King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


It is a good thing to learn first lessons by heart. We need tables and rules for mathematics and we need the knowledge of God’s ways and God’s plans and purposes in human affairs. God outlined a simple, yet comprehensive, plan for His people, regarding the place of the Ark, the position of the people, the order of march, the number of times the city was to be encompassed, etc. The number seven is very conspicuous,— seven priests, seven horns, seven times, sev­ enth day. In the Hebrew, the number seven equals “an oath.” “Sheba” is the same word and has a double mean­ ing,^—“Beersheba—well of oath,” or “well of seven.” God’s oath or covenant is to be recognized. His plan is to be carried out.; Obedience insures victory. In our church life and in our individual life we are to look for God’s plan for us. Israel was not to make its own plans. How could it? No weapons of war, no means of scaling the walls. They were as helpless as a lot of school children would be. They could not pass on beyond the city without leaving an enemy in the rear, that would be a perpetual menace to them. (2 ) THE .PROMPT OBEDIENCE, vs. 6-11 “and Joshua, the son of Nun, called the priests and said unto them.” v. 6. The obedience is prompt and definite, as in 3:3-6. The command, their obedience and their triumph, in connection with the crossing of Jordan was fresh in their minds. No murmurings or desertions are recorded. The occasion was solemn. They were in an enemy’s country. Faith in God’s Word and in God’s ability is manifested. It may seem foolish and unbelievable to some of our wise scholars and preachers of today. They may smile at our gullibility when we say we believe every word of it. They may insist that the miraculous is impossible; that God works only through known laws. Well, we are willing to bear their scorn and reply, “Well, here is one of God’s laws— the law of obedience. That is the law which all of the inventors are compelled to follow. God is the author of law. We do not know all His laws yet. Did God bring Israel out of Egypt? Did He feed them with manna? Did He cause water to burst out of the rock?” When you come to the Bible, it is a question of faith and obedience, and when you have these, you can laugh at the worldly-wise who tell us what God can and cannot do. “He laughs best who laughs last.” Look out, lest God get the laugh on you. (Psa 37:13; Prov. 1:26; Psa. 2 :4 ). “ H e that sitteth in the heavens shall la n g h ; the Lord shall have them in derision.” George Mueller proved his faith. Peter proved it. Paul proved it. Barnardo proved it. Hudson Taylor proved it. Ten thousand men and women of God have proved it. Carey “marched around” the Chinese characters for fifty years, then produced a written language. Livingstone marched up ajid down for years, the subject1of criticism--?# a mere geographer— finally dying upon his knees. But

APRIL 13, 1924 THE CONQUEST OF JERICHO Joshua, Chapter 6

Golden Text: “ (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.)” 2 Cor. 10:4. Outline:

(1 ) The Plan of the Campaign, vs: 1-5. (2) The Prompt Obedience, vs. 6-11. (3) The Patient Waiting, vs, 12-19. (4) The Proinised Victory, vs. 20-27. Theme: The Fight of Faith. Introduction:

The invisible Captain of the Lord’s hosts had revealed Himself to Joshua (5:13-15). Joshua haid acknowledged Him by obedient faith. He worshipped Him and took his orders from Him. We have seen that Joshua was a man LESSON of faith—a devout, brave man, combining EXPOSITION those wonderful characteristics so essen- T. C. Horton tial in leaders— strength and gentleness. God chose and God endued him. The Book of Joshua reveals him as a man of courage and action, inspiring our faith in God’s Word and inciting us to follow his footsteps. God had said, ‘‘E very place that the sole o f your foot shall tread upon, that have I given you, as I said unto M oses.” (1 :3 ) The Jordan has been passed; the stones of memorial have been erected; Israel is in the ‘Land— the Promised Land; the Passover has been celebrated at Gilgal on the fourteenth day of the first month, just forty years after the Passover by which they were prepared to cross the Red Sea. Forty is the number of probation. Gilgal was three miles west of the Jordan, toward Jericho, which was situated two miles beyond, in the plain of Jordan. Jericho was the key to the Promised Land, from the west entrance. Its oc­ cupation by Israel was a necessity if they were to possess and hold the land. It was the strategic position. It was a walled city and the inhabitants felt assured of their safety. There was, of necessity, owing to the miracle wrought in their passing over Jordan, and the great multitude of people, some surprise and wonder and fear among the in­ habitants, (2:10, 11) but they closed the gates and awaited the results as the Israelites carried out their program. (1) THE PLAN OF THE CAMPAIGN, vs. 1-5 . “And the Lord said unto Joshua, I have given into thy hand Jericho” v. 2. The Lord Himself gave them the plan of campaign. This is the first great lesson, the fundamental lesson for victory for the church and for the individual. Israel is to be taught an abiding lesson. The land is to be taken; battles are to be fought and principles are laid down which are to guide them in future conflicts.

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