King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S



and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, show ing himself that he is God (The Anti-Christ).” 2 Thess. 2:3, 4. II. This Lawlessness Communicated to Men As the day approaches the Lawless One is communicating his lawlessness to men. 1. There is Lawlessness in the Church. In order to be perfectly fair I want to face this situation In ecclesiastical circles. In the past this Lawless One has made attacks upon the church in many ways, but in our day his on­ slaught is directed, with devilish aim, to the denial of the inspiration of the Scriptures, which alone record the plan of salvation. The Almighty would not be worthy to be called Deity if He had icreated man, witnessed his fall, provided a way of salvation by redemption and then left man to discover that plan of redemption by chance through science or phil­ osophy or any other avenue of human investigation. The church could not be the greatest institution of the world had she no purpose or plan, no guide to her activities, no knowledge of what is expected of her nor how she Is to do it. The code book of the church is the Bible and the rankest kind of lawlessness is manifest in the church and toward the church when the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures Is denied. The world is asking, “What is the matter with the church?” The answer is not hard to And,— she no longer has a deep, burning conviction that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. In practically all the denominations preachers are stand­ ing In the pulpits declaring that the Bible is not the infall­ ible Word of God. This is lawlessness of the first order. The preacher who denies the first chapters of Genesis and ,substitutes any kind of evolution for the creative work of God is a theological crook. Spiritual thievery is more reprehensible than material theft. The preacher who has taken vows to preach the Word and then takes pay for preaching some other gospel is taking money under false pretense and all this is lawlessness of the worst type. All the lawlessness in the church is not in the pulpit by any means. There are those who sit in the pews who are deliberately lawless. The church members know that the Bible forbids the Christian to indulge in worldly pleasures for they say plainly: “ That the friendship of the world is enmity with God. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” Knowing this the church member says, “ I’ll do it anyhow.” This is pure lawlessness. 2. There is Lawlessness in Government. This lawless­ ness in the church both in pulpit and pew naturally leads to lawlessness in the state. If men will not respect the laws of God can they be expected to respect the laws of man? Governments are expected to respect the laws of nations are to be respected. The nations which have fallen have first disobeyed God’s law and next deliberately set aside their own laws. Disobedience to God’s law is the first step to anarchism. The first step has been taken and the world is tottering right now, wondering how soon the next step will be taken. The “ Reds” are not only lifting their heads but their voices higher and higher. Upon the streets of New York there was distributed an article containing this paragraph: “As far as we workers are concerned, the National Security League of Capitalism, their press, church and government, together w ith their holy constitution can go straight to hell! Down with ail constitutions, governments, capitalism, churches and synagogues! Long live freedom , equality, brotherhood and happiness! Long live Anarchism !” Have you thought how rapidly we are approaching such conditions? Juries seldom convict for murder. Murderers are freed on insanity pleas or some technical point in law

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