April 1924
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
ity. Therefore, I think the fair-mind ed will say that, if all these things are true that I have said, and they are, or God is a liar— then the Bible must be the basis of our discussion, since it has been proven to be the inspired Word of God. ate MORMONISM GROWING; THE REMEDY Mormonism has tripled in thirty years. Both kinds now have about 1,200 organizations in the U. S. and Canada, not counting those in the Utah region of its kind. The converts are mostly from present or past mem bers of Christian churches, who go into Mormonism just because they do not know. To inform everybody, the Utah Gospel Mission is publishing a small paper, Light on Mormonism, at only fourteen cents a year to churches, coming to one address, as S. S. pa pers do, provided that 25 or more cop ies are taken; seven to one address for $1; single copy 25 cents; two years 45 cents. Its editor is Rev. John D. Nutting, who has had thirty-one years of experience with Mormonism. Every church should feel responsibility for informing its members and com munity as far as possible; and the pa per for the first time provides the means of doing this easily and with lit tle cost. We urge strongly that every church take enough copies to supply at least half its families, to be read and preserved both for their facts about Mormonism and their very clear statements of the Bible teachings. Address The Utah Gospel Mission, 9277 Amesbury Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
That is the warning with which the sacred canon closes. That is the warn ing to the mockers of the precedents of God, to the slashers of His constitu tion, which is our bill of rights, our final arbiter and guide; It is no more harsh than the civil law decrees against the breakers of the nation’s Constitution. Any man who will not abide by the Constitution cannot en joy its rights and privileges, That is surely fair? I appeal to the fair-minded, the legal-minded, the spiritually-minded. We may not be so far apart after all. If we want to Know the truth, let us at least adopt some basis of investiga tion. We must have precedent and authority. Since the matter under dis cussion is spiritual, that authority must be spiritual. The Bible is the only book with such spiritual author A W EDD ING O F N O T E Two of our dearly beloved friends—-Dr. A. C. Dixon and Mrs. Charles M. Alexander— have decided to become one and were married the latter -part of January, in England, the home of Mrs. Alexander. Dr. Dixon was blessed with a good wife who laid down her life in China, and Mrs. Alexander was blessed with a good hus band whose voice gave the Gos pel message in song around the world. Both Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander were deeply interested in the work of the Pocket Testa ment League, which has been so wonderfully blessed of the Lord in the saving of souls. We extend to Dr. and Mrs. Dixon ¡our hearty congratula tions, and pray that God’s rich est blessing may rest upon their united life and service.
Do YOU invariably understand your Bible? A re the w ords m ere w ords, o r do they n atu rally su g g est to you th e ir b ack grounds of m eaning? Im agine, if possible fo r a m om ent, the g re a t num ber of read ers lo st to th e Bible th ro u g h superficial read in g and lack of p ro p er u nderstanding. P ossibly in extrem e ignorance, som e m ig h t resem ble th e sm all boy, who, when asked by his teach er to tell w h at th e E pistles w ere, replied, “ They a re the w ives of th e A postles.” O ur Bible ignorance m ay n o t be as g ro ss as his, b u t it m ay be serious enough to d estro y ou r perfect en lig h t enm ent an d keen enjoym ent. Then w hy chance m istakes ? W hy guess o r rem ain half-inform ed? The p o s session an d use of th is one-volum e dic tio n ary (b u t as com prehensive as a sev eral-volum e d ictio n ary ) will open th e door to the tru e m eanings of Bible w ords. You can a t once becom e fa m iliar w ith th e m ost obscure w ords in the Book of Books. ADICTIONARY OfTHEBIBLE Third Revised Edition By John D. Davis, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., with the co-operation of thelate B.B.Warfield,D.D..LL.D., andGeorge T. Purves, D.D., LL.D. D elightful ch aracterizatio n s of Bibli cal persons a n d clear, brief resum es ol doctrine are contained in th e book. Full- page halftones of m odern pictu res of th e m ore im p o rtan t places, tak en by the au th o r, m ake th e book m ost a ttra c tiv e . Special a tten tio n is given to th e spelling and pun ctu atio n of pro p er nam es. C hristian w orkers and m inisters who do n o t care to in v est large sum s of m oney in a w ork of several volum es will find th is dictionary all-sufficient for th eir needs. COMMENDATION “This dictio n ary com es about as n ear m eeting th e needs of the ran k an d file of ou r Sunday- school teach ers as any volum e of its kind w ith w hich we are a c quainted. It is u p -to -d ate w ith ou t being rad ical; and while giv ing the m ain facts in reg ard to Bible ch aracters, places, and events, its treatm en ts are n o t so full as to m ake it im possible for busy m en and wom en to read them .”— Sunday School M agazine. BOUND IN THREE STYLES: C loth .................................$ 4 .0 0 p ostp aid H alf L eather ............ 5 .0 0 “ F ull L eath er................... 8 .0 0 “ If necessary, a copy will be sen t on approval PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT: Board of C hristian E d ucation o f th e P resb yterian C hurch in th e U . S. A . (T he W estm in ister P ress) H e ad q u a rte rs: Philadelphia, W itherspoon B uilding New Y ork, 156 F ifth A ve.; N ashville, 711 C hurch S t.; C hicago, 125 N. W abash A ve.; S t. Louis, 411 N. T enth S t.; Cin cin n ati, 420 Elm S t.; San Francisco, 278 P o st S t.; A tlan ta, 200 A uburn A ve.; P ittsb u rg , G ranite Bldg.
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