K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1924
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Interesting Stories from Real Experience As tdd by Bibie institute workers
E v a n g e l i s t i c U e p a r t m e n t
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses, an d Soul W inning Clubs. Euodia Work “If ye ask anything in my name, I will do it.” In one of the Grammar school classes the girls have proved this verse to be true, thus learning the power of prayer. It is interesting to hear the girls from week to week tell of the wonderful ways in which God has answered their prayers. A few months ago their faith was put to the test when three of their number decided not to come to the Club anymore. All the girls began to pray and for over a month thirty girls were praying every day for these three girls, believing that God alone was able to bring them back to the Club. I wish you could have seen their joy when finally one 6f. the three girls came back, and the following week another one came. Then the girls knew that nothing was too hard for God. Both these girls accepted the Lord as their Sav iour and are now busy winning other girls for Him. In one of the High School classes, during the past three months five of the girls have definitely surrendered their lives to Him for service on the Foreign Mission field. One of these girls has asked for more help on how to lead girls to a definite acceptance of the Lord as Saviour. She has already won one soul for Him and is very enthusiastic and joyous in the Lord’s work. She said, “I want to get into the business of soul winning now, I can’t wait until I get to the mission field,” I wish that I could give you a glimpse into the hearts of some of these girls who have accepted the Lord in the Euodia Club. He has come to mean so much to them that they want every girl in school to belong to Him. There was great joy in one of the classes just before Christmas when five of their number accepted the Lord. There is no greater joy for a teacher than to have classes in which the mem bers are doing real personal work and earnestly praying for the unsaved. I praise God for t"he privilege of teaching such classes. The Eteri Girls This story began last July at the Lyceum Eteri Club Con ference, where a girl who, to use her own words, had ac cepted Christ as Saviour, but had never crowned Him as King, surrendered her life to Him giving Him the first place in everything. Then in the darkness and quiet of the night, under the friendly- stars she told a story,— alas, too sadly common in this age— Her parents in their early days, had been devoted Christians, having family prayer, and Bible study in the home, “and now” said the girl “they are too busy to even go to church.” She was so anxious that those so dear to her might have Him as King of their lives also. As we talked she got the vision of how her testi mony and life might help them. She returned home, told them of the conference, and of the step she had taken. Turning to the piano, she sang some of the songs and choruses so popular. Taking out her pocket Testament, she read some of the scripture that had been used, then she asked that they have prayer together. Kneeling she tried to pray, but as she afterward said, “Oh I could only say,
‘Our Father.’ ” How pleased the Father must have been with this dear child of His, who in her newly awakened, deeper love, was witnessing so courageously. After that in prayer circles, so often a timid voice would say, when re quests were asked for, “One unspoken request,” Did not God listen most tenderly, as prayer was made, and as this devoted daughter put in that prayer her parents names? I am sure He did, for just before Christmas, with a voice, vibrant with happiness, and a face radiant with joy, she said, “God has given me the most wonderful Christmas present, my father and mother are both joining the Church, and taking an active part in the young people’s work.” Oh how much these Clubs do, not only for young, but for older people also; and how far reaching their influence, who can estimate? A young woman, at the close of one of the Eteri Club meetings came to the teacher to say how much the lesson, which was on the latter part of the first chapter of John, had helped her. How natural for the teacher to take her off to a quiet corner and talk more fully to her about her salvation. She accepted the Lord as her Saviour, and after she had thanked Him for bearing her sins, she said, “I am ashamed to say it, but I am twenty-three years old, a teacher in the schools, and never knew until this evening, what the Lamb of God meant.” A Junior P. T. L. Club Two little;boys, who had been members of the Junior Pocket Testament Club moved too far away to attend the meetings. - The Bible woman was careful to locate them in a Sunday school where the Word of God was taught and honored, but they were not satisfied without the study of the Bible during the week, and were longing for their Club. Finally the mother asked the Bible woman if she would not come to the house and form a new club for the boys, offering her beautiful new home as a place of meeting, and the Bible woman consented, stipulating that the boys should get together at least ten or twelve boys within two weeks as a nucleus for the new club. Energetically the boys went to work, and at the stipulated time, there were gathered in their home, not ten, but fourteen boys, most of them in junior high school, and so was formed our latest Pocket Testament Club for boys. Among them were two Jewish boys. One came a few weeks and then was forbidden by his parents to attend. The other was permitted to attend, but not allowed to become a member of the Club. However, he enjoys all the privileges of membership. As he could not carry the New Testament, he was given a copy of the book of Genesis, the stories were told from the Old Testa ment, constantly bringing out the types of the death of the Lord Jesus, who is spoken of as “Our Lord.” The boys tell their stories from the New Testament, and thus com- * plete the picture. The little fellow has read Genesis through twice in three months, and when the young secre tary was moving away, suggested that he could fill the of fice acceptably. The privilege was granted him, by vote of the boys, though he is not technically a member of the club. Another boy coming into the club was absolutely ig norant of the Bible. But after receiving his Testament,
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