King's Business - 1924-10


October 1924


K I N G ’ S


by The Protestant* Washington, D. C. Through facts gathered from many of­ ficial and private sources, this little' booklet presents in tabular form, for personal reference, the records of na­ tional Senators and Members of Con­ gress, on the great moral and patriotic non-partisan issues pending during the past decade. 50c Gleanings in the Book of Revelation, by William Easton. A simple, sweet and concise exposition of this impor­ tant book. Soul-refreshing and soul­ strengthening. . Accompanying thp book is a helpful chart. We commend this book to those who are seeking a clarified exposition of this neglected portion of Scripture., The times de­ mand that all those who love and look for our Lord should be acquainted with this most interesting revelation. Modernism in Action, by Elzoe Prindle Stead. Mrs. Stead has given Us in this little booklet a frank but kindly expose of conditions in one de­ nominational school, of which she has personal knowledge,—-thus presenting a unique photograph of similar condi­ tions existing in very many other de­ nominational schools of learning. In matters of this character, no matter how well they may be known in a gen­ eral way, most people hesitate to give, concrete facts, but Mrs. Stead has the courage of her convictions and has dared— because of her love and con­ cern for the youth of our land— to give voice to them. -This little booklet should be given the widest possible circulation, followed by the prayers of God’s loyal people everywhere that it may be used to awaken the consciences of parents and thus, save many of our young people from the^ shipwreck of their liv'es^, (Western Baptist Pub. Co.) 25c Four Pamphlets by- Richard W. Lewis, Evangelist “ This Way.” A small text book for personal workers, of value to ; those who wish to learn how to win souis individually to the Lord Jesus Christ; (National Book Co.) 50c The Devil’s Confessions, with intro­ duction by Rev. H, ,G. Morrison. A unique, realistic “ Diarjr’.’ of the devil’s doings for a period of forty days, set­ ting forth the personality of Satan and the wiles of his operations. (Pente- costal Pub. Co.) 50c What’s a Man? or, The Man Pro­ blem, “ Breezy Chats with Busy Men.” The author says: “ Books/ like people, are in classes.- One class' of people read one class of books. Only one Book——the Book-Sis meant for all elapses. This booklet is meant for one class. There are those who do not need it. But those who like it least may need it most. It is written so that He that runneth may read,” x (Andrews Printery,)ij5dc; The Meat and Bread Business."1“ A Cheering Chat for a Carping People.” An up-to-the-minute talk on an old- time topic; ' The author says: “ Eating is not ah end. We'-should eat unto an end. The fool lives to eat. The wise man eats to live.' The use

$ 1 0 0 t o $ 2 0 0 W e e k l y Every Week in the Year Christian Men and Women this is yonr opportunity to make big: money. Our representatives are earning more money than ever before, many as high as $200.00 weekly selling the New Indexed Bible. Endorsedand recommended by ministers, editors and Bible students everywhere. Thousands declare it the best Bible published.

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“Mother, what can I do now?“ is often heard, and this anxious query finds a real answer in the hundreds of unique suggestions for delightful playtimes— suggestions that just ache to be tried out. Both Mother and Child will enjoy The School of Mother*s Knee Margaret T. Applegarth Cloth $1.50 Books (or Mothers

A.F.Strohmeyersays— “ I can earnmore in a single week selling the New In­ dexed Bible than I ever earned in a whole month doinganythingelse. Thisis the Bible every minister, Sunday School Teacher or Layman wants. Nearly every demonstrationresults inasale.**

Olive E. Hill Says— ‘Tn three mornings I sold 27 New Indexed Bibles. It was the mostpleasant andworthwhile work I ever did. Touching shoulderswith Earth*8 choicest folksI enlargemyvision o fLife and its purpose, at the same time earning more money *“ less time ana with less effc thaneverbefore."

The New Indexed B ible combines three translations, or three Bibles in one, a compressed digest and encyclopedia. It is really a Biblical library at a costof a single volume. Nothing like it. You will enjoy using this Bible and YOU CAN MAKE MONEY selling it. . Write today for further particulars. State age, education and experience. BUXTON -WESTERMAN COMPANY 36S.StateSt. Dept. 22 Chicago,111. 455 Great Texts of the Bible That give a fresh and vital interest to Biblical truth. Can be made the subjects of sermons, lessons, talks and discussions. Every layman and minister who loves the Bible should own a copy of Wythe’s “ Pulpit Germs” in w hich the t* xts are topically outlined 1. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Dept. K. B. 227 S. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. •Please send me one W ythe’s PULPIT GERMS, postpaid for $1.60.

The Training o f Children in the Christian Family Luther Allan W eigle The Parent and the Child Henry Frederick Cope

Cloth $1.50

Cloth $1.50

Talks to The King’ s Children

Sylvanus Stoll

Cloth $1.50

Morning Faces

Rev. George McPherson Hunter Cloth $1.25 Pleasant Sunday Afternoons For the Children Cloth 90c The Sunday Story Hour Laura Ella Cragin Cloth $1.25 Stories for Sunday Telling Caroline Sherwin Bailey Cloth $1.25 If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to com e by mail add . for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. Big Money For Your Church Work Many Christian Endeavor, Missionary and other church societies have added $100.00 or more to their treasury by selling Christmas Cards. Nearly every family uses from 50 to 200 Christmas Greeting Cards, seals, enclosure cards, tags, etc. They would rather buy from the members o f your society than in the rush o f a store. Mrs Black's Christmas Cards are of the finest sentiments, art engraving and stock o f cards, paper, etc,, and the prices are very reasonable. You invest no money. S im ply} show the book of samples and take orders. These cards sell themselves. Pay for the goods after they are delivered and you have your money. Engraving done ,promptly. For further information write today to EUGENE D. BLACK 117 South .St,, Harrisburg, Pa.


Your Church can use from $50 to $500. Any live organization in your Church can quickly and easilyraise it selling Messenger’s 1925 Script­ ure Text Calendars. Churches the countryover havebeen doing it for years—so can you. Over 3,000,000 Calendars sold last year.

THIS CHURCH NEEDED MORE Enclosed find draft in paymentfor Calendars. Sendme another order blank as I want to order somemore. Thisis certainly helpfulto a Church desiring to raise money.**—Signed V. H.,Illinois Plan Endorsed by Ministers Ministers everywhere endorse our successful plan as a dignified method of . raising money for the Church. Write your own publishing house Today for plan andpricesonMessenger’s 1925ScriptureText Calendars. For 12 Years Produced by MESSENGER PUBLISHING COMPANY 31 4 - 3 t 4 West Superior Street . Chicago, Illinois,

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