April 1924
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Lamb of God’s providing, ancTthe Food of God’s sufficiency; and what Christ is insisting on is, as it was not sufficient for the blood to be shed and the flesh roasted, but the blood had to be applied and the flesh eaten, so Christ must be re ceived and made one’s own by faith. This provision is sufficient in a double sense. It is suf ficient for God to His satisfaction, joy and glory, as seen in the burnt-offering which ascended to the Lord as a sweet smelling savour; and it is sufficient for man’s need to his salvation and the procuring of every blessing he requires for time and eternity; hened, we find every blessing is the product of His blood. Peace is made by His blood, forgive ness is obtained by His blood, nearness is granted through His blood, sanctification operates by His blood, victory is possible by His blood, cleansing comes through His blood, hell is defeated by His blood, and heaven is certain by the passport of His blood. Complete in its Issue 6. Christ taught that His death would be complete in its issue. He spoke of being ^‘perfected” when referring to His death and resurrection (Luke 13:32 ), of His death fulfilling what had been written “concerning” Him (Luke 24: 27, 44), of having “finished” a work which had been given Him to do (John 17 :4 ), of being “straitened” till He had “accomplished” a “baptism” which He had to pass through (Luke 11:50), of that which had been “written by the prophets” having to be “accomplished” (Luke 18:31); (Luke 22 :37 ), and it was when He was dying on the Cross that knowing the Scripture must “be fulfilled,” and “all things” . . . . “accomplished,” that He cried, “It is finished” (John 19:24, 28, 30). . ; “It is accomplished” was Christ’s victorious cry on the cross. There is no suggestion here of a “working force in
brought the penalty, and that was one end He had in view in dying for us, in bearing the penalty instead of us. But it is one thing to speak of the result of Christ’s death for us as a subjective power in separating us from sin and beget ting within us true holiness; and quite another to make that subjective experience to be a parallel basis of salva tion. The objective reality of Christ’s death as the vicar ious offering for sin stands alone, and is alone the basis and procuring cause of salvation. Christ said it was “His blood” and not “His and ours” which was shed for the re mission of sins. Christ made this so emphatically clear, that all four accounts of the Lord’s Supper emphasize the fact that Christ would shed His blood for the remission of sins. Sufficient in its Atonement 5. Christ taught that His death was sufficient in its atonement. Christ’s own statement about His death isLfMy flesh is meat indeed.” (R. V .,.“True meat” ), “and My blood is drink indeed” (R. V., “True drink” ) (John 6:55). Meat and drink are the material things which satisfy the hunger of the body. In like manner Christ’s death and Christ Him self meets the hunger of the sin-conscious, soul to its salva tion and satisfaction, and also meets the claims of God to His satisfaction and delight. Many have wondered, as those did who heard Christ’S'words at the first, what He meant by eating and drinking His flesh and blood, but an explanation is found in the occasion under which Christ spoke the words, we are told, “The Passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.” Doubtless the mind of Christ, while He refers to the manna, was filled with thought of the Paschal Lamb, whose blood was shed and sprinkled on the door step and doorposts of the houses, and the flesh of the lamb, after roasting, was eaten by the Israelites. Christ is the
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