King's Business - 1924-04

She Kind'sBusiness The Bible Family Magazine F orever , 0 L ord , T hy W ord is S ettled

I n H eaven PSALM 1 1 9 :8 9



NO. 4


ic) APRIL,1924 6]

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LEADING ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE Why Did Christ D ie?........ -.......... ..........Pastor F. E. Marsh In Christ Jesus Glorified!........................Dr, A . T . Pierson The Authority of the Scriptures_____Dr. William Carter Jekyll and Hyde Theologians....................... ................ ..........._....... .......................Dr. George W . McPherson New Studies in the Life of Christ______________ ___ ........ ..............L--------....... ....... Rev. Charles H. Leggett God’s Proposition in Black and White...................... . ..... I................................................Rev. Keith L. Brooks SOME OF THE GOOD THINGS FOR MAY The Crime of Our Godless Schools.-..,..................... Cortland Myers Is It Christ or the Critics?...............................W. H. Griffith-Thomas The Necessity of Dogma..........................................Frederic W. Farr In Sight of the Cross...................................... ....................F. E. Marsh Is It Fundamental?................................................. ......... John G. Reid Six Weeks with Chinese Brigands.................... Mrs. Howard Taylor


T h ^ ^ r i t e n W c ^ THY WORD IS TRUTH john -17-17

I AM THE TRUTH john - i 4 - 6

H undreds of Hungry earts are perishing

--------------------------------- BECAUSE--------------- -------—------- NO MAN CARES FOR THEIR SOULS!

“Give YE them to eat” Matthew 14:16

Our Business

is to distribute the bread of life.

To This End We Prepare

men and women for Christian work, either in the homeland or in the regions beyond. Our students are at work the world over, and those in the school are doing practical Christian work in connection with our various Evangelistic Departments, while pursuing their studies.

We Make No Charge for Tuition

and the expense of conducting such an institution is necessarily very large. W e are not endowed, and have no millionaires behind us, but are dependent upon the gifts of Cod s people for the means with which to carry on the work He has committed to us. Our W ork is Founded on the OLD BIBLE a n d t h e WHOLE BIBLE

Where Your Funds Are Invested Your Prayers Will Surely Follow

Write for further information to T. C. HORTON, Superintendent, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

536-558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day,” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T. C. HORTON, E ditor-in-C hief

R. H . RICHARDS, B usiness M anager






TH IS MAGAZINE stan d s for th e Infallible W ord of God, a n d for its great, fundam ental doctrines. ITS PURPO SE is to stren g th en the faith of all believers, in all th e w orld; to s tir th eir h e arts to engage in definite C hristian w ork; to a cq u ain t them w ith th e varied w ork of the Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles; an d to w ork in harm ony an d fellow ship w ith them , in m agnifying th e perso n an d w ork of o u r L ord Jesu s C hrist, and th u s h asten H is com ing. Volume XV April, 1924 Number 4

Table of Contents

Editorials Page Light From the Lake Shore............................ ................................................... 195 The Deceiver’s Destructive W ork.................................................................... 196 E lder Hays a Little Hazy.................................................................................. 196 Mental Reservations..... .....................................................................................197 Congratulations to Dr. W. B. Riley...................................... ........................198 A New D epartu re.................................................................................................. 198 Contributed Articles Why Did Christ D ie?— Pastor F. E. Marsh................................................199 In Christ Jesus— Glorified— Dr. A. T. Pierson......................................... 200 Authority of the Scriptures— Rev. Dr. William C arter........................... 201 The Resurrection of the Body— Rev. Edward M. Bounds..................... 202 Jekyll and Hyde Theologians— Rev. G. W. McPherson........................ 203 New Studies in the Life of Christ— Rev. Charles H. Leggett................ 204 G od ’s Proposition in Black and White— Rev. Keith L. 'Brooks......... 205 Congratulations to Colorado Baptists............................................................ 206 The Thornless Rose— T. T. Holloway............... ^ .................................... 206 The Canopus S tone— Prof. S. Elliot-Skinner.............................................. 207 Current Comment .................................................................. 208 Our Family Circle............................................................ 209 Our Young Peop le................................... ......................... . . . . . ^ .................................210 The Children’s G arden ..................................................... ............................................211 Pointers fo r Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical H e lp s )............................. 213 Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China............... ........ ..................................... 215 Evangelistic Work and Experience......................................................................... 216 The Chosen People, the Land and th e Book (Jewish News N o tes).............. 219 International Sunday School Lesson Helps........................................................... 220 The Whole Bible (Fundam en tal) S. S. Lessons................................................. 229 Best Books .............Ii................................. ........................... .................................... 239 A W ord to the C r i t i c s . . . .......................... 240



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K I N G ’ S

B U S I N E S S -

f a s t e r

“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen. (Luke 24: 5 , 6 ) “Behold, the place where they laid Him. (Mark i6:6) “Go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead. (Matthew 28-7) “And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning Me. (Luke 24:44) “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; ‘And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures. **** ‘If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. **** Ye are yet in your sins. “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. ''But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits o f them that slept! (1 Cor. 15:3,4, 14 , 19 , 20 ) “For if we believe that ]esus died and rose again, even so them also that sleep in Jesus witl God bring with Him. **** “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air* and so shall we ever be with the Lord. WHEREFORE comfort one another with these words .” (2 7W. 4-.i4-i8)

LIGHT FROM THE LAKE SHORE The Bible is the great art gallery of the world. One never tires of the pictures found there. No matter how many times we have lingered and looked upon them, they have a strange fascination for us, and are always revealing new colors and new beauties. Thinking of the Easter time—thinking of Him—one Easter picture' which is found in this wonderful art

and hungry. He planned it all. He* is the same Jesus. Death and resurrection have not chariged Him. He is interested in their success. He knew where they would find the fish. = We do not know much, but we can know that He is the Son of God, the Creator of all things, God mani­ fest in the flesh ! Yes, but we know too, as we linger on the lake shore that He is also the Man of Galilee, still human, as well as Divine. He still sèrves, He still

gallery comes vividly before us. It is differ­ ent from the other pic­ tures found therein,— more real, more full of every-day suggestions concerning our Lord. Of course, the scene is on the shore of the beloved 1a k e—b 1u e Galilee. The Cross lies in t h e background. Peter and the other dis­ ciples with him are in the foreground. They are restless. All is new and strange. The sug­ gestion “ Let’s go fish­ ing” is as natural a thought as could find expression on the lips of these fishermen. It is morning, and they are off the shore. They have fished a l l night. A man stands on the shore and calls out to them, “ Children, have you any meat?”, Or, as it is literally translated, “ Boys, have you anything to eat?” Can we think of any­ thing more natural— the lake, the boat, the risen Christ, the men

■ lovés.* He is still inter­ e s te d in our earthly service. He still longs for fellowship with His people here. ; The disciples h a d forsaken Him, but He never forsakes. H e loves' them still. He cheers them. He feeds them. He has fellow­ ship, with them. What they talked about we do not know, though we do know what He said;to Peter as He re­ stored him. We know that He has burst the bars of death; that He lives; that we shall live with Him ; that we shall be like Him! The picture humanizes Him so that we can by faith reach out our h a n d s and touch Him, and we should do it daily. We know that we can snug­ gle up close to • Him. We can talk with Him, pray to Him, lqye Him and serve Him. We know He is un­ changeable. We know He is coming again, ,


The Lord is risen; He is riot here, O, wherefore this dismay. He is alive the world to cheer, Joy! joy! An angel did appear, And rolled thè stone away. This is the glory day of days; The resurrection morn. O Earth, rejoice! Let people raise ■„ Their voices in triumphant praise, With joy the day adorn. The power to make within us lies, An Easter of each day, Though trials dim our tearful eyes If on the wings of faith we rise, The stone will roll away. Praise is more potent still than prayer And yet the soul must pray; For prater and praise are wings that bear Our faith aloft, to regions where The stone is rolled away. Then, praise, because He loved us so, Let all with one accord Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him for Easter here below, And for the risen Lord. —Amelia M. Starkweather.

with whom he had lived, eaten and slept,-—for three years the comrades of so many strange experiences. He loved them. He loves them still. When the “ boys” reach the shore, the Man has built a fire, has put fish and bread upon the coals. Now He invites them “ Bring some of your fish. Come and dine.” Were this a fairy story it would be strangely inter­ esting as we waited for the denouement. But it is a true story, a marvellous revelation of the risen Son of God. He has prepared the fish and bread. He has built the fire. He was the cook. He knew they were tired

some good, glad day, and we long for His appearing. “ But”—ask some of the Modernists—“ Do you believe, in His physical redirection ?” and they laugh at such a preposterous belief and call it impossible, thinking that such an attitude upon their part evinces scholar­ ship, learning, higher culture. '. We pity them. Their theories are meaningless ¡to us. They but wander in a maze of speculation. They have no Gospel—no “ good news.” Our Lord Jesus- Christ said He would rise the third day, and Hé did. We are in tune with the anjgels who said, “He is not' here; He is risen !’’ HALLELUJAH !

April 1924



K I N G ’ S


ELDER HAYS A LITTLE HAZY Will H, Hays, former Postmaster General of the United States, and now Motion Picture Director, has our sympathy. When, as an elder in the Presbyterian Church and an attorney at law, he practiced his profession and taught a Bible Class, he had no doubt a quiet, restful life. Not so now. He has a big job and a big salary, but we do not envy him. In the Los Angeles Times today is an earnest appeal from Brother Hays, made by him at a gathering of editors, for their support in his effort to oppose cen­ sorship of the- films, on the same basis that any effort to destroy the freedom of the press or pulpit must be opposed. He said “ film censorship is as ineffective in execution as it is un-American in conception.” This was the posi­

THE DECEIVER’S DESTRUCTIVE WORK Every student of the world conditions is confronted with a marked evidence of the decline in morals, most marked of all in the so-called “ civilized” nations. Fifty years ago there were some moral standards, voiced by leaders and recognized by the people. Now they are gone. We do not mean that then the leaders were all moral themselves, not that immorality was not practiced by many people, for that has never been true in the his­ tory of the world. We are speaking of what was then the recognized standards of morality. The Bible was then God’s holy Word, and in our land it had a place of preeminence. Men then attacked the Bible, but they were outside the church, and there were but few of any importance. Now the Bible is

attacked on every side,—from the plat­ form in colleges, uni­ versities, seminaries, and in the pulpits of many churches. The B i b l e was then recognized as the foundation of moral principles and as containing rules for right living. Now it is differ­ ent. What is the rea­ son for the change, and by what means has it been brought about? There is but one reply. It is the work of the De­ ceiver. There are thirty

tion held by the whisky element for years,—but the pub­ lic, after fifty years of education a n d warfare, d e c i d e d that it was a menace to the nation. Mr. Hays does not say that the movie business is clean or above reproach; but suggests that it will o u t g r o w its low level by the natural law of elimination. He is not thinking of the children or the young people whose morals are be­ ing corrupted every

day, nor of the criminals who are being educated through the moving pictures that should be prohibited. No man may use obscene language on the street without being subject to arrest. Why permit our young people to be degraded by demoralizing pic­ tures? No one can doubt that the increase of crime among the young has been fostered by the “ movies.” Why should there be any hesitation in a matter that common decency demands should be eliminated? Is it a question of money that obscures the question of morals? Do we owe more to an enterprise that de­ stroys character in its formative period, because it fills the pockets of a few, than we do to our country which must pay the penalty by spending millions in detecting and punishing criminals? Any student of crime knows that the influence of the “ movies” has had a degenerating effect upon the morals of our young people, and that the standard has been lowered a hundred per cent in the last twenty- five years. It is silly to charge this condition to the war, and an unjust reflection upon the young men who paid the price and rallied to the defense of the nation. A remarkable commentary on this matter is found in the very same issue of the newspaper which presents the plea of Mr. Hays, in the form of a long story, il­ lustrated by photographs, of one of the leading “ movie stars, ’’ who was in the apartments of a Mr. Dines when her heroic (?) chauffeur called for her and shot the said Mr. Dines; and another story describing Charlie

names given to Satan in the Bible, we are using but one of them now—Deceiver—for that applies to that phase of his work which is so manifest today. Look at the signs displayed in the cartoon by “ The Modern Advertising Co.” Fifty years ago the Uni­ tarian church was a dead organization. Spiritism had just been introduced by the Fox sisters; Christian Science and Russellism were unknown. Mormonism was in its infancy, and New Thought had not been thought of. Satan, as the Deceiver, is"playing a strong hand. He has some new divisive suggestions for the human race. Look at the church advertising pages of the daily news­ paper,—innumerable cults, multiplying day by day, flaunt their claims. And why? A restless world is seeking rest. Hungry hearts are hunting for bread. They wander from-one “ ism” to another, ever seeking, never finding, food for the soul. “ For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” (2 John 7) Hath not Satan blinded the eyes of these teachers? And shall we not pray that their eyes may be opened to His truth? There is but One who can say “ Come unto me and I will give you rest” and that One is our Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood atones for all our sins, and faith in Him can alone give rest.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924

unbelief, for he is a free moral agent. We believe him to be wrong in his belief and seek to help him see the truth, but we cannot force him to accept our belief. But when a man signs the covenant of a religious or­ ganization, we can demand that he play as fair as a man is compelled to play in a religious organization, or a business organization, or a secret society, or in the marriage relation. And we do not hesitate to say publicly that any man who signs any agreement, of any kind, with a mental reservation, which he thinks enables him to deny his obligation to keep his pledge to the letter, is not an honest man, no matter what po­ sition he holds, and especially if he be a minister. Now contrast the preacher mentioned above with another Presbyterian preacher in Southern California who is build­ ing a new church,—Rev. Stewart P. MacLennan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, and the brother of A. Gordon MacLennan, of Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, that stalwart young soldier of the cross who stood alone against the other twenty-one mem­ bers of the Committee on Bills and Overtures at the last General Assembly. The officials of the Hollywood Church have adopted the following affirmation of their faith and endorsement of the Declared Essential Doctrines of the Presbyterian Church. We call particular attention to their reference to “mental reservations” last paragraph: Whereas, the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Los Angeles is now endeavoring to secure large gifts for erecting a new church and Sunday School Building, and, ■ Whereas, some are asking what assurance can be given that monies, if contributed, will not be used in the future for destroying faith in the doctrines which the Presbyter­ ian Church in the United States of America now holds e s - ' sential, and, WTiereas, the Session of this church, at a meeting held on March 29, 1923, without a dissenting voice declared its allegiance to all of these essential doctrines. Now therefore, Be it Resolved, that the membership of this Church being in full accord with its Session and Pastor and the doctrines declared essential by our General Assem­ bly in 1910, and reaffirmed in 1923, to wit— F ir s t: “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd o f G od a n d o u r s ta n d a rd s th a t th e H o ly S p irit d id so in sp ire , g u id e, a n d m ove th e w r ite rs of H o ly S c rip tu re a s to k eep th e m fro m e rro r.’ S econd: " I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of G od an d o u r s ta n d a rd s , t h a t o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist w a s b o rn of th e V irg in M ary .” T h ird : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e of th e W o rd of G od an d o u r s ta n d a rd s th a t C h rist o ffered up H im se lf a s a sa crifice to s a tis f y D iv in e J u s tic e a n d to re co n cile u s to G o d /’ F o u rth : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of God a n d o f o u r s ta n d a rd s c o n c e rn in g o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist, th a t on th e th ird d ay he a ro se a g a in fro m th e d ead w ith th e sam e b o d y w ith w h ic h H e su ffered , a n d w ith w h ic h a lso H e a s ­ cen d ed in to h eav en , a n d th e re s itte th a t th e r ig h t h a n d o f H is F a th e r , m a k in g in te rc e ss io n .” F ifth : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of G od a s th e su p rem e s ta n d a rd o f o u r f a ith th a t o u r L o rd J e s u s sh ow ed h is p o w er a n d love by w o rk in g m ig h ty m ira c le s. T h is w o r k ­ in g w a s n o t c o iltra ry to n a tu re , b u t su p e rio r to it.” goes on record by the adoption of these Resolutions, as be­ ing in the said hearty accord with its Session, its Pastor and the General Assembly upon the above mentioned es­ sential doctrines, and Be it Resolved, further, that no man shall be qualified for, or permitted to serve as a member of the session of this church or in pastoral relationships to this church, who shall not subscribe, in advance, without qualification or mental reservation, to these declared essential doctrines of our church, and, Be it further resolved, that no one shall supply our pulpit, who shall not be thoroughly known to the Session as being without qualification »committed to these declared essential doctrines of our church. No man shall be qualified for, or permitted to serve as a member of the Session of this Church, or be chosen to serve in the pastoral relationships to this church who shall! not subscribe in advance, without qualification or mental reservation to the Declared Essential Doctrines of our Church; and, No man shall supply our pulpit who shall not be thoroughly known to the Session as being, without quali­ fication, committed to the said Declared Essential Doctrines.

Chaplin in a fist fight in a cafe. Charlie was enjoying a meal with a couple of lady friends when his divorced wife came in with a couple of her gentlemen friends and disturbed the peace and quiet of the party. We are not sitting in judgment upon Charlie in the matter, hut just using the incident as an illustration of the effect of the moving picture business upon the char­ acter and ideals of those identified with it. Mr. Hays seems a little hazy when he proposes to abolish censorship of the movies. When the church re­ sorts to them as a means of aiding the work of our Lord we can only how our heads in shame. MENTAL RESERVATIONS Our mind has been disturbed by a statement made by a Presbyterian preacher (who has a pulpit of some prominence in Southern California) at a “ Conference of Progressive Religious Thinking” held in Los An­ geles recently. This particular preacher is known as a decided Modernist and does not hesitate but rather seems to enjoy the privilege of reflecting upon the Virgin Birth and Blood Atonement of our Lord. He is reported to have said, ‘‘When I signed the covenant of the Presby­ terian church I did so with a mental reservation.” Now the phrase “ mental reservation” as used in common parlance has a meaning which rather stag­ gered us when used in this connection, so—to be abso­ lutely sure that we were right—we opened the Stan­ dard Dictionary and found the following definition: “Reservation: In casuistry,— unexpressed qualification of a statemene, affecting or entirely altering its meaning; as, a mental reservation.” “Casuistry: That branch of moral science, which deals with particular cases of conscience, or determines duty in doubtful emergencies. Hence, sophistical reason­ ing, undue subtlety or hair-spliting distinctions in cases of conscience. Now with these definitions before us, we are able to understand what the Presbyterian preacher meant when he said he signed a covenant with a mental reser­ vation, i. e.,. in casuistry (which deals with particular cases of conscience, etc.) the intellectual preacher can juggle his conscience to suit himself, which he does. And this is not an isolated case, among Presbyterian preachers and preachers of other denominations, and the prevalence of this practice is one of the saddest signs of the times. If ministers can violate with im­ punity their solemn obligations, how can anarchy be avoided? If conscience can be so seared in the sup­ posedly “ holy places” what may we expect from the rank and file of our citizens? If our religious leaders are lawless"concerning the most sacred obligations, what about their followers? The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is founded upon a statement of doctrine which includes every funda­ mental doctrine of the Bible. Every Director, member of the Faculty and Head of a Department, is required to sign this statement the first of every year. So far, no man has ever signed it with a “ mental reservation.” Were he to do so, he would be a perjurer. God has given men the privilege of choice concern­ ing the paths which they will tread, but He has clearly defined the demands which He makes of men. He de­ mands honesty. If a man says that he does not be­ lieve that the Bible is the Word of God; if He laughs at the thought of Heaven or Hell, he is entitled to his

April 1924


T H E K I N G ’ S


CONGRATULATIONS TO DR. W. B. RILEY It is a great pleasure to the editor of this magazine to extend congratulations to our good brother, Dr. Wm. B. Riley, of Minneapolis, on the occasion of the comple­ tion and dedication of the splendid new auditorium of the First Baptist Church of which he has been the pastor

located in Jackson Hall, (the first unit of which was dedicated last spring), which is connected with the new auditorium by a broad hallway. The formal dedication of this, the largest church auditorium in the Northwest, and one of the largest in America, took place on Sunday, January 6th, 1924, and was participated in by Dr. T. T. Shields, of Tor­ onto ; Dr. W. B. Pettingill, of Philadelphia; Dr. R. E. Neighbour, Rochester, N. Y .; Dr. W. W. Bustard, Cleveland, and Dr. Earle V. Pierce, Brookings, S. D., besides a number of local pastors. The congregation of the first Baptist Church has grown, in the twenty seven years of Dr. Riley’s pas­ torate, from 662 to 2648. The Sunday School has an enrollment of about 3000, and the Training School has an enrollment of 200. Thank God for this loyal, faithful servant of the Lord, and for his fighting qualities so essential in these days. May every blessing be upon his church and school, and may God multiply such institutions every­ where in our land. W e N eed Y our H elp If a n y o f our1K in g's B usiness F am ily can assist us in secu rin g ad vertisin g o f a ch aracter w h ich w e ca n a ccep t, w e sh all g rea tly ap p recia te it. A ll com m u n ica tio n s re­ gard in g ad vertisin g sh ou ld b e addressed to th e R eligiou s P ress A sso cia tio n , W ithersp oon B ldg., P hilad elp h ia. T hen, too, \fre b eliev e th at there are at lea st 5 0 0 0 m em ­ bers of our fam ily w h o cou ld secu re from o n e to ten n ew su b scriptions, if th ey set th em selves to th e u n d er­ taking. W ill Y ou N o t R esp ond ? O urs is a figh t fo r our Lord and for H is W ord. T h e en em ies are m any, bu t if w e can reach the frien d s of Christ, an d th rou gh them w in oth ers to that friendship, w e w ill w in . T h ere are th ree thousand p astors to w hom w e w ou ld lik e to send th e m agazin e this year, and w e feel sure it w ou ld b e a g o o d in vestm ent. N oth in g g iv es a C hristian so m uch jo y as a face-to- face, h eart-to-h eart talk w ith som e unsaved p erso n ab ou t the Lord. H a v e y o u ever tried it? W h y n o t com ­ m en ce NOW b y can v a ssin g for su b scrip tion s to T h e K in g ’s Business, NO T for a com m ission , bu t for H is sak e, w h o lo v ed u s and gave H im self for us; rem em b erin g that " there is jo y in the p resen ce of th e a n g els of God, over ONE sin n er that rep en teth." W hat D o Y ou S ay? W e h ave op en ed ou r h eart to you . N ow give u s you r p rayers. G ive us y o u r effort. G ive u s an y su ggestion s, and GOD BLESS YOU EVERY ONE.

for twenty-seven years. It was my privilege to be in St. Paul when Dr. Riley first to Minneapolis, and to enjoy sweet fellowship with him for many years. Dr. Riley is also the Superintendent of the North­ western Bible and Missionary Training School which is now in its twenty-first Year. The offices and class rooms of both thè church and the Training School are

A N ew Departure

W e desire to record our sincere appreciation of the kindness of the many members of The King’s Business Family who have so graciously re­ sponded to our appeal to help us in the distribu­ tion of this magazine. Many have sent us their own renewals as well as new subscriptions for others, and some have sent us funds with which to send the magazine to pastors and missionaries. We Thank You All. May Your Investment Bring You a H undred Fold T h e m agazin e b u sin ess is a task th a t dem ands c ea se­ less effort. W ere w e to fix a su b scrip tion p rice w h ich w ou ld co v er the actu al co st of p u b lish in g th e K in g's B usiness it w ou ld b e at lea st $ 2 .0 0 a year. A s it is, th e m agazin e h as b een publish ed at a financial loss. T o illu strate: Y ou can buy, say, th e S atu rd ay E venin g P ost, for five cen ts. Y ou k n ow that th e actu al co st of p u b lish ing is m any tim es th at am ount, bu t th e ad ver­ tisem en ts p ay th e bill. F or th e p ast few yea rs ou r p o licy has b een to advertise n oth in g in T h e K in g's B usiness ex cep t th e b o o k s handled in ou r ow n B iola B ook R oom . W e have, h ow ever, re­ cen tly m ade an arran gem en t w ith th e R elig io u s P ress A sso cia tio n w h ereb y w e w ill a ccep t su ch ad vertisem en ts as w e can ou rselves h eartily com m end. T h e reven u e w h ich w ou ld b e derived from a cla ss o f ad vertisin g w h ich is read ily accep ted by o th er p eriod icals, w ou ld en ab le us to m eet ou r deficit an d h ave a profit besid es, b u t w e m ust b e tru e to ou r co n v ictio n s and to ou r Lord. W e are in “b u sin ess for th e K in g,” and m ust h o n o r H im in it all, and w e w ill.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924


C o n t r i b u t e d A r t i c l e s


____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ |w mwq?wffqpq?vq?q?qp^q?q?q?q?ffffq?ff'?q?q?q?q?q?^q?q?TOq?q?q?qpq?q?q?R?^q?q?q?q?q?q?'?‘? '? w < ? ‘? '? '7 '? 1i?‘? 1?q?lïï1g5g5a5g5H5B5ZSg5a5g5H5a5g5B5g5g5g5Z5e9 W ky D id Christ Die ? Abridged, by permission, from a splendid little book bearing this title by Pastor F. E. Marsh, Weston-super-Mare, England, H T is an unwarranted and an unscriptural fallacy to say, as a prominent Free Churchman has done, “There is a significant omission from the teach­ ings of Jesus of any definite doctrine of a sub­ in Heb. 2:17, in referring to the high priest who'“made an atonement” for the sins of the people on the Great Day of Atonement. Utcvm&vr ___1

In the 16th of Leviticus the verb “Kaphar” occurs six­ teen times, and is rendered “make an atonement” and “made a reconciling.” From the verb “Kaphar” comes “Kopher,” which is rendered “satisfaction” in Numbers 35:32, What the publican recognized in his plea for mercy was the need of atonement, or propitiation, to be made for sin, for we may read his prayer in the light of the word used, and its translation in the other place, “God make reconciliation or expiation for my sin.” At once will be apprehended the difference between the heathen thought of expiation and the Christian. With the heathen it is man’s vain attempt to give satisfaction to the gods, but with the Christian it is what God stated long ago, “Deliver him from going down to the pit; I have found an atonement” (Job 33:24, margin). God provides what He demands. This is the Gospel. “God is Love.” Christ taught that His death was the crowning act of God’s manifested love. When Christ would tell us of God’s love, He says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” The same testimony is given in other portions of the New Testament. “God com- mendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”; Mark what it says and does not say; it does not say, “Christ commendeth His love toward us,” but “God.” Again, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” Everything about Christ on the Cross is a manifestation of love. If we look at the Cross we see The Sacrifice of Love. A truer word was never spoken when the crowd tauntingly said, “He saved others, Himself He cannot save.” If He had saved Himself, He could not have saved others. At the Cross we hear The Prayer of Love. When His ene­ mies treated Him cruelly, He prayed for them graciously, pleading with His Father to forgive them because they knew not what they did. We listen to The Answer of Love when, in response to the dying thief’s prayer, “Lord, re­ member me,” He replied, “Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” We behold The Thoughtfulness of Love, as He commits His mother to the care of the beloved John, and bids her to behold her son in him. We are moved by The Anguish of Love as the soul of Christ is torn by His inward sufferings and as He enters the throes of being forsaken by God. We see The Thirst of Love as He cries, “I thirst," and discover more than a request to have His thirst slaked, for He thirsted in soul agony that we might never cry for a drop of water in hell to cool our parched tongue. We see The Victory of Love as He reaches the goal of His pur­ pose to die for our sins and to defeat the powers of hell (Continued on Page 242)

stituted and expiatory sacrifice.” Such a statement dis­ plays culpable ignorance of what Christ taught about His death. Dr. Denney has well said, “The last months of our Lord’s life was a deliberate and thrice-repeated attempt to teach His disciples something about His death.” . Christ spoke of a “baptism” He must experience (Luke 12:50), of a “lifting up” He would endure (John 3 :14 ), of a goal He must reach (Luke 13 :33 ), of a suffering through which He must pass (Luke 24 :7 ), of an hour with Him which must strike (John 12 :27 ), of a laying down of life which He would give (John 10:11), of a fulfillment of Scripture which He would make (Luke 24 :44 ), of a cup which He must drink (John 18:11), of a blood-shedding He would pour (Luke 22:20 ), of a love He would manifest (John 3 :16 ), of a death He would die (John 12:24, 25), of a vicarious act He would perform (Matt 20:28), of a gift He would bestow (John 6 :51 ), of a work He would accomplish (John 19:30), of a remission He would secure (Matt. 26: 28), of a power He would communicate (John 7 :3 9 )r of a profit that He would ensure (the word “expedient” in John 16:7 should be “profitable” ), of an outcome of eternal life He would obtain (John 3 :15 ), of a consecration He would assume (John 17:19), of a victory He would gain (John 12:31, 32), of an experience through which He would pass (John 12:24, 25), of a forgiveness He would give (Luke 24: 46, 47), of a God whom He would glorify (John 17:4). These are but some of the forecasts which Christ taught about His death. We shall ponder the principal ones, as answering the question, “Why did Christ die?” Divine in Its Provision 1. Christ taught that His death was Divine in its Pro­ vision. There are two great and yet simple definitions of God, namely, “God is Light5’ and “God is Love.” Both of these facts shine out at the Cross. “God is Light,” and therefore cannot pass over sin, nor allow it to go un­ punished; and there shines out in letters of gold, too, at the Cross that “God is Love,” for He provides what He de­ mands in the sacrifice of Christ. Let us look at these two things in the light of Calvary. “God is Light’” and His claims must be met in an expiation for sin, and that atone­ ment was provided by Himself; therefore, Christ’s death was expiatory in its sacrifice. Christ definitely teaches us the truth of expiation by sacrifice in His parable of the Pharisee and Publican, when He makes the latter repentantly cry, “God be propitiated to me, the sinner” (Luke 18:13, marg. R. V .), or “God make an atonement for me, the sinner.” The word “Hilaskomai,” rendered “be merciful” in the publican’s prayer, is translated “make reconciliation for”


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924

“ In Christ J esus —Glorified ” Dr. A. T. Pierson

keynote of both of the epistles to the Thessa­ lians is promptly struck in the third verse of > first chapter, in the phrase, patience of hope our Lord Jesus Christ. Here we are turned

2. OVER SUFFERING, endured at the hands of the wicked. 3. OVER DEATH, in resurrection and translation. 4. OVER ANTICHRIST and the devil. And in this triumph the saints are to be in every respect copartakers with Christ. His triumph is theirs, and His joy is theirs. Only in this grand consummation will it be possible to un­ derstand what it is to be in Christ Jesus. In our present experience several necessary hindrances exist to our full realization of the blessedness of our estate in Him. First, All this sphere pertains to the invisible. We as yet belong to a material and temporal order. Things visible, sensible appeal to us, because our physical senses are on the alert to receive impressions. We walk by sight naturally and inevitably; and the unseen and eternal can be ap­ prehended and appreciated only in part, dimly, even by those whose inner, spiritual senses are exercised to discern good and evil. To see the. visible we need only to open our natural eyes-i—it is easier to keep them open than shut, and to walk by sight requires no effort. But to See the invisible and feel the power of the eternal, is not natural nor easy; it requires sedulous and constant effort— the daily discipline of our higher senses. These things evade and escape us if we are careless, nay, unless we are most prayerful and careful; and at times the most devout and circumspect believer loses the vision of their entrancing loveliness, preciousness, and glory, and sets his eye on the lower good that seems so much easier both to see and grasp. But when Christ comes again and is manifested, He will be revealed, and all our being will be filled with the enamor­ ing sense of his reality, and we shall never lose sight of Him more. The now unseen and eternal will then be as vividly real as any objects of sight or sense. Second, This sphere of our life in Christ is now of ne­ cessity, partial. We are in this world, however little we may be of it, and we can not escape more or less of its contact, however free from its contamination. Our enjoy­ ment of Christ is interrupted by earthly and carnal sur­ roundings, even when the lower cravings are subdued. From time to time we are recalled to a painful sense of the fact that sin is in us, however free we may be from sins and sinning. We are compassed about with infirmity of body, mind, and will; and the thorn in the flesh can not be wholly forgotten in the all-sufficient grace. The weakness is there, even while the strength is made perfect, for that is the con­ dition of its perfect exhibition and manifestation. Perhaps it is not too much to say that perfect enjoyment of God is impossible, for our condition and character are yet im­ perfect or unperfect. How different when the last bond is broken, the last tie severed, and we are free to be only in Christ, not even the body longer hindering our perfect re­ semblance to Him and perfect communion with Him. What approximation to perfection may be possible, probably no saint has yet known or shown doubtless greater measures of resemblance to Him and more complete absorption in Him are possible and practicable than any saint has ever yet experienced; but it is plain that we must wait until He comes, and we meet Him face to face, and with bodies fashioned like unto His, ourselves without blemish,, as He is, before our inspherement in Him can reach its complete­ ness. (Continued on Page 246)

toward \the future, the second coming of Him in Whom we find the sphere of our final triumph over all foes. Hope looks forward to the future and fixes its gaze on this con­ summation, and hence becomes the profound secret of patience in present trials. The same blessed thought re­ appears in verses 9, 10. “To serve the living God, and to wait for His Son from heaven.” These two epistles therefore carry us to the climax of the glorious truth which has lifted us to higher and higher elevations, as we have gone from summit to summit in studying this progress of doctrine; here the Holy Spirit gives us a glimpse of our final, ultimate, and complete vic­ tory in Christ over all dnemies and all trials. Here we are emphatically reminded of His reappearing, at which time this gathering together of all saints is to take place about the very Head of the mystical body; and their manifestation in Him, because He himself is to be mani­ fested in glory. The Holy Spirit guides the pen of Paul to write of these two future and crowning relations of blessing that yet await all God’s saints. Comp. 2 Thess. 2:1, 8. “By our gathering together unto Him,” and, “the brightness of His coming”— the epiphany of His Parousia. Here we have both thoughts; and in fact both are found in the one verse which opens the second chapter: “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him.” To get even a glimpse of this truth, we must first know what is included in this second advent of the Son of God, as it is set forth in these two letters to Thessalonica. We present the following as a partial analysis of their contents, but sufficient to hint at the wealth of suggestion herein to be discovered: 1. THE REWARD OF SERVICE. 1 Thess. 2:19. For what is our hope, or joy or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? 2. THE FINAL PERFECTION IN HOLINESS. 1 Thess. 3 :13. Unblamable in holiness at the coming, etc. 3. THE REUNION of departed and surviving saints. 1 Thess. 4:13-18. 4. THE TRIUMPH OVER DEATH in the resurrection of the dead and the translation and transformation of the living, Ibid. 16, 17. 5. THE FINAL CONSUMMATION of salvation. Living together with Him, forevermore. Ibid. 17. 6. THE AVENGING OF SAINTS upon all adversaries. 1 Thess. 5:9; 2 Thess. 1:7-10. 7. THE ULTIMATE GATHERING together unto Him. 2 Thess. 2:1. 8. THE DESTRUCTION of the man of sin. 1 Thess. 1:8. 9. THE OBTAINING OF THE GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thess.-2:14. 10. THE FINAL, ETERNAL GLORIFICATION of saints in Him. Ibid. 16. When Christ comes again to com­ plete our salvation, there will be at least a fourfold tri­ umph : 1. OVER SIN, in unblamable holiness.

April 1924


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Authority) of the Scriptures By The Rev. William Carter, Pastor Throop Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. (One of a series of sermons on “Investigating Jesus” )

A ll S crip tu re is given by in sp iratio n of God,” 2 Tim . 2:16 ‘ No prophecy of th e S crip tu res is of any p riv ate in terp retatio n . F or th e prophecy cam e n o t in old tim e by th e will of m an, b u t holy men of God spake as they w ere m oved by th e H oly G host,” 2 P e t. 1:20, 21. “T he W ord of o u r God shall sta n d forever.” Isa. 11:8 H N this task we must first of all establish the rules of evidence, the tenets of testimony, the preced­ ents, documents and authorities for our basic fun­ damental. In other words, we must have a recog­ nized court of inquiry, an authoritative tribunal, a final arbiter and judge. Rules of evidence insist that the witness must be trust­ worthy, that the testimony be credible, that the precedents and authorities be unbiased and veritable. The first thing that is necessary, therefore, is to establish the veritability of the Scriptures as our final arbiter, to prove that it is the system of law as given by the Supreme Judge of the uni­ verse, that the testimony as given by this authority is cred­ ible, and that the witnesses are trustworthy as to the cir­ cumstances and conditions under which they testified. We are to prove, in other words, that “no prophecy of the Scrip­ ture is of any private interpretation,” that, on the other hand, “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and that, if those things are so, if “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost,” and not through any personal bias or “private interpretation,” the witnesses must be trustworthy, the testimony credible and this “Book of the Law,” as the inspired Word of God, must be a verit­ able authority of no passing power, but one that must “stand forever” as our final arbiter and guide. Why we should be compelled to prove this after all these years of the pre-eminence of the Bible it is hard to say. No one has come forward to dispute the authority of Black- stone’s Commentaries as an arbiter in the law. He is still referred to every day, in our courts of law, as authoritative, and an established precedent from his works is regarded as of highest moment. Webster’s arguments in the Dart­ mouth College case are still taken as conclusive for all charters and corporations governed by the same, Alexander Hamilton is still accepted as authority, par excellence, in all constitutional matters. Why not the Bible and the prophets of God in matters spiritual? It is illogical to ac­ cept the one and not the other, and yet, Percy Stickney Grant says, as quoted in last Sunday’s New York Times, “Adam was a myth!” “We have at least the right,” he goes on to say, “to disencumber our minds from these an­ cient theories of creation and thought of God, and these myths as to how man came into the world and where his troubles came from.” And yet, Dr. S. D. McConnell says, in his “Confessions of an Old Priest,” speaking even of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, “I was driven to confess to myself that His teaching, in these regards not only could not, but ought not to be followed.” Fallibility of Reason and Science We well may ask with the Psalmist, in view of all this: “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” If we have no final court of appeal, no law and testi­ mony to argue from, what shall we accept as authoritative? Reason? Science? Note how they correct themselves from day to day. Note how they argue among themselves. Note how one school denounces another and laughs at their pro­ nouncements, and you see into what “confusion worse con­

founded” we are plunged. We must have some foundation on which to build. Reason is biased. Science is not agreed. “We have a more sure word of prophecy,” and would say to the critics, as Peter goes on to say, “Whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the Day Star arise in your hearts.” Since I am speaking not to theologians but to the great mass of people interested in these things at the present time, when people— thanks to the critics— are talking more about the Bible and Biblical doctrines than ever before, I am not going to give the usual theological argument but plain statements and illustrations that will set forth the doctrine of inspiration and prove the authority of the Scriptures as a basic fundamental and a court of last ap­ peal, where we can try the case of Jesus and the doctrines pertaining to Himself now so violently opposed te the mod­ ernists and rationalists. The first argument that I wish to bring forward in proof of the inspiration and divine authority of the Bible is: The writers could not possibly have known of the matters of which they wrote in any other way. It was during the reigns of Rameses II, “the Pharaoh of the oppression,” and Menepthah, “the Pharaoh of the Ex­ odus,” about 200 years after Tutankhamen, that Moses lived, but we have no evidence from their tombs, which were discovered many years ago, that the Egyptians of that time had any formulated system of the universe as found in Genesis. Dr. David R. Breed tells us in his work on the Israelites in Egypt that Moses undoubtedly went to the “House of Seti,” a university whose ruins are still standing in the Valley of the Kings, that this university taught lit­ erature, medicine, architecture and art in general, that music was included and Moses undoubtedly took a course in music; but he does not mention astronomy, for it was not until the time of Ptolemseus Claudius, in the 2d Cen­ tury, A. D., that astronomy was brought to its fruition, by that mathematician and astronomer, in the Ptolemaic sys­ tem of the universe, which was superseded by the Coper- nican system in the 16 th Century. Not only was there nothing in Egypt to guide Moses. but in all the Syrian and Assyrian lands there was nothing on which he could build his system. How, then, did Moses know astronomy 1,500 years before Ptolemy? How could he formulate a system of cosmogony that accounts for the orderly development of the universe “in the heavens above, the earth beneath and the waters under the earth?” The critics may say, “but he was wrong!” That would be a final argument, if it were true, but Cuvier, the founder of the science of paleontology, says: “Moses has left us a cosmogony the truth of which is being verified more and more day by day,” while Prof. Dana, late professor of ge­ ology in Yale, says: “The first page of Genesis corresponds so clearly with the last page of Nature as to prove that both were written by the same hand.” How could this be? The only explanation is God! “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.” We appeal to the “law and the prophets,” aye, and to the scientists them­ selves! Which ought to prove to the most case-hardened, (Continued on Page 248)

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