King's Business - 1924-10



K I N D ’ S


October 1924


ThisBook Was Written for You!

Its influence has filled empty pews, increased contribu­ tions, and made pastors more successful.

Just a simple brochure of some 28 pages, containing the story of “'‘How the Rev. Chas. Nelson Succeeded.** Nothing pretentious about the book— no famous writer is its author— yet it is one of the few booklets that have made men think, plan and attain worth-while objectives. It has shown countless ministers new opportunities for success in their church work. Alone it cannot add one iota to your prestige— not a member to your church, not a dollar to your church income; used as a guide post it will lead you to lead­ ership in your community, fill your vacant pews, extend the influence of your sermons, and secure to you the full hearted co-operation of business men. about your church, your work, your progres­ siveness. Your church will become an institu­ tion of pride to the community. Your Opportunities Increased You become a real leader in your community. The activities of your church members keep the church growing, leaving you more time to devote to planning. The larger congregation gives you the enthusiasm that spurs you on to greater sermons and bigger accomplishments; the financial independence of the church is reflected in your own income. All this is possible through our co-operative plan that give® your church a church paper without a penny of cost. It is all a part of the story told you in “How the Rev. Chas. Nelson Succeeded.** Ask yourself just one question: “Am I inter­ ested in spreading the influence of my church and in increasing its membership?** Your answer will tell you whether to turn the page, or mail the coupon, to

Advertising Your Church

Every red blooded minister will appreciate the discouragements fared by the Rev. Chas. Nelson — the aloofness of members, lack of interest, and absence of harmony in the pitifully small congregation. You, too, have perhaps faced the task of preparing your weekly sermon only to deliver it to a mere handful of people— have striven to build up the Sunday School in the face of apparent indifference and lack of helper«. The Rev. Nelson brings to his aid the powerful force of advertising, through the use of a parish paper. Now his efforts are crowned with suc­ cess; he receives— but you will want to read the story itself. The Parish Paper Idea Almost daily we receive letters from successful pastors who are using the parish paper in their churches. Some tell of the expanding influence of their church, others tell of the constant spread of the Gospel, many refer to the in­ creased interest of all church members. One letter speaks of “ the increased attendance, benevolence and offerings,’* another “ our church membership has increased from 100 to 200, our Sunday School from 67 to 170, and collec­ tions increased 300 per cent.’’ No Expense to Your Church These result® can be duplicated right in your own church— at no expense to you. The story of “How the Rev. Chas. Nelson Succeeded** shows you how, through a church paper. The Parish Paper will reach out into the highways and byways of your community, influencing the unchurched, gaining the good will of business men. With it you can keep the community in­ formed of your activities and get people talking

THE NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS, Grand Rapids Mich. Send me “ H ow the Rev. Chas. Nelson Succeeded" and full particulars and samples o f your Parish Paper, without obligating me in any way. (This literature mailed free only to Protestant Pastors.) Name ..............¿'¿.¡.i:...,....... Street ___......__....................................... ............ ..................... City .......................... >.:......i.J::........;..........:............:. (K. B. O ct.) (W rite Plain) Simply fill in the accom panying coupon, tear off and mail. The story o f “ How the Rev. Nelson Succeeded’* will inspire you to greater activity. Send for your cop y today. Use This Coupon

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