King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


to rationalism; they have given us our present-day Union Seminary, that has been disowned by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church; they have corrupted many of our modern universities in which the authority of God’s Word is rejected; they have given us our exploiters of labor who are striving to subject our churches and educational institutions to the control of a great financial power and which has brought upon the churches, by their subtle de­ nials of Christ’s miraculous birth, atonement, resurrection and coming again, the greatest problem the churches have ever had to encounter; they have given us their unproved doctrine of Darwinian evolution, that man has descended from fish, lizards, apes and monkeys; they have turned our sacred edifices into places of amusement, and our pulpits over to Christ rejectors, dealers in social platitudes; they have divided the churches into warring camps, thus forcing us into a struggle to save Christianity, not from the old infidelity outside but from the more dangerous infidelity now inside the Church of God. And the rationalists have also given us the philosophy of Marxian, economic evolution and revolution, which has borne fruit in the modern political anarchist, the commun­ ist, the bolshevist, who have prostrated and strangled Russia to her political death, and who have produced our political criminals that wreck our trains, burn our factories, murder our peaceful citizens, turn our country that protects them into a charnel house of death, and replace the Stars and Stripes, the emblem of liberty and justice, with the dyed-in-hell red rag of an army of fiends incarnate. That is what Dr. Fosdick’s school of rationalism, evolution, and a subtle denial of the fundamental truths of the Bible has contributed to our modern civilization. Is it true that Orthodox Christianity is the enemy of

“progress,” “new knowledge,” “education?” I repudiate the charge! Allow me to submit to you a list of names furnished by Rev. Harris Gregg, names that are unparal­ leled in the annals of fame, all of whom were advocates of Orthodox Christianity. First; Among lawyers and statesmen accustomed to weigh evidence, and who believed in the Son of God, his virgin birth and redeeming death: Grotius, Bacon, Sir Mat­ thew Hale, Cromwell, Blackstone, John Seldon, Sir William Jones, Lord Lyttleton, Gladstone, John Bright, Earl Cairns, George Washington, Chief Justice Marshall, Chancellor Kent, Judge Story, Chief Justice Parsons, Greenleaf, Clay, Webster, Seward, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roose­ velt. Second: Among scientists who have believed in the vir­ gin birth and redeeming death of Christ: Sir Isaac Newton, Leibnitz, Sir John Herschell, Linnaeus, Kepler, Pascal, Davy, Faraday, Cuvier, Boyle; Doctors Harvey Sydenham, Bcer- haave, Rush, Simpson, Lionel Beale and Howard Kelly; the Duke of Argyle, David Brewster, Prof. Dana, Prof Hitch­ cock, Prof. Mitchell, Prof. Romanes, Prof. G. Frederick, Wright, Hugh Miller, Prof. Guyot, Louis Pasteur, Kelvin, Sir William Dawson and 617 members of the British Scien­ tific Society, whose paper is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Literature, spending itself largely in the realms of the imaginative faculty, and philosophy, losing itself in the labyrinth of its tangled, empty reasonings, and scholastic dialect, ever remaining in its own blind alleys, refuses to be bound to historical evidence, and knows little or nothing of the training of exact mathematics, and yet Spencer, Shakespeare, Milton, Addison, Samuel Johnson and Cole-

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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