King's Business - 1924-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924

T h e Canopus Stone By Prof. S. Elliott-Skinner, Lecturer at the British Museum, London.

second Syrian war ended by treaty that year as follows: Ptolemy 11 ( Philadelphia), the king of the south (Egypt) stipulated that Antiochus 11 (Theos), king of the north (Syria) was to put away his wife, Laodice and also declare her sons illegitimate and marry Berenice the daughter of Ptolemy instead. Their first-born son was t o ;be declared heir to the Syrian throne. Ptolemy gave so large a dower with his daughter that he was nicknamed “the Dower-giver.” A year later a son was born to Berenice, hut as Ptolemy II died shortly after, Antiochus II recalled his first wife, Laodice and her sons, thinking to repudiate Berenice and her infant. Laodice, however, poisoned her husband and made her son, Seleucus II (Callinicus) . king and pursued Berenice, who had fled to the Asylum at the grove of Daphne. Her father could not help her. being now dead, hut her brother, Ptolemy III, marched with an army to the rescue. All the cities of Asia Minor were on her side and ready to open their gates to her, but the relentless old queen procured the murderer of the young queen and her infant at Daphne. Ptolemy, however, arrived shortly after with a large army and completely defeated the Syrian king and his brother and executed the murderess, Laodice. So success­ ful was he that he recovered many priceless objects which had formerly been carried off from Egypt by the Persian monarch Camhyses many years before. Ptolemy outlived his. rival, Seleuchus II, and returned in safety to his own land to inaugurate a golden age of Greek culture. The fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy was truly miracul­ ous., and the Canopus Stone cries aloud of it over two thousand years after.

This stone is usually called the “Decree of CanopuB” because it contains a certain decree of the priesthood as­ sembled at Canopus. The original is at Cairo and at the British Museum there is a very fine cast of the same. The stone is reminiscent of the victories and the benefits which Ptolemy III (Euergetes) conferred on Egypt. This king conquered Asia Minor and for a brief space held Western Asia in fee. To commemorate this the priesthood assembled at Cano­ pus in the ninth year of his reign and passed a decree con­ ferring special honors on the king and his queen Bere­ nice II. It was ordered that the decree be cut in the Greek and Egyptian languages on stelae to be set up in the most prominent places in temples of the first, second and third class throughout Egypt, in order that all men might read of the king’s bounty. The Egyptian version was inscribed in two kinds of writing, viz., in hieroglyphics and in de­ motic. The decree also ordered that one day be added to the calendar every fourth year, thus anticipating the Leap- year of modern times. To appreciate the value of this stone, it is necessary to turn to Daniel 11:6-9: "A nd in th e en d o f y e a rs th e y sh a ll jo in th e m se lv e s to g e th e r, fo r th e k in g ’s d a u g h te r of th e S o u th sh a ll com e to th e k in g o f th e n o rth to m a k e a n a g re e m e n t, b u t sh e sh a ll n o t r e t a i n , th e p o w er o f th e a rm , n e ith e r sh a ll h e sta n d , n o r h is a rm ; b u t sh e sh a ll be g iv e n up, a n d th e y th a t b ro u g h t h er, a n d he th a t b e g a t h er, a n d he th a t stre n g th e n e d h e r in th e se tim es. B u t o u t of a b ra n c h of h e r ro o ts sh a ll one s ta n d up in h is e s ta te , w h ic h sh a ll com e w ith a n arm y , a n d sh a ll e n te r in to th e f o rtr e s s of th e k in g 'o f th e n o rth , a n d sh a ll d eal a g a in s t th em , a n d sh a ll p r e v a ilt a n d sh a ll a lso c a r r y c a p tiv e s in to E g y p t th e ir g o d s, w ith th e ir p rin ces, a n d w ith th e ir p re c io u s v e sse ls o f silv e r an d of g o ld , a n d ,he s h a ll c o n tin u e m o re y e a rs th a n th e k in g o f th e n o rth . So th e k in g of th e so u th sh a ll com e in to h is k in g d o m , a n d sh a ll r e tu r n in to h is ow n la n d .” Daniel received this prophecy by special revelation in 534 B. C. and it came to pass in the year 250 B. C. The

A WORD OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, APOLOGY AND APPRECIATION To Our Subscribers: First,—-we want to acknowledge that the mailing office of the King’s Business has not in the past been properly equipped to handle the large number of new subscriptions and renewals which are always received the first of the year, and which this year completely overtaxed the office machinery. Handling from forty to fifty thousand names is no small undertaking, as you can easily understand. We make our humble apology for this condition of affairs, but rejoice in the good news that comes from Mr. R. H. Richards, our efficient Business Manager, that this condition of affairs has now been overcome, and that his office is now capable of taking care of one thousand subscriptions every day! If the members of our K. B. Family will “get on the job” we will prove it to them. Then, a word of appreciation and heart-felt thanks to those friends who have so patiently borne with us, and who have written us of the helpfulness of the magazine and of their hearty sympathy with us in our fight in defense of the faith, as well as our effort to deepen the spiritual life of the children of God,— old and young. We want you to feel perfectly free to write us at any time that you have any suggestions or criti­ cisms to make regarding your magazine. Yours in fellowship,

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