April 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Are not such words as these a sequel to the Virgin Birth? Who is this Christ whom the rationalists reject, from whose thorn-pierced brow they would wrench the crown of Deity? Who is He? He is the Author of the Book that declares Him to be the unique Son of God by the resurrection from the dead, the Incarnate Son, as predicted by prophets, declared by Him self, by His disciples, by trustworthy historical records, by the Holy Spirit, by the presence of Jews among Gentile na tions, by the Bible among the various peoples and tribes in over 600 languages, by the g ifts’ of spiritual and eternal life, as a matter of expérience and proof, by His offer of eternal life to all who will take it, among all classes, ages and nations, by His salvation which meets the universal consciousness of sin and need, by His atonement which pro claims God’s righteousness and reveals His love and grace for sinful men, by His promise of the resurrection and com plete salvation for body, soul and spirit. Can the one who denies the Virgin Birth believe any of these truths about Jesus Christ? No! Can he see the mes sianic, prophetic, scientific and moral unity and glory of Christ and His truth? No! Can he see that Christ is the “Supreme Theme,” “Perfect Example,” “Final Witness,” “Channel of Life and Blessing,” “Executor of judgments,” “Fufiller of Covenants,” the only Hope of the World? No! Ah, no, my friends! Destroy this truth, which is the secret of all that is noblest in our civilization, and you veil the face of God, shut out the Sun of hope and comfort from
ridge, all believed in the Bible; and last but not least Sir Walter Scott said: ‘Christ is the Archetype of both the Bible and Nature.’ On his deathbed he said: ‘Bring me the Book.’ ‘What Book?’ inquired his physician. ‘There is but one Book,’ was the reply of that immortal. But Dr. Fosdick would have you believe that orthodox Christianity is the foe of science, education, knowledge, of modern culture. John Locke spent the last fourteen years of his life read ing only the Bible. Hegel’s philosophy has spread panthe ism into higher criticism in Bible study, Unitarianism in religion, Reformed Judaism in Israel, Evolution in Science, and Marxian Socialism and Bolshevish in the world’s social life. Hegel was the follower of Spinoza, the follower of the Greek philosophers, the follower of the Spiritualism of the magicians of Egypt and Babylon. And yet Hegel on his deathbed would allow only the Bible to be read to him. And Huxley requested that Christ’s resurrection chapter (1 Cor. 15) be read at his grave. The highest and final reach of man’s fallen mind is, God must be. It cannot reach further. But this leaves man lost and God unknown. But the primary message of God’s Word is “I Am,” which brings God’s personality and pres ence to us, with its light, life and love. This is God’s ad justment to our spiritual, mental, moral, physical, temporal and eternal need. Jesus Christ says: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any one pluck them out of my hand. I
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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