King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924


K I N G ’ S

B U S I N E S S 249 take the testimony of Abraham concerning Himself: “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.” In still another place He says, “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, fbr he wrote of me.” In temptation scenes He each time answered the devil with a quotation from the Old Testament, prefacing His quotation with the words, “It is written.” Twice He quotes from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, and once from the eighth chapter. How could He go back to the very beginning of Israelit- ish history, to the beginning of the Scriptures, to prove that Abraham saw His day and Moses wrote of it, save for the continuity of the Scriptures? How could He quote Deuter­ onomy to the devil in answer to his temptations, save for the fact that, from the very beginning, God had ordained that the Old Testament could still be applied in the New, as it was a continuous revelation to man in his needs? The disciples quoted from all the patriarchs and pro­ phets and generally prefaced their quotations by the words, “Thus saith the Lord by the prophet,” etc. It was a testi­ mony to the continuity of the Scriptures and also another proof of their inspiration. “The Scripture cannot be broken,” says Christ in John 10:35. It is a complete whole. The Old outlines the New, the New fulfills the Old. When Christ had risen from the dead and walked with the two dis­ couraged disciples on the way to Emmaus, who were in such despair that they' did not recognize Him, He said: “O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to have entered into His glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them, in all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself.” (Continued on next Page)

The apostles were sough, unlettered men. They knew nothing of the art of composition and fine writing. Their work was fishing and commerce. The exceptions were: Luke, the physician, and Paul, the student of Gamaliel. Yet the fisherman wrote as finely as the rhetoricians! Peter’s sermons and epistles can safely be put alongside of Paul’s epistles and orations and not suffer by the con­ trast, while John’s gospel, epistles and revelation reach not only the sublimity of faith but the sublimity of fine writing! The Continuity of Narrative The third argument in favor of the inspiration of the Scriptures is: the continuity of the narrative, in so many hands, and through so many authors, proves that it must have been directed by one supreme mind. The Bible was written by, at least, 40 authors, in a period extending over 1,500 years or more, and yet, from Genesis to revelation, there is a continuous and orderly development of the plan of God through all the ages from creation to eternity. How can anyone explain this without the inter­ position of the divine mind? The authors could have had no collusion. They were separated so far, in point of time, that their view, their mental and historical outlook were entirely different, and yet they bore witness to the same God, the same divine plan through all these ages, until the- last produced the facts that proved the prophecies of the first and finished the revelation of God to men. Take the testimony of Jesus Himself. When He said: “Search the Scriptures for these are they which testify of me.” He was speaking, of course, of the Old Testament, all the new had not yet been written. He urged them to go back to the very beginning of their Hebraic faith and

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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