King's Business - 1924-10


T H E K I N G ’ S


October 1924

and allowed to take their places In society and even appear cn the stage to entertain the children. Prison doors open­ ing mysteriously over night and noted criminals escaping the justice of the courts. The constitution of the United States of America held in such contempt that the Bootleg­ gers Union, according to a report in a Los Angeles paper, dared to send a petition to Congress, protesting against the modification of the Volstead Act to legalize 2.75 per cent beer, on the ground that to encourage the sale of the so called “ lighter drinks” would decrease the consumption of whisky and other alcoholic beverages and thus destroy the profitable business which the bootleggers have built up! 3. There is Lawlessness in Society. Disobedience to God’s law and disregard for man’s laws leads naturally to the breaking of social laws. The rapidly multiplying num­ ber of divorces granted in our country is a terrible indict­ ment as to our social lawlessness. The growing disrespect for the purity of womanhood is a near approach to heathen­ ism, but in many instances these attacks are invited by the immodesty of dress and conduct on the part of the woman. The Cure for Lawlessness ; What can be done to change the situation? •Can a cure tor lawlessness be found? Crime Commissions are seeking ‘a remedy; Law Enforcement Officials are looking for it; the courts are asking for immediate relief. The church is supporting all kinds of reform movements. ATiTi THE REFORM LAWS THAT HAVE BEEN PASSED OR WILL BE PASSED, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FAIRLY SUCCESSFUL IN ENFORCEMENT, WELL NOT MAKE THE OLD WORLD ONE WHIT BETTER. This I say because all the reforms in bulk, or all the legislation that may be enacted, will not change the heart of man. Sere is the seat of the trouble; I "F or out of the h eart'proceed evil thoughts, murders, adul­ teries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies; these are they which defile a man.” Matt. 15:19. There is only ONE remedy; only ONE way to make fallen man a new creation and this is being set aside as “ old” and “ out-of-date” and “ insufficient to meet the need of the hour”— IT IS THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST WHICH IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION. I do not mean that spurious gospel which centers only in the ; “ Golden Rule,” nor the false gospel of social service, nor the ridiculous gospel of the church pretending to lift the masses through her dance halls, her movie shows, her commercial enter­ tainments, her theatricals, (commonly called pageants), or “ better environment” movements,-—BUT I DO MEAN THE GOSPEL WHICH WAS WRITTEN WITH BLOOD ON THE CROSS WHERE JESUS CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE AS A RANSOM FOR MANY. This is the Gospel which is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth! THIS IS THE ONLY REMEDY!!

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L O O K O V E R T H E S E Sermonettes for Children

How to Make and Show 100 Eye-Gate Lessons H y Pickering Pastors and teachers who are beginning to appreciate the fact that instruction re­ ceived through the eye is retained longer, will welcom e this very suggestive book. The title tells the story of its contents. Cloth $1.00 Sunny Windows W . Russell Bowie Little Sermons for children that will appeal and teach them the great Bible truths. Cloth $1.25 To Be or Not To Be S. D . Chambers Five Minute Talks which help the children to right de­ cisions— t o d e t e r m i n e whether they will or will not acquire certain good and bad qualities, which will make or mar their characters and lives. Cloth $1.25 I-Wonder-Why Stories Rev. George Adam , D. D. A collection o f story ser­ mons with the unique query “ I wonder w h y?” running through them all. W ill hold a child’s interest. Cloth $1.25

The Soul of a Child Stuart Nye Hutchinson Five-m inute-Sermons to Chil­ dren. A pastor who would reach the hearts o f children will find this b ook a rich mine o f suggestions. Cloth $1.25 Stories and Story Telling Edward P. St. John Discrim inating, interesting and instructive story telling is an art and should be stu­ died. Applied principles are recommended in this book. Board 85c The Man With The Iron Shoes H oward J. Chidley, D. D. Children have listened eag­ erly to these effective little addresses on themes like “ The Rattlesnakes’ Spec­ tacles,” “ Tw o Girls in One Dress” etc. Rich suggestions for the pastor with a juven­ ile congregation. Cloth $1.00 “ If I Were You” S. D. Chambers Story Sermons from the A l­ phabet for B oys and Girls. Cloth $1.00

T. C. HORTON, Editor The King’s Business 536-558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California Dear Friend: I will send you (

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