King's Business - 1924-10

October 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


HEADED FOR HADES Our cartoon this month is well' worthy of careful consideration. There is a depth of meaning in its mes­ sage. The present day popular education may he praised by the professors and oftentimes by the preach­ ers,—but when they eliminate faith in the Word of God they eliminate faith in the fear of God also, and produce the product of Lawlessness so rampant in our land today, and help to fill the ranks of the radicals whose lawless propaganda and work serve to send a shudder through our being as we contemplate the future of our be­ loved land. We are sowing in

Have you, indeed! You are treacherous teachers, supposed to instruct our sons and daughters in the ways of right thinking and righteous living, but there can be no real instruction without a constructive foun­ dation. You are audacious aviators, always in the air of speculation, saying to the people, “ Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as we are” but your gar­ ments are Satanic and your doings are devilish. Your wages are paid by the people while you rob their children of the true bread. Do you think when you throw the Bible overboard that you have ended

the controversy? You cannot see the rock ahead because of the big, blatant sail, but the rock is there, and there is something beyond the r o c k , deeper than the sea itself. It is perdi­ tion —t h e dwelling place of all false prophets and teach­ ers and devil-deceiv­ ed people. BISHOP BROWN BOWED OUT In the T r i n i t y Cathedral of Cleve­ land, Ohio, where Bishop W i l l i a m Montgomery Brown was christened, con firmed and partook of his first commun­ ion,—where he was ordained, where he was m a r r i e d and where he preached his first sermon.—he was tried and found guilty of heresy The trial opened with the 1 recitation of the A p o s t 1 eV Creed, and a Com­

the m o s t reckless manner the seduc­ tive seed o f sedition in the minds of our youth which c a n eventuate in but one kind of harvest. We may sail along for a season in reckless in­ difference as to the future. Our jails, penitentiaries a n d other penal institu­ tions are overflowing already with the vic­ tims of this vicious teaching, but the end is not yet. The history of na­ tions records t h e truth of God’s Word. Superficial ‘ ‘ scient­ ists” may mock at it. Sentimental teach­ ers may w r e a t h e their faces with su­ percilious smiles, but facts face t h e m which c a n n o t be ignored. We m u s t have some a u t h o r i t y higher than that of the high-brows who

laugh to scorn the eternal Word of God and who would substitute in its stead the plausible sophisms of the defunct philosophies of ancient ages, which wrecked the lives of their victims and left us the sad story of their failure. We should learn the lesson and fortify our hearts for the battle of life here, and prepare for an eternal home with Him who has left to us the only sure word of prophecy. Nations and people may “ play with fir e /’ but they will be burned. They may drift along on the sea of life; self-satisfied for a season, shutting their eves to the warnings given by God. The weather seems fair, the young folks are having a jolly time. ‘ ‘ Out with the old worn-out Bible” says the man at the helm. !;‘ Our fathers were fooled. We live in a new age. Our ancestors hung by the tail in the trees, but we have a new tale to tell. We have cut' t ie free" down and burned the wood.!.’

munion Service. One of his legal defenders was Joseph W. Sharts, of Dayton, Ohio, who defended- Eugene Debs for his unpatriotic speech at Canton, Ohio. The prosecution was based upon his own statements in his book, “ Communism and Christianity” in which, among other things, he is quoted as saying: “ I made an examination of everything under heaven: by means of which I could remain in the Church. I reached a Conclusion that the whole thing, our whole thought and belief about these things, would have to be reconstructed if we wanted to feel right about it. I wondered how-1 could remain in the Church and reject the existence of a personal God and of the whole system resting on two Adams. Then I did reaeh a conclusion. ■ ' 8 < q “ I then remembered that I had never preached about a miracle without making a parable out of it. Up to that time I had never noticed the—the—what Mr. Schroeder would call the psychology of it. Why

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