King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


learning begin? Was it not with the Protestant Reforma­ tion in Europe? And who were the leaders in this move­ ment? Were they not Orthodox Christians whose teach­ ings Dr. Fosdick has repudiated? But the children of those reformers, who make up ninety per cent, of Protest­ antism today, Dr. Fosdick classes with the Roman Catholic hierarchy that condemned to death Galileo for declaring that the earth is round. How puerile is such an utterance, I will leave you to judge. Have we not inherited our modern political and religious freedom largely from the evangelical people who constitute Orthodox Christianity? Were not Savonarola and Luther and Huss and Knox and Latimer and Cranmer and Zwingli and Cromwell and Wesley and Gladstone and Roger Will­ iams and most of the Pilgrims, Puritans, and fathers of the American Revolution, and the Orthodox Churches that led in the emancipation of the slaves, and millions beside, who suffered and bled ^ id died for the world’s political and spiritual freedom, all Orthodox Protestants? Dr. Fosdick knows they were, yet he throws it into our face that Evan­ gelical Protestantism is an apostle of “ignorance” and “re­ action.” The Rationalists’ Contribution What contribution have the rationalists made to our store of knowledge? They have given us Spinoza, who was the father of modern pantheism; they have given us Tom Paine, the infidel, who was the American pioneer in destructive criticism of the Bible; they have given us Wellhausen, who created the system that has poisoned our modern religious education; they have given us Theodore Parker the father of American Unitarianism, a system of denial of the Holy Scriptures that disrupted Congregationalism in New Eng­ land, and turned most of her educational institutions over

JEKYLXi AND HYDE THEOLOGIAN'S (Continued from page 203)

hold their views are as devout and noble in Christian char­ acter as are the evangelical hosts who constitute ninety per cent, of the Christian people. In fact, he labors to give the impression that unless you agree with the rationalists you will become an intellectual fossil, “guilty of crucifying your highest intelligence.” Such statements do not merit a denial. With his sermon sent out to the pastors, someone had a slip enclosed in which the claim is made that Dr. Fosdick is preaching to the largest congregation in New York, thus giving the impression that the people have gone over to his views; but he forgot to tell the public that Dr. Fosdick is preaching to a congregation composed of three churches, which united in the Old First Church, in which edifice only about 1,000 persons can be accommodated. This slip did not state that when Dr. Fosdick preached in the Town Hall in this City, after having been widely advertised by the Church Federation, he succeeded in gathering about 300 persons. We make no boast of this: but here in Tent Evangel we are preaching to as many persons as could be accommodated twice over in the First Presbyterian Church, and we have been repeating this for twenty years, though I had no intention of parading this fact all over America. True Christians detest such an exhibition of ego. Those who truly know Christ do not resort to such misleading ex­ hibitions of the flesh, and I must apologize for even making mention of such a matter on this platform. Are Fundamentalists Enemies of Science and Learning? But let us examine more closely the charge that the Evangelical people are the enemies of science and learning. When, in the modern world, did the greatest revival of

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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