Georgia Hollywood Review July 2020


10 documentary The McMillion$ Files 12 kids on film Rylie Coe is That Girl

14 local actor Karon Joseph Riley 16 education Agnes Scott College 18 dreams from the background Background Talent 20 acting methods Sharing Stories, Building Bridges 22 music Roberta Setzu is Atlanta’s Own 24 props Bryan McBrien – Cinema Greens 26 language in film Jimmy King 28 art in film Mark Boomershine – Art Insists on the Artist 30 gaming MomoCon – Geeks, Freaks and Gamers 32 georgia stars Powerhouse Duo Crafts Council of Dads 34 filmmakers Behind the Lens with Jesse Wolfe

36 cover story The Up and Comers 40 industry inf luencers To Hoard or Not to Hoard

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