King's Business - 1924-10

ONLY Non-Denominational book which combines the best selection of both STANDARD Hymns and GOSPEL Songs. Therefore, it can be used for every service, for every season, and for every occasion. No other book will satisfy everybody in the church as “The Greatest Hymns” will. Send coupon TODAY for returnable sample copy. On request we loan a sample copy to music committees for 30 days.

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Unusually well-bound, light and easy to hold, “ The Greatest Hymns” is divided into two groupings. The first half embraces the great hymns of the church—hymns that the years have tested and found full of spiritual strength. The second half includes the chosen masterpieces of modern gospel song. Do you want a song-book with MELODIES of purple richness and MESSAGES of sovereign power that lift the burdened heart to God? Get “The Greatest Hymns” ! They will add spiritual force to devo­ tional services, saving grace and converts to revivals, glad hearts and enthusiasm to song services, and consecrated lives to the Church and Sunday School. Published by T a b e r n a c le P u b lis h in g C om p a n y , Chicago, Illinois F. O. B. follow ing Distributors: (Single Copies Prepend) BIOLA BOOK ROOM

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