King's Business - 1924-04

LIGHT FROM THE LAKE SHORE The Bible is the great art gallery of the world. One never tires of the pictures found there. No matter how many times we have lingered and looked upon them, they have a strange fascination for us, and are always revealing new colors and new beauties. Thinking of the Easter time—thinking of Him—one Easter picture' which is found in this wonderful art

and hungry. He planned it all. He* is the same Jesus. Death and resurrection have not chariged Him. He is interested in their success. He knew where they would find the fish. = We do not know much, but we can know that He is the Son of God, the Creator of all things, God mani­ fest in the flesh ! Yes, but we know too, as we linger on the lake shore that He is also the Man of Galilee, still human, as well as Divine. He still sèrves, He still

gallery comes vividly before us. It is differ­ ent from the other pic­ tures found therein,— more real, more full of every-day suggestions concerning our Lord. Of course, the scene is on the shore of the beloved 1a k e—b 1u e Galilee. The Cross lies in t h e background. Peter and the other dis­ ciples with him are in the foreground. They are restless. All is new and strange. The sug­ gestion “ Let’s go fish­ ing” is as natural a thought as could find expression on the lips of these fishermen. It is morning, and they are off the shore. They have fished a l l night. A man stands on the shore and calls out to them, “ Children, have you any meat?”, Or, as it is literally translated, “ Boys, have you anything to eat?” Can we think of any­ thing more natural— the lake, the boat, the risen Christ, the men

■ lovés.* He is still inter­ e s te d in our earthly service. He still longs for fellowship with His people here. ; The disciples h a d forsaken Him, but He never forsakes. H e loves' them still. He cheers them. He feeds them. He has fellow­ ship, with them. What they talked about we do not know, though we do know what He said;to Peter as He re­ stored him. We know that He has burst the bars of death; that He lives; that we shall live with Him ; that we shall be like Him! The picture humanizes Him so that we can by faith reach out our h a n d s and touch Him, and we should do it daily. We know that we can snug­ gle up close to • Him. We can talk with Him, pray to Him, lqye Him and serve Him. We know He is un­ changeable. We know He is coming again, ,


The Lord is risen; He is riot here, O, wherefore this dismay. He is alive the world to cheer, Joy! joy! An angel did appear, And rolled thè stone away. This is the glory day of days; The resurrection morn. O Earth, rejoice! Let people raise ■„ Their voices in triumphant praise, With joy the day adorn. The power to make within us lies, An Easter of each day, Though trials dim our tearful eyes If on the wings of faith we rise, The stone will roll away. Praise is more potent still than prayer And yet the soul must pray; For prater and praise are wings that bear Our faith aloft, to regions where The stone is rolled away. Then, praise, because He loved us so, Let all with one accord Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him for Easter here below, And for the risen Lord. —Amelia M. Starkweather.

with whom he had lived, eaten and slept,-—for three years the comrades of so many strange experiences. He loved them. He loves them still. When the “ boys” reach the shore, the Man has built a fire, has put fish and bread upon the coals. Now He invites them “ Bring some of your fish. Come and dine.” Were this a fairy story it would be strangely inter­ esting as we waited for the denouement. But it is a true story, a marvellous revelation of the risen Son of God. He has prepared the fish and bread. He has built the fire. He was the cook. He knew they were tired

some good, glad day, and we long for His appearing. “ But”—ask some of the Modernists—“ Do you believe, in His physical redirection ?” and they laugh at such a preposterous belief and call it impossible, thinking that such an attitude upon their part evinces scholar­ ship, learning, higher culture. '. We pity them. Their theories are meaningless ¡to us. They but wander in a maze of speculation. They have no Gospel—no “ good news.” Our Lord Jesus- Christ said He would rise the third day, and Hé did. We are in tune with the anjgels who said, “He is not' here; He is risen !’’ HALLELUJAH !

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