K I N G ’ S
October 1924
It was said of a certain preacher that his preaching had two faults: first, he was too straight, and second, he was too Scriptural. I trust no greater censure will be merited by us as Christian workers. (The second installment o f ' this splendid message w ill he found In the November issue.) ’ , SIXTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT, PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE Although the Philadelphia School of the Bible is ten years old, it has just held its Sixth Annual Commencement, '5-the first four years having passed without a formal com mencement service. The exercises were held Thursday evening, June 19, the Commencement Sermon being deliv ered by Carl Egli, a member of the graduating class, and pastor of the First Baptist Church of Port Norris, N. J. Dean W. L. Pettingill gave the Commencement address. The new school year begins Monday, September 29, pre ceded by the Annual Bible Conference, September 21-28. A new teacher in the conference will be Mr. H. A. Ironside, of Oakland, California, who is being greatly used of God in the exposition of His Word throughout the country. Pray daily for all these Bible Institutes which stand true to the fundamentals. They are God’s appointed means in these last days for the defense of the faith and the giving of the Gospel. THE OCTOBER CHILDREN’ S GARDEN is exceptionally interesting. Parents and children will enjoy a stroll through it. (Page 637)
preached the Word of the Lord.” The Holy Spirit forbade them to preach the Word in Asia; they spoke the Word of the Lord to the jailer and his household; of the Berean Jews we read, “ They received the Word with all readiness of mind;” Paul remained at Corinth “ a year and six months, teaching the Word of God among them;” of his ministry in the neighborhood of Ephesus we are told, “ This continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the Word of the Lord Jesus;” and Paul's part ing commendation to the elders was: “ And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified.” Such was the teaching of the Apostles— the Word! ’ the Word! Let us he full of such matter, and the results that followed their labors will follow ours. Let us use the Word of God in its naked simplicity, its convincing might, its arousing energy; in its enlightening power, its rugged strength, its comforting grace; in its assuring knowledge, its peaceful joy, its Christ-honoring theme, its God-glorify ing teaching, and its Spirit-giving utterance. This is the weapon we shall wield if we are filled with the Spirit; for one mark of being filled with the Spirit is a capacity to understand the truth, and an apprehension of the mind of the Lord, and this with increased longings to learn more. The Bible will be a new Book to us, and as we grow daily more willing to be emptied of our own ideas, the Lord will replace them by His own teaching, and unfold to us what we should never have understood with ever so great an intellect.
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