King's Business - 1924-04



K I N G ’ S


April 1924


Was the Key Dependable?

HEN I was a lad at school, I sometimes found that the results of my sums in arith­ metic failed to correspond

REV. W. H. GRIFFITH THOMAS D. D. Noted Bible Scholar and Lecturer Says:

“ A real Bible help. It is at once a duty and a pleasure to call attention to the C h ain -R eferen ce Bible, and recom­ mend it for use to all who wish to know as much as possible of the con­ tents of the Word of God.”

with the Key which was in the pos­ session of the master; and I used to wonder if the Key was dependable. But, alas for me! it always turned out that the Key was right, and that my sums were wrong. Is the Bible Reliable? Now, this seems to me to be a good illustration of the position of the crit­ ics today, with regard to the Bible. They dare to tell us that the Book is wrong in many of its statements and unreliable in its history. But, un­ fortunately for them, all recent dis­ coveries in archaeology go to prove the exact opposite; for, in so far as they refer to events recorded in the Bible, they endorse the Bible in all its statements. Thus, the critics are discredited— as false; while the Bible is confirmed— as true. • Some Pertinent Questions. I should like to ask the critics a few questions:—> 1. —-If the Bible merely, here and there, CONTAINS or CONVEYS the. Word of God, how can we Laymen know which parts are to be accepted and which are to be thrown aside? 2. —Will the critics give us the names of any infallible scholars, books, or churches, which we can ab­ solutely trust to guide us in our quest for the truth? 3. — Is it not a fact that, during the last 50 years, the critics have invented 700 theories about the Bible; that, more than 600 of these theories have had to be abandoned; and that many of the remainder are fast approaching a similar fate? 4. — Is it not a fact that while the critics claim to have reached many so- called “assured results,” nevertheless, in spite of their boasted “advanced scholarship,” the widest divergencies of opinion prevail amongst them with reference to some of these results? 5. —-If there are numerous mistakes in the Bible, of what use can the Bible be to us as a guide to heaven? How can we trust it? If my schoolmaster had found his arithmetical Key wrong in several places, most certainly he would have scrapped it as worthless; since, a faulty Key would have been unreliable for the correction of the boys’ sums. Even so, an unreliable Bible would be, practically valueless as a guide, either to time or to eternity.

Bible Teachers—Students Use the Thompson Chain Reference Bible P RACTICALLY all the great leaders in thè work of the Saviour, repre­ senting all evangelical denomina­ tions, enthusiastically commend and re­ E ACH style Bible has the divinity circuit and with head band and Marker, and is printed on Finest quality of Bible paper. Thumb index

commend The Chain-Reference Bible. There is no greater work than the spread­ ing of the Gospel, and no greater joy than the full knowledge of God’s Word. The Chain-Reference Bible will be a tremendous help in both. The Chain Reference The tracing of topics, characters, or any impor" ta n t line of thought through the Bible is made easy and direct by the reference chains. They conduct the reader to the choicest portions of the Scripture relating to the subject in nand, and make topical study a delight. This is the ONLY Reference System that does not have confusing letters, figures, or signs in the Bible text. The Expository System Substantially all the most frequently used verses in the Bible are analyzed into topics, printed on the margin opposite the versè. These topics are both suggestive and expository, and throw a flood of light on the deeper meaning of “The Word.’’ The Text Cyclopedia This feature assembles all the references of any chain together—a single turn from the topic on the margin will bring the complete chain in view. In it the more im portant themes have been correlated and arranged under contrasted headings. It is b u t a step from a thought in any verse'in the Bible to the Text Cyclopedia, where the whole subject is developed and emphasized by contrast. Additional Features This uftique volume also contains a Bagster Con­ cordance and a Standard Set of Maps. SENT ON APPROVAL IP^T' Send for the Chain-Reference Bible today— use it 8 days, and i f you are not satisfied return the Bible and, we will Return your money. Bird’s Eye View Series Now ready: "A Bird's Eye View” of Genesis— Exodus — Leviticus. By 'Rev. H. C. Buell. Each contains Map— Outline— Story of Book— Plan of Tabernacle— Questions on Book. Learn to "think through” the Bible Books. Ten cents each. BIRD’S EYE VIEW PUB. CO. LONG BEACH, CAL.

50c extra with initial payment. $10 to $100 a Week for Agents M any energetic Christians are making good spare time money, and others are making double their salaries in secular work by devoting all their time to selling the Chain-Reference Bible. W rite today for further information. Enclosed find $ . . . First Paym ent for the Bible marked below. If easy paym ent plan is used I will rem it the $2.00 a month until the Bible is paid for. □ 211—Morocco Grained Keratol, $7.75. $1.75 first payment, and $2.00 a month until paid for. □ 209—French Morocco. Special fine linen lining, $9.75. $1.75 first payment, and $2.00 a m onth until paid for. □ 207—French Morocco, leather lined to edge, $11.75. $3.75 first payment, and $2.00 a month until paid for; □ 205—Alaska Seal, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, $13.75. $3.75 first payment, and $2.00 a m onth until paid for. □ 203 —Real Morocco, India Paper Edition, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, $16.75. $6.75 first payment, and $2.00 a month until paid for. □ Send me information how I can both profit and render a Christian service as your agent. B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO. 320 Penway Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.

! Deduct 50c on above Prices for cash in fu ll with order.

NOTICE TO MISSIONARIES: I will send you The K ing's B usiness fo r 12 m onths if y o u , will send m e coins from y o u r province equivalent to 40c in U. S. m oney. I am especially in te r­ ested in old coins of the O rient, in clu d ­ ing the key an d sw ord shaped m oney of China, the large cash pieces an d the ovals. W ill tak e m oney from an y p a rt of th e w orld an cien t o r m odern. W rite me a t C rete, N ebraska, U. S. A. EDWARD L. JEAMBEY.

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