54 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor 13 & Under Thursday Afternoon

38 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor 14-17 Thursday Afternoon

201 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Class 38, 54 or 252. Sunday Afternoon 115 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Adult Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Class 17 or 252. Saturday Morning ASB FIVE-GAITED SHOW PLEASURE DIVISION To be shown at a flat walk, trot, slow gait, rack at moderate speed and canter. 59 ASB Five-Gaited Show Pleasure Friday Morning 162 ASB Five-Gaited Show Pleasure Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Class 59. Sunday Morning ASB SHOW PLEASURE DRIVING DIVISION To be shown to a two-wheeled jog cart. To be shown at a flat walk, trot and extended trot, speed to be penalized. Light harness with snaffle and separate overcheck bit is required. 95 ASB Show Pleasure Driving Open Friday Afternoon 168 ASB Show Pleasure Driving Open Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Class 95. Sunday Morning ASB THREE-GAITED ENGLISH COUNTRY PLEASURE DIVISION To be shown at a flat walk, trot, extended trot and canter. 92 ASB Three-Gaited English Country Pleasure Junior Exhibitor Friday Afternoon

42 ASB Three-Gaited English Country Pleasure Adult Thursday Afternoon

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