K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1924
to devour our souls, falls In final destruction—what a shout of deliverance will ring through all the universe of redeemed souls and fallen angels! Over these two epistles might be written one sublime word, victory. A salvation complete and glorious draws nearer than when we believed, and this is held up before up continually in these two letters. The phrases which abound here are found in their variety and combination nowhere else, for they grow naturally out of such a soil: “patience of hope,” “joy of the Holy Ghost,” “to wait for His. Son from heaven,” “God who hath called you unto His king dom and glory,” “at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints,” “the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven,” etc. And, as these phrases abound, so these epistles abound in arguments for holy living drawn from the glorious -and blessed hope which illumines the future. There is scarce a grace or virtue in the whole blessed cata logue of saintly excellencies and adornments, for which this future victory and glory presents no new incentive; obedi ence, service, patience, fidelity, self-denial, love, meditation on the Word, joy, comfort, steadfastness, zeal, sanctity, honesty, hope, consolation, vigilance, humility, gentleness, supplication, separation to God, peace— all that is most lovely and most helpful is made to hang upon the cherish ing of the blessed assurance of our final triumph and blessedness, in Him who is the Coming One. Only so far as this blessed hope is obscured or practically becomes in operative in our lives, will our character and conduct as disciples degenerate. Let us remember that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is the consumation of all things which pertain to our redemption. It introduces the sublime closing scenes in the whole history of salvation. There is much that can not be revealed to the Church and to the angelic host in the age that now is, and God waits for the ages to come to make known His manifold wisdom and grace. He finds in our present experience no data from which to convey a fit knowledge— no dialect sufficiently meaningful to express the inexpressible things which must wait for the revelation of experience. The more devoutly we study the Word, the more we shall discover that, like our Lord’s first advent, the present revelation of grace is a necessary hiding of God’s true power; new conditions are necessary for a full disclosure. When He comes again He will not come in disguise, but in proper attire and with proper attendance. He will be revealed as never before. And all spiritual truth and fact, pertaining to the believer, waits for His true epiphany, when His glory shall emerge out of clouds into fulness ,of revelation. We can only, like the Thessalonians, “serve and wait.” To the most mature saint, that coming day is to be as absolute a surprise as the third heaven mysteries were to Paul. God has something beyond all we have con ceived, waiting for us, at Christ’s appearing. The words used to intimate it are the best human language supplies, but the mold is too small for the conception, and so cramps it and so distorts it. We must see in order to know, and for that vision w*e wait, with longing and expectant eyes, until the dazzling splendor of the coming King shall de clare what no words can reveal or unveil.
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If Christ conld have the first place in our lives, how little would we care for things which occupy the second place.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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