MIND BODY SOUL Magazine Spring 2023 Aspen

Spring Refresh


For us, change requires our time and personal resources. inking about your own health goals, where might you like to pour more energy? What do you want to change for the better? Perhaps you’re not getting enough sleep. Or you’re eating too much junk food. Or you might need to nd a better way to cope with stress. To pour energy into one thing, it requires you reallocate it from something else – it’s a give and take. To illustrate this concept, take a moment to answer these three questions, writing down the answers to each: 1. What are your top priorities in life? 2. Consider how you spent each day last week, and include everything, from eating family dinners to checking social media. 3. Compare your lists. Does how you spend your time align with your top priorities in life? Do your daily activities support the things you’ve identied as priorities or do you spend a signicant portion of your time on things that don’t serve your goals? How you spend your energy reects what you’re actually prioritizing in life. So as you consider your own health, do the same reection. Do your daily habits support your health priorities? If, aer completing this exercise, you see disparities between how you spend your time and what you value, you’re not alone. Fortunately, health coaching helps people like you close that gap. Let’s start a conversation today to help you prioritize your future and pour more energy into your vision for a healthier self.

S pring always makes me want to refresh. We spend time cleaning our homes, cracking open windows to draw fresh life into their spaces. e daylight lasts longer, which seemingly invites more time into each day, and plants draw energy from the sun as they unfurl and blossom. Nature ensures that this process of rejuvenation happens each year. Yet we, as people, might miss the opportunity to refresh ourselves and our habits. If you consider what it really means, rejuvenating anything involves pouring fresh energy into that endeavor to create change.

e Well Being / St. Louis, MO / 314-954-8338 / melissa@thewellbeingstl.com / thewellbeingstl.com


MindBodySoul.media | Spring 2023

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