King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

WHY DID CHRIST DIE? (Continued from Page 199)

Five Powerful Sermons By Rev. Wm, P. Nicholson The Eminent Irish Evangelist The man who stirred Ulster as it had not been stirred since the days of 59 Heaven

in His exultant cry, “It is finished.” We mark The Com­ mittal of Dove as Christ dismisses His Spirit into the keep­ ing of His Father. We look at The Crown of Dove as we see the crown of thorns lacerating His sacred brow, for we know the thorns are symbolic of the curse He endured. We behold The Work of Dove in Christ’s transfixed hands, for there has never been anything so active in benefit as those passive hands of grace. We see The Suffering of Dove in the pierced feet of our Lord, for the spikes which caused Him pain of body are emblematic of the iron that entereth into His soul. We behold The Passiveness of Dove as Christ is stripped of His clothes and allows Himself to be crucified: He willed to suffer, for no will of man could have caused Him to suffer, and yet how potent and powerful is that death by which God is glorified and man is benefited. We see The Attractiveness of Dove in the magnetic force it had over the centurion, for he was impelled to confess, “Truly this man was the Son of God;” and we see The Heart of Dove in His pierced side, for that opened side expresses the open heart of God’s love for us. Essential in Its Necessity 2. Christ taught that His death was essential in its necessity. He said, “The Son of Man must be lifted up,” and lest there should be any mistake we are informed that the lifting up had a significance of its own, “Signifying what death He should die” (John 3:14; 12:32, 33), and of that death He said it “must be.” "Must” must mean “must,” as Bengel says, “For this purpose He came down from heaven.” Some twelve times He uses the word “dei,” rendered “must,” “ought” and “behooved;” and in each in­ stance He refers to a necessity resting upon Him. Dr. Dale, in commenting upon the passage in John 3, says: “His in­ carnation is not enough, His ministry is not enough . . . it is this conception of His death that gives form to the words which follow,” “For God so loved the world, that He gave”— did not merely send, but gave— “His only be­ gotten Son”— surrendered Him up to all that was involved in the great work of saving mankind, delivered Him over to the death which has just been illustrated by a lifting up of the brazen serpent.” The denial of the fact of sin is the cause of the denial of the necessity of Christ’s atonement for sin. Recognize the fact and there is no questioning about the necessity of His death. No one who has ever felt the plague of his own heart will doubt the necessity of Christ’s atoning death; and, again, the sharp pinch of an accusing conscience and a sense of inability to rise to man’s own ideals, leaving out God’s requirement, will press a man to acknowledge the necessity of Christ’s atonement, for as one has said, “The question of man’s inability to any spiritual good accompany­ ing salvation is a question as to matter of fact, and is to be answered ultimately by an appeal to experience. When a man has been discovered, who has been able, without Christ, to reconcile himself to God, and to obtain dominion over sin and over the world, then the doctrine of inability, or of the bondage due to sin, may be denied; then, but not till then.” This inability in man, consequent upon his sin and sins, is scripturally demonstrated if we remember what God says man cannot do. “That which is crooked cannot be made straight” (Eccl. 1 :15 ). The bend and trend of man’s nature tends towards evil, like a wind-swept hedge, which leans the way the wind generally blows. “That which is wanting cannot be numbered” (Eccl. 1 :15 ). Cyphers stand for nothing by themselves, so the sinner does not count,

Hell T his serm on is, by m any, regarded a s th e stro n g e st se r­ m on preached b y Mr. N ichol­ son. In it he certain ly gives no possibility of a chance of m isu n d erstan d in g w h at he says. A nd it is absolutely scrip tu ral from beginning to end. From th e Bible he proves th e existence of an eternal hell fo r the punishm ent of the w icked— Shows th e u tte r folly of any sane m an desiring to go there. P a p e r 10 cents The Judgment T his serm on answ ers sev ­ eral very im p o rtan t questions since it deals w ith th e very im p o rtan t su b ject of “A fter D eath— W h a t? “ The place condition an d occupation of b o th saved a n d unsaved are clearly se t fo rth a s well as the absolute n ecessity of every­ one ap p earin g before the judgm ent sea t of C hrist to re ­ ceive a rew ard fo r service rendered o r punishm ent for failure to accep t Jesu s a s S av ­ iour. Paper 10 cents

T his serm on h as b ro u g h t joy an d peace to m any h earts during th e p a st few years b e­ cause it so clearly answ ers th e question as to w h at and w here heaven is. If you have ever had an y question in your m ind as to th e possibility of heaven being m erely a state an d n o t a place, -get th is se r­ m on an d read it. The a ss u r­ ance it gives is certainly w orth while. P a p e r 10 cents The Unpardonable Sin A su b ject frequently heard m entioned an d y et so very lit­ tle understood. H ow m any people actu ally know w h at the only unpardonable sin is? W ell, th is serm on tells, and tells in such a forcible w ay th a t you will never be d is­ tu rb ed over th is question a fte r having read it. O nce you have read th is serm on S atan will stan d very little show of g ettin g you w rongly u nder the conviction of having com m it­ ted an unpardonable sin. P a p e r 10 cents

Friendship A delightfully different s o rt of a serm on th a t h as a very stro n g appeal to the hum an h e art because th e hum an h e art crav es a fte r Friendship. You will very greatly enjoy Mr. N ichol­ son’s handling of this^ su b ject on, acco u n t of th e splendid way in w hich he show s th a t C h rist in th e h e a rt m akes possible the only b asis of tru e and lastin g friendshpis. Paper 10 cents Other Best Biola Booklets The Trinity By Keith L. Brooks M ust we believe in th e T rin ity ? If jso, w hy? A nd how are we to believe in it? W e a re q u ite po sitiv e th a t you have no question p u t up to you th a t is as h ard for you to give s a tis ­ facto ry answ ers to as questions in regard to th e triu n e N ature of God. K now ing th is to be tru e Mr. Brooks h as p rep ared th is splendid little booklet giving am ple S crip tu ral d a ta from w hich you can co rrectly answ er any an d all questions th a t can ever be asked you. .. 10 cents The Virgin Birth By Dr. Wm . E vans The Birth of Jesus

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B I O L A B OOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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