April 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
the other boys observed that he was better behaved in school, that his appearance improved, his language changed, and the one period each day that was given to the boys to read what they pleased, he spent poring over his Testa ment. Recently there has come into the home an old grand mother whose life has been away from the Word of God for many years. She has faithfully been present at every meeting of the club, and at the last meeting inquired of the Bible woman if the “little Bibles’’ could be purchased as she desired one. One was presented to her, and we are now looking for the effect of the precious Word of God in the life of this dear woman. ate ate SPANISH WORK R obert H . Bender, Supt.— Gospel M eetings an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles an d V icinity. “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”— “We have also a more sure word of prophecy.” the dupes of Rome are made to believe in regard to the mass which is daily celebrated in the Roman Catholic Churches. They are made to believe that the priest has power to convert the “host” or “wafer god” into the very flesh and blood and Deity of Jesus Christ. One way they have of causing the more ignorant to believe this is by cir culating testimonies of experiences which some have had to prove the reality of Jesus Christ in the “wafer god.J’ “ The following story was recently told me by a young man who is in the hospital. • He said a certain priest had his doubts concerning this thing, and was more or less indifferent in executing the sacrifice of mass, so one day while saying mass, and with the “wafer god” in the chalice, all of a sudden the wafer seemed to rise from off the altar and as the priest saw it he marveled, and then as he thought about having doubted the existence of Jesus Christ in it he became sorry and repented of his doubt, after which contrition the “wafer god” returned to the altar and ever after that he said that the wafer god through the words of the priest became literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and this young man sincerely believed this as a fact. I said to him, “did you know the priest?” and he said “no, but he had read it.” I then said to him “that is one of the many fables they pass on to the ignorant who have never seen nor heard the “More Sure Word.” Praise God that He has given us this “sure Word” for if it were not for it we, too, would be following cunningly devised fables. It may be well for us to sound a word of alarm. If we turn away from the Bible or even turn to the so-called “Shorter Bible,” is there not danger that some even among the Protestants will follow cunningly devised fables? “Be cause that some when they knew God glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their im aginations, and their foolish heart was da rk en ed ................ who changed the truth of God into a lie.” This is what happened after the so-called “conversion” of Constantine when Church and State were united, the Church departed from the Scriptures, and then followed the proclamation of the Bishop of Rome as the Pope. But from the fourth cen tury Rome began to 1introduce new inventions which brought on the Dark Ages. We are surely living in an age when it seems that history is to be repeated. May God who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ ought o be the happiest people in the world, because of he sure Word which has been given unto us. Vill you bear with me while I relate to you what
help us to love and prize the “More Sure Word” for in doing so we shall be saved from “cunningly devised fables.” In one of our railroad camps where we held cottage meet ings twice a month there lived six believers. The Company had put a new boss over the gang and since he was an Irish Catholic, naturally-—when some of the unbelieving men of the camp told him of these “Protestants”— they were ordered out of camp, which meant losing their job. No other reason was given but that they were Protestants and that they were “corrupting the camp.” Thus you see their “tender mercies” for those that do not agree with them religiously. Yes, this happened in so-called Christian America. Another young man after his conversion returned to his home in Mexico to tell his folks, and his mother had put him in jail because he was a Protestant, but recently this mother came up here on a visit and her son took her to a Protestant Mexican Church and she then and there accepted the Lord as her Saviour too. Praise God for the steadfast ness of the converts! Other converts report the conversion of several through their testimony. So we praise God for His wonderful work to the children of men. Please continue 'to pray that G.od will enable us to have a colporteur to assist us in this great work and that we may be able to have many prayer helpers as well as those who shall carry the message to their own in Mexico. Pray God to bless our Bible class and that He may thrust some forth into the fields that are white unto the harvest. WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible C lasses an d Personal W ork, S treet M eet ings an d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings for Jew s of Los Angeles. “ Therefore let all the H ouse of Israel know asusredly th a t God h ath m ade th a t sam e Jesu s w hom ye have crucified both L ord and C hrist” (A cts 2 :36). OR years past the workers of the Jewish Depart ment have been seeking in various ways to con vince Jewish hearts and minds that Jesus not only is God but is also the long-promised Messiah of Israel. Stores and homes are being systematically and faithfully visited, thousands of letters have been written, street meet ings are being held in various Jewish quarters; hundreds of Jewish boys and girls, men and women have been per sonally interviewed, and indoor Jewish meetings are being conducted, all with the hope and prayer that some of the lost sheep of the “House of Israel might be saved.” All classes of Jews are met and dealt with in these varied ways. Sometime ago when Dr. Torrey was in Philadelphia, a converted Jewess heard him speak, and knowing he was from Los Angeles, thought he might in some way help bring her unconverted brother to know Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel. A letter with her request was sent to Dr. Torrey, who wrote Mrs. Chas. Menard, one of our volunteer Hebrew- Christian workers, asking her to look up this family. It was only through the Providential leading of the Lord that this home, which had been difficult to find, was located. Here a young Jewish man, who was in an advanced stage of tuberculosis, and his wife were living. Inquiry developed the fact that this young man was an atheist. For years his sister, a converted Jewess', had prayed for his con version. There were seven converted members in his fam ily, and though outwardly a confined skeptic, yet inwardly he was not so indifferent as he appeared to be. He admitted having a little Gospel of St. John, with the words of Jesus printed in red. Those words of Jesus both-
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