King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924


K I N G ’ S



of a common necessity is commend­ able common sense. The misuse of even an essential something is always inexcusable.” A book which will help Christians to become healthy, happy and wise.. (Andrews Printery, E. Chat­ tanooga, Tenn.) 50c

THIS $2.75 BOOK FREE Hurlbut’s Story of; Bible For Teachers—Students— for the Home and School 1 6 8 S t o r i e s 6 0 0 H o m e S t u d y Q u e s t i o n s The Biggest and Best Illustrated Baok for the Price. 757 pages, 16 color plates, 250 illustrations. Cloth Bound. By mentioning this offer We will send the above volume absolutely Free with every $10.00 or more, cash order for Bibles or Testaments GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED WE SELL ALL BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS . Scofield Reference—Loose Leaf. Nave's Topical—Com­ panion—Annotated. Oxford Holman—Nelson*—Inter­ national. Send for Catalog. Our prices are regular published prices—Order can be sent from any catalog. Do not delay. Send order to NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY 433 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 3 Chicago, 111. FREE SAMPLE PACKAGE Gospel Literature Our stock consists o f Tracts, Mottoes, Stationery, Post Cards, Blotters, Gospel Stamps, Pencils, Bread of Life Boxes, etc. SERVICE CO., 2809 N. 13th St., Phila, Pa. WE PRINT BOOKS CATALOGS BOOKLETS PRICE LISTS Drawings, Halftones and Zinc Cuts Established 1883 Reliable Service FREDERICK $ ¿ 1 » CO. 316^318 N. 3rd St. S t Louis, Mo.

D A IL Y L IG H T ON THE DA ILY P A T H A DEVOTIONAL TEXT-BOOK FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Containing selections from the Bible only. This is the little book The Sunday School Times has so strongly commended to its readers. The Editor says “ Countless numbers, o f God’s children throughout the world have praised God for it, a s ’ they have been illumined, convicted, cleansed, cheered, . strengthened and uplifted in their daily walk with God.” D escriptive price-lists o f above sent on request by the Publishers. JAMES POTT & CO., 214 E. 23rd Street, New York “ THE LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLEV Twelve pamphlets; Illustrated. No. 1 to 12 12 O bject Lessons in Each Pamphlet The set of) 12 $1.80 postage prepaid Price 15 cents each, postage 2 cents extr^i Order by number REV. CHAS. EICKENBERG, 4029 N; Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, III.

WHAT CHRIST MEANS TO ME No mere man is the Christ I know But greater far than all below; Day by day his love enfolds me, Day by day his power upholds me. All that a GOd could ever be The Man of Naz’reth is to me. No mere man is the Christ I find Standing alone ’mong human kind; Living amid earth’s sin and strife Time’s miracle— a perfect life. All that a God could ever be No mere man can forgive my sin. And break its reigning power within, Or reach down to my deepest need And give life that is life indeed. All that a God could ever be That must iny Saviour be to me. No mere man can my strength sustain And drive away all fear and pain, Holding me close in his embrace When death and I stand face to face. Then all that God can ever be The unseen Christ will be to me. Dr. James M. Campbell Claremont, California

Earth’s Perfect One has been to me.

J IP IT ilT C H U L l l l o WANTED


Seven Questions in Dispute Ministers, Students, Active Agents—Write for terms F. H. RF.VELL CO., Publishers, 158 Fifth Avenue, N.Y

New Correspondence Course tNo2] ========= “ STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS” ............... H ILLING a long felt need for a thoroughly practical course covering our Lord’s life and principal teachings, Keith L. Brooks has brought forth this unique study employing the cross-reference method of interpretation. None, he believes, can get a correct understanding of Christ’s Kingdom teachings except in the full light of the Old Testament. “ The Bible its own best Commentary” has been Mr. Brooks’ motto in Course No. 6 and this new course and the popularity o f Course No. 6 has shown that hundreds of people appreciate this method o f study.


Verse by Verse Study of Matthew and John with comparisons in Mark and Luke— Every statement backed by Scripture references. Clear notes on all difficult passages. The student fills in blank spaces after reading references. Matthew, to the student, will become a new book, pulsating with helpfulness for practical everyday living. John’s testimony to our Lord’s Deity glows with a new light under the cross-reference method.

NewNo.2 £ Cour s e?» Complete for

No Examinations Given Lesson Work Only is Required A loose-leaf binder *or holding lesson sheets. 75c extra

»NOTE— Our form er Course No. 2 “ Life and Teaching of Our Lord” is being discontinued, Having been found rather too advanced for the ordinary student. Our Course No. 8 is also being discon­ tinued. Dr. Torrey’s Course No. 1 in Fundamental Doctrines will still be handled by us.

New No. 2 Course Excellent For Study in Classes. Lesson Material Complete for Members of Classes Not Wishing to Enroll and Receive Correspondence School Helps, Furnished at $ 1.00 a Set. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

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