H undreds of Hungry earts are perishing
--------------------------------- BECAUSE--------------- -------—------- NO MAN CARES FOR THEIR SOULS!
“Give YE them to eat” Matthew 14:16
Our Business
is to distribute the bread of life.
To This End We Prepare
men and women for Christian work, either in the homeland or in the regions beyond. Our students are at work the world over, and those in the school are doing practical Christian work in connection with our various Evangelistic Departments, while pursuing their studies.
We Make No Charge for Tuition
and the expense of conducting such an institution is necessarily very large. W e are not endowed, and have no millionaires behind us, but are dependent upon the gifts of Cod s people for the means with which to carry on the work He has committed to us. Our W ork is Founded on the OLD BIBLE a n d t h e WHOLE BIBLE
Where Your Funds Are Invested Your Prayers Will Surely Follow
Write for further information to T. C. HORTON, Superintendent, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES
536-558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, California
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