King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S



BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students (Compiled by Miss Elfreda Stein) The Alumni annual reunion was held in the afternoon and evening o f June 20th. This proved a very enjoyable a f­ fair, a large number being present. The officers elected were: President, Mr. L. L. Gaylord, Vice President, Mr. Martin L. Long, Secretary, Mrs. Leila Anderson, Treasurer, Miss Bertie Guiteau. Miss Carolyn Thompson, '22, graduated in June from the. Riverside Junior Col­ lege. John T. Daniel, '15, graduated from the Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Okla., on May 27th. Miss Edith Harris, '16, sailed on May 10th for Africa, returning after an ex­ tended furlough in the homeland. Miss Frances T. Reid, ’21. is special field w orker for thé Bos Angeles Baptist City Mission Society. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powlinson and three children are in Los Angèles on furlough from Bolivia. Their present address is 201 W . 49th St., Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Hummel ex­ pected, according to word recently received, to leave Nicaragua C. A., for California on June 30th, for their fu r­ lough. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Huling, '19, have left the First Baptist Church of Pendle­ ton, Oregon, to take the pastorate of Immanuel Baptist Church at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Van Eddings, who are on furlough from Venezuela, expect to re­ turn with their children and the m iss­ ionaries God may give them, in August, the Lord w illing. Mr. Pow lison reports that Cromwell McKinney, '17, was very ill with pneu­ monia in May, and though not expected to live was taken to the newly estab­ lished rest home at Tacna, Chile, where he recovered through the miraculous in­ tervention of God. A m issionary party composed o f Mr. and Mrs. John W . Wilson, Jr., '22, Mr. William G. Scherer, Jr., '23, and Miss Elva May Burnham, '23, sailed from New York fo r South Am erica on June 14th, under the Inland South America Mission­ ary Union. Rev. A. E. Cook, '20. writes that the Lord has been wonderfully blessing his church at R ockford, Mich. He had just closed three weeks of special meetings and had baptized 17 people, expecting that about six more would be ready for baptism in a few weeks. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wetzel, '22, writes: “My present field of service is still with the Home Department of the C. O. D. in w eekly Bible classes, and on Sunday morning, in a new suburb of this city, I gathered in the children into a Sunday school held in a public hall. Many ch il­ dren have come but parents have not as yet availed themselves of this opportun­ ity to study the Word of God. Indiffer­ ence and love for pleasure are ever the greatest hindrances in this work. The much-needed fireside religion has not been neglected but we hope to establish fam ily altars in the home through the training of •these children. Five B. I. students assist in this much-needed work and we praise the good Lord for the open door of service, know ing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord, trusting His promise of Gal. 6:9, “ Be not weary in w ell doing, for in due sea­ son ye shall reap if ye faint not.” Miss Birdie Gilgert writes of her work at Sells, Arizona: “This year has been one of varied experiences, pleasant and otherwise, through which the Lord has never left us nor forsaken us. Begin­ ning the last of February we nursed a

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