sunday School P. E. Burroughs, D. D. A study o f the whole range o f Sun­ day ■School organization and man­ agement. A book which will be a real help in your work. Cloth $1.00 W . E. Atkinson (com piler) Testim ony of successful men con ­ cerning the usefulness and high in­ centive of the Sunday School in later life; the good accom plished and the influence exerted by the Sunday School in every walk of life. An inspiring study. - Board $1.00 The Value of the Sunday School

W ill help you to accom plish the four objectives o f a Sunday School-—

To Reach T o Teach To W in. To Train.

Cloth $1.25

Sunday School Organized for Service Marion Lawrence

Gives in detail the duties o f the pastor, the superintendent, what is to be expected from each o f the var­ ious departments and the best ways o f getting results. Cloth 75c

Program for Sunday School Management

C. W . Brewbaker, D. D. Prepared to aid those who are will­ ing to give generously o f their ser­ vice, but have neither time nor o p ­ portunity to devote to special preparation for efficient work. Cloth $1.00

Building the Country Sunday School E. L. Middleton

The How and Why of Missions in the S. S. Wm . Brown

Contains suggestions for making surveys o f territories reached by no Sunday School; Hints for Follow up Canvas; Using Class Team s; Special D ays; Progressiveness; Evangelism ; Training workers; Programs. Cloth $1.25

A constructive, workable program for teaching o f m ission m ethods— an interesting study for the scholars. Cloth 60c

The School in the Modem Church

How to Run a Little Sunday School

Henry Frederick Cope Planning an adequate program of training for the young— methods, plans, details and “ how” material from actual experience.

E. M orris Ferguson, D. D. A work o f special importance and worth, keeping in mind continually the small school with its limited facilities. Cloth $1.00

I m

Cloth $1.50

If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D . unless otherwise specified. If books ar$ to com e by mail add 10% for postage.

A C H A L L E N G E ! For Your Consideration (Inside front cover).

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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