King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


IN CHRIST JESUS— GLORIFIED (Continued from Page 200)

Biola “B est” Booklets E ach w ith a d e fin ite w o rth w h ile m essage The Baptism with the Holy Ghost By D r. R. A . T orrey D r. T o rrey says, “ It is o n e th in g to talk ab ou t th e baptism w ith th e H o ly G host, and it is a n o th er th in g to k n ow w h a t that b aptism is, and it is an oth er thin g still to k n ow th at y o u have received that b ap tism .“ T h is b o o k let w ill h elp y o u if y ou have a n y doubt on either of th ese p oin ts. 6 c ea ch ; 6 0 c p er doz. The Holy Spirit in Personal Experience By D r. R. A. T orrey The Holy Spirit and Missions

Third, Our sphere of life in Christ is now contested. We are in the midst of adversaries, and sometimes their presence is more vividly and awfully real to us than that of our Advocate. Without are fightings, within are fears. However secure in Christ, we feel the danger to he constant and imminent. The five foes of whom we have found the Holy Spirit reminding us, are not slain, nor are they, to cur experience routed. They reappear with such frequency that we are never wholly free from their taunting, torturing presence. What saint, from Paul to Muller, has ever En­ tirely found conscious liberty from the law in grace! How we need to keep reminding ourselves that we are on Zion, not under Sinai! How perpetually are we shadowed by the sense of condemnation! Who has ever entirely es­ caped the allurements of the world, so that he is actually dead to its censure or approval, indifferent to its opposition or cooperation, insensible to its attractions and its ridicule? Who is there who is never worldly-minded and finds no need of a new turning of the mirror of the mind from the lower to the higher realm? Has any saint ever found the flesh and the carnal man subdued? The very fact that every one of us finds the flesh lusting against the Spirit, and the Spirit contending against the flesh, and that we feel these to be contrary, one to the other, so that we may not, according to the Spirit, do the things that we would, according to the flesh, shows how to the last we have to acknowledge our deliverance to be but partial. Need it be said that the self-life is never wholly destroyed in us while we are in the world? We may think that self is dead, but our very thought is an evidence of its survival, and perhaps a proof of its pride. We slay self in one form, and it seems to be the more alive in every other, until what we think the death of self-praise, proves only the boastfulness of a conscious humility which is proven, by such consciousness, to be no humility at all. Here is the subtlest of our foes, and the most persistent of life, as well as the most multiplied of form. And as to the devil, obviously he is not dead. The saintliest priest of God can not stand at His altar with­ out the unseen Satanic foe at his right hand to resist him. We go up to the heavenlies in the rapt communion with God, but in the heavenlies are the hostile prin­ cipalities and powers.' (Eph. 6:10.,). There is no.,escape from the approach of this devouring lion. We may in­ deed escape his jaws and his paws, but we hear his roar and we tremble as we remember how many in their se­ curest moments have become his victims. The day will come, when even Death, the last enemy, will be destroyed, and we shall be free to enjoy Him who is our life, without even the presence of a foe. What a life that will be in Him—when the law is forever silenced as our accuser, and Sinai’s summit forever disappears! What a freedom when sin no longer dwells in us, but our very nature is purged of its hateful presence! What a de­ liverance, when the world to come displaces the world that now is, and 'there are no allurements that draw from God! What a depth, when self gives up the ghost, and the life of Christ is all the life we know! When the flesh and carnal mind are eternally gone, that the Spirit may rule every motion within us! And, when the bottomless pit closes its doors over the adversary of God and man, never again to release him; and, before the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the lion that roars in our path and seeks

By D r. W illiam E vans This booklet v ery clearly sets fo rth th e fa c t th a t “T his is th e age of th e H oly S pirit,” th e contin u atio n of th e _Apos- tolic Age. B ecause it is th e age of th e S p irit it is also the age of M issions fo r th e M is­ sionary a ctiv ity is the S p irit’s plan for th is dispensation. 5c each

Tells n o t only how you m ay have “one along side to help” b u t also how you m ay know fo r yourself th e personal in ­ dw elling presence an d pow er of th e H oly S pirit. Tells how you m ay have real, definite fellow ship w ith H im a n d how th ro u g h H is w itn ess w ith your sp irit y o u m ay keep rig h t w ith God. 10c each

Is Divine Healing for U s Now? By D r. A . T . P ierson

T h is is a q u estion m any p eo p le are h o n estly a sk in g to ­ day; ask in g b eca u se th ey have a d esire to kno*v th e truth, and it is very im portan t that th e righ t tea ch in g o n this su b ject is p u t in to their hands. D r. P ierson ’s statem ents are a b so lu tely Scriptural, clea r and con vin cin g. T h is sm all b o o k let is splendid for u se in com b attin g the w ro n g teach in g of th e variou s cu lts, Ism s, and F alse R eligion s ini regard to h ealin g. 5 c ea ch ; 4 0 c p er d ozen Christian Perfection By K eith L. B rooks Perhaps To-Day

By B. McCall B arbour Since it is tru e th a t o u r L ord is com ing a t an y tim e fo r H is own, th en surely THAT IS TH E MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH FOR TH IS PRESENT MOMENT. It is frau g h t w ith issues of suprem e concern, alike for those w ho a re “ H is ow n,” an d fo r th o se w ho know H im no t. T his booklet show s th e need of alw ays being ready for o u r L ord’s retu rn . 6c; 60c p er dozen

T h at th e people m u st b e­ lieve th a t th ere is such a thing ta u g h t in the Bible as C hristian Perfection^ is evi­ denced by th e continued de­ m and for lite ra tu re on th is subject. Mr. B rooks has b ro u g h t to g e th e r all the teachings of S crip tu re on th is subject, an d a rran g ed them in such a clear, logical w ay th a t youj will have no tro u b le u n ­ derstanding ju s t w h at the Bible does teach and w hat your privileges are. 5c each

How Are the Dead Raised Up? With What Body Do They Come? By K eith L. B rooks

This b o o k let should b e in the h ands of ev ery b eliever as it m ost sa tisfactorily an sw ers ev ery q u estion that could arise co n cern in g the b od ily resu rrection , etern al existen ce, im m ortality and th e life b eyon d . 5 c each ¡By D r. R. A. T orrey Dr. T orrey b rin g s fo rth th e proof of th e bodily resu rrec­ tio n of Jesu s as the b asis fo r th e C h ristian ’s ex pectation of a sim ilar bodily resurrection. R eprinted from th e F u n d a­ m entals. 5c each C hristian needs to read fo r his ow n enlightenm ent an d guidance. 3c each; 30c p er doz.; $2.00 p er 100 If mbney does n o t accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D., linless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal._______ The True Church By B ishop Ryle A v ery clear statem e n t of the difference betw een th e tru e chu rch acco rd in g to S crip tu re a n d th e visible o r­ ganized ch u rch of th e p resen t day. A tra c t th a t every The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus

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