K I N G ’ S
October 1924:
B E S T B O O K S Any book reviewed or advertised on these pages may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rhymes of Childhood, by Edgar A. Guest. Good, wholesome, “ home-y” sketches of every-day child life, which children of all ages will enjoy. (Reilly & Lee Co.* Chicago) $1.25 The Magnetism of Mystery, Frank Chalmers McKean, A. M., D. D., Pas tor Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa. A book of sixteen ser mons from Old and New Testament texts. (Revell) $1.25 The Wee Folks Life of Christ, by Howard E. Altemus. A very good lit tle book for little people, telling in simple and dignified language the earthly life of our Lord. Illustrated with several colored pictures. (Alte mus Co.) 50c 1001 Bible Problems, Compiled and Arranged by the Rev. T. H. Darlow, M. A. This volume consists of a thou sand and one questions from the Bible, with answers. •These Bible problems furnish an interesting and profitable test of one’s knowledge of the Word of God, of special value in home and Sunday School Class work. (Doran) $ 1.00 The Bible or the Church (Second edition) Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. The second edition of a work by the well known English au thor, Sir Robert Anderson, for so many years the head of Scotland Yard. The book establishes beyond question the absolute supremacy of the Bible as against the supremacy of the church, as the Romanists: teach. (Pick ering & Inglis) $1.50 Handfuls on Purpose (Fifth Series) by Pastor James Smith. The fifth vol ume in a series of original outlines for sermons and Bible readings. These are most excellent expository outlines of both Old and New Testament stud ies and Gospel outlines. Truly they are handfuls of real wheat to furnish bread for starving souls. (Pickering & Inglis) $1.50 Dangers of Crooked Thinking, Cort land Myers, D. D., LL. D. Thinking crookedly leads people to act crook edly and so all life’s finer purposes are turned awry. Such is the theme of Dr. Myers’ latest book. In his customary outspoken fashion he directs attention to some of the crying evils of our times and the necessity which exists for preserving a correct mental atti tude of mind concerning them. (Rev ell) $1.50 Pioneers of Evangelism Down Un der, William George Taylor. A won derful record of the experiences of a Methodist “ circuit-rider” in Australia. A story of daring, heroic evangelism, abounding in incidents of conversions — sensational, dramatic and heart gripping. An intensely interesting ■and inspiring book. (The Epworth Press, London) $1.50 (Continued on page 664)
Being the APOCRYPHAL G O S P E L S , ACTS, EPIS TLES, and APOCALYPSES with other narratives and fragments newly translated B y M o n t a g u e R h o d e s J a m e s The first book to supply the English reader with a com prehensive view of the apoc ryphal literature connected with the New Testament. It contains fresh translations of all the important texts, and makes available the results of recent researches into their origin, history, and value. “ Upon Christian Literature and Art—in other words, upon the imagination of all Chris tendom — these books have had an immense influence. They have' lelt a mark upon our beliefs, our poetry, our romance, our sculpture, and our painting, of which few realize the extent and depth.” ^ e t $3.50 Oxford University Press c American Branch 35 West 3 2 nd Street, NewYork City
The India paper binding o fthe g e m t e s ta m e n t is id ea lfor ladies*use » and we know o f no betterg ift at the p rice than one in thefin er bindings . The only Testament of its size with bold type and pronouncing text Spscimen o f Gem Black Faced Type CHAPTER 23. fpHEN spake Je'gtis to the •*» multitude, and to his disciples, Pocket Size 3 ^ x 4 ^ inches 4102 Black Silk Finished Cloth,gold titles, round corners, red burnished edges............ .......................... $ -70 4113 French Morocco Leather, limp gold back and side titles, round cor« ners, red gold edges................ $ I »35 India Paper Gem Testament 4136XP Fine Grain Morocco, divin ity circuit, leather linings to edge, red undergold edges,with Psalms $2.J 5 c Ask your Bookseller or write to the publishers A.J. HOLMAN CO. 1222-26 ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA
V t —K-
A G R E A T S T U D Y M O N T H L Y The Wonderful Word Just the magazine tor the Sunday School Teacher and Christian Worker W. Leon Tucker, Editor This magazine contains Monthly Sermons by the world’s greatest preachers— Special Bible Read ings— Illustrations— The Victor ious Life Department—D a i 1y Devotional Directory-—Children’s Page and the Sunday School Lessons. . TWO GREAT COURSES are now running in the magazine. 1. Through the Bible in Three Years 2. Seventeen Months in the Prophets Regular Price $1.50 per year. Special Price $1.00. Send 25c fpr one dozen Christian Post Cards and a sample copy. THE WONDERFUL WORD 115 Fulton St. New York City
ChristmasMusic for
The Organist These are types o f publication to which we have given unusual at- tention for m any years. Octavo Anthems Permit us the privilege of showing you our bril liant festival anthems. They are full of inspira tion and melody and there are types to fit the desires of the most fastidious choir directors. A full list is in the Christmas Budget. Choir Cantatas We can do no more than remind you of the splendid things we publish and which will be found to be listed in our Christmas Budget. In addition, we can furnish anything issued in this de partment by other publishers and at the same rate. Solos, Duets, etc. It is difficult for the .average musician to select his special music, or was until we provided the liberal “ on approval" system which permits you to examine in your own home a number of composi tions, returning those which may not meet your needs. State what you have in mind—we'll do the rest. Organ and Other Instrum ental Music A card requesting same will bring something that we are confident will meet your heed. THE HEIDELBERG PRESS PUBLISHERS FOR DISCRIMINATORS THE WHOLE BLOCK— I5TH. RACE. SPRING.-HICKS STS. PHILADELPHIA Be sure to ask fo r our Christmas Budget— it is free. -fiBURCD FURNITURE. Pews, Pulpits, Chairs, Altars, Book I from our factory to your church. Catalog free. WleMoulirHJrM^&^OjHiptBiGreenviTle^Ill. n ■ ■ ■ I Racks, Tables, Communion Ware—EVERY- I THING. The finest furniture made. Direct \ |De Scofield Bibles— Biola Books and Christian Literature. Free tracts Agent for King's Business Catalog on request. N. J. Bible A Tract Depot, 353 Summer St., Paterson, N. J.
Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4-Octave Double Reed In order to introduce our L a te s t M o d e l L ib e rty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak cj»se. We will accept fo r a lim ited tim e orders at $40.C0 each (list price $70.00) A . L . W H IT E M F G . C O . 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.
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