K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1924
(Any book reviewed on this page may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles) Verses for Children by Cecil Trout Blancke. A beauti fully illustrated book of verses for children. Just what they will love to have read to them, or—if able to read— will love to learn by heart. No trouble to interest any child with this. Every picture tells a story by itself and the messages are beautifully written. (Westminister Press) $1.50. Fact and Fiction About Evolution, R. L. Foster. In twelve short chapters Mr. Foster covers the subject in a condensed form and every student or layman will be able to view the whole controversy. A strong book, characterized by brevity, clarity and logic. (Stratford'Company) $1.00. Michael Paget Baxter, the Life Story of a Clergyman, Evangelist Editor and Philanthropist, by Nathaniel Wise man. Mr. Baxter founded “The Christian Herald” of Lon don, and was for many years its editor. He was the author of “Forty Coming Wonders” which book has had such a widespread circulation. The book contains 350 pages of exceedingly interesting records and thirty-two illustrations. (Chas. J. Thynne and Jarvis) $5.00.
Selected Portions from the Word of God, All Scripture. These messages have been distributed for many years in mission lands, gratis. Large numbers of conversions have resulted from their use. There are 64 pages, well bound in a double flexible coyer. (Bible House of Los Angeles) 25 cents, Around the World by Faith, with Six Weeks in the Holy Land. By F. Bartleman. Thé story of a Christian work er’s trip around the world. 50 cents. Adventures in Evangelism, by Edmund Thickstun. Here are interesting stories of men and women, whose eyes have been opened to see their need, and whose hearts have been opened to receive Jesus Christ. They are true incidents in the experience of a pastor and the book is dedicated to everybody who seeks to save somebody. We heartily com mend it. (Doran) $1/50. The High WTay, by Caroline Atwater Mason. An excep tionally well written story of absorbing interest into which the author has introduced a Vital, living issue that affects the future of the true church,— the. conflict between his toric Christianity and Modernism. (Revell) $2.00. His Passion, Short Sermons on the Great Passion of our Dear Saviour, by J. H. Hartenberger, Pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Red Bud, 111. Twenty-nine short sermons covering the main events of the' last week of our Saviour’s life before His resurrection. Deeply spirit ual, definitely interesting and will prove a blessing to the reader, (Lange Pub Co.) The Beauty of God, G. C. Rector. William Jennings Bryan says of this book, “I have had the privilege of read ing Mr. Rector’s book. It is a beautiful tribute to beauty as it is found in the Creator and in His handiwork.” (Cokes- bury Press) $1.00.
Amazing Grace, by George.Whitefield Ridout, D. D. of Asbury College. Here are a. series of Gospel addresses by a man whose rich experience as teacher, preacher and evangelist, enables him to present truth in an interesting and winning manner. .These addresses are deeply spiritual and yet practical. A book for ministers and divinity stu dents, and for the library table. (Revell) $1.25. The Light that Grows, by Rev. J. M. Dawson, D. D. pastor of the First Baptist Church of Waco, Texas. A series of sermons designed for college students. (Doran) $1.25. The Return of the King, by Rev. F. J .Horsefield, D. D., Hon. Canon of Bristol, Vicar of St. Silas, Bristol, England. A series of eleven addresses prepared and delivered with a definite purpose of clarifying the minds of believers con cerning the events connected with the Lord’s return. Cor dially commended to our readers., (Marshall Bros.) $1.00. Booklets The World Created Good and Happy, a New Viewpoint for Geology, from the master hand of Prof. L. S. Kpyser, of Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio. A leaflet of 14 pages which every interested Christian should read and pass on. It would be well worth distributing to students in our colleges and high schools, as well as Sunday School teachers and scholars. (L. S. Keyser, 1126 N. Fountain Avez, Springfield, Ohio) 5 cents.
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PR AYERFU L . ABOUT E V E R Y TH IN G W h en som e tilla g e -fie ld w e k e p t F ro m th e E v il O ne each day, * W a s w ith ta r e s sow n w h ile w e sle p t, W h a t sh o u ld C h ristia n s do b u t p ra y ? W h en som e one w ith c a rn a l th o u g h t, D a u b in g w ith u n te m p e re d clay , S p o ils th e w o rk o u r h a n d s h av e w ro u g h t W h a t sh o u ld C h ristia n s do b u t p ra y ?
W h en th e o p e n in g b rin g s to view , F lie s th a t in th e o in tm e n t lay , A nd th e tr u s te d p ro v e u n tru e , W h a t sh o u ld C h ristia n s do b u t p ra y ? W h en su c h p ro b lem s to u g h e r g ro w , A nd th e s e tr ia ls com e to sta y , I f d ire c tio n w e w o u ld k n ow , W h a t sh o u ld C h ristia n s do b u t p ra y ? —Mrs. G. C. Needham.
W h en th e th re a d s of life a re cro ssed , T w isted , ta n g le d , e v e ry w ay, W h en each clu e a n d en d se em s lo st, W £ a t sh o u ld C h ris tia n s do b u t p ra y ? W h en th e b u sy to n g u e s of strife , B a b b lin g th in g s w e do o r say, M ar o u r in w a rd p eace of life, W h a t sh o u ld C h ris tia n s do b u t p ra y ?
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