King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


more on our side, the decisions of early fathers, as ex­ pressed in their councils, who, being nearer the time of the formation of the sacred capon, surely knew more about it than these so-called modernists, who are only modern in point of time and not in thought. Scripture Cannot Be Broken “The Scripture cannot be broken!” You cannot make a crazy quilt of it, putting in a piece here and leaving out a piece there. If you do, who is going to be the final author­ ity as to what is to go in and what is to stay out? One look at the polychrome Bible is enough to make an or­ dinary red-blooded Christian snort with disgust! You can­ not tamper with God’s holy word and expect any one to put their faith in it. From Genesis to Revelation it is a completed whole. Undermine the foundations. Take away a stone here and an arch there, and then do not be surprised that few will follow you. With all the modern railings against God’s word, and the doctrines it contains, by these modernistic, rationalistic critics, there are not five percent of the Chris­ tian people who follow them. The Conclusión of the Whole Matter Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. It is found on the last page of the Bible and almost the last verse: “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this hook: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that áre written in this hook. And if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book, of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book.” (Continued on next Page)

Let The Critics Explain Let the critics explain all this. Let them tell us how 66 books could be written by so many different authors over 15 centuries of time, and yet preserve such continuity. It it utterly inexplicable on any human ground. By evéry process of reasoning, by the very rationalistic methods that modernists are using, the inescapable fact is put before us that this could only have been done by superhuman means and that, because of this, “the word of our God shall stand forever.” Turn to the last book and you find the same sin de­ nounced that is denounced in the first book, though Dr. Grant railed so blithely against it and termed it “ one of the myths of which we must disencumber Our minds.” Sin is continuous, salvation is continuous, and the continuity of the Scripture is affirmed in Christ’s own words, “The Scrip­ ture cannot be broken.” Why Critics Attack God’s Word Many are trying to break it today. The critics know that their first attack must be on the Word of God. If this stands they know they cannot disprove the virgin birth, the miracles, the Deity and atonement of our Lord; nor can they disprove the bodily resurrection nor the return of our Lord in glory to rule the world. It is no new attack on the Bible. It has been hammered thus for 1,500 years and more, but each attack has been to the discomfiture of its enemies and the further strengthening of the Word of God. Dr. Grant talks with such naive insouciance of “all the in­ tellectuals” having thrown overboard these old exploded theories of the Bible. We honor the scholarship of many of the critics, but the claims of some of the others we take with a smile. We have the scholarship of 1,500 years and

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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