King's Business - 1924-04



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924

the life of Man, and our sorrowing, suffering world will again return to savagery. But, thank God, “the Light has come.” “The people that sat in darkness saw a great Light, and to them that sat in the region and shadow of death Light is sprung up.” (Matt. 4 :14 ). The immortal Tenny­ son had the vision of the Christ incarnate when he wrote:

Anti-‘ Ism’ Booklets Written to tell you what is wrong in the various cults or false religions Is Sunday the Christian’s Rest Day? B y K eith L. B rooks If there is an y o n e th in g that S even th -D ay A d v en tists d eligh t in doing, it is in g ettin g C hristians u nder co n ­ dem nation on th e su b ject o f k eep in g the com m andm ents. T h is b o o k let b y Mr. B rooks is ju st th e th in g y o u need to ¡satisfy y o u rself that a ccord in g to th e tru e tea ch in g of G od’s w ord the S even th -d ayist’s p osition is n o t the right on e. It is just w h at y o u n eed to pu t in to th e hands o f y o u r friends to co n v in ce them th at Sunday is righ t­ fu lly the C hristian ’s R est D ay. 1 0 c each

Strong-Son of God, Immortal Love, . Whom we who have not seen Thy face, By faith and faith alone embrace, Believing where we cannot prove.

God be praised, the Incarnation is a fact! What glory, fellowship, joy and peace for men! We have found the Father! “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father,” said Jesus Christ. Because “the Word became flesh” in the womb of the Holy Virgin, we can now anchor our faith to His covenant which He sealed by His own precious blood and attested by His resurrection, that “Unto them that look for him, shall he appear again the second time, apart from sin, unto salvation.” (Heb. 9:28.) Therefore, lift up your heads, O saints of God, and shout aloud the song of tri­ umph: All hail the power of Jesus’ name, Let angels prostrate fall,

Christian Science Examined on Ten Fundamentals By K eith L . B rooks

Russellism Examined on Ten Fundamentals By K eith L . B rooks If you w an t to know w hat is w rong w ith R ussellism th is little tra c t will tell you quick­ ly. It con tain s a v ery search ­ ing exam ination of M illennial D aw nism settin g fo rth its teaching, touching th e fu n d a­ m ental teachings of th e Bible, giving full reference to P a s ­ to r R ussell’s w ritings. The u tte r a b su rd ity of try in g to believe b o th the Bible and R ussellism , is clearly set forth. M any people will u n d o u b t­ edly be saved o u t of R ussell­ ism by th is tra c t. Make large u se of them am ong y o u r friends. 5c each; 50c p er doz.; $4.00 p er 100.

T his tra c t v ery definitely, yet briefly, sets fo rth th e teaching of C hristian Science concerning ten o u tstan d in g fundam ental teach in g s of the Bible, giving full reference from M rs. E ddy’s published w ritings. In th e clearest and m o st concise w ay, th e a b su rd ­ ity of try in g to believe b o th th e Bible an d th e teach in g s of th is system , is show n up. W e believe th is tra c t will cause m any people to sto p an d think w hen th ey see w h at th ey w ould be going into. T ry it am o n g st th e people you know . 4c each; 40c p er doz.; $3.00 p er 100

Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all! m M ONE OP DARWIN’S EVOLUTES I’d rather be of Adam’s race And know for sure, without disputes, From whence I came and who I am, Than one of Darwin’s Evolutes.

I’d rather be his fallen son With privileges to recruit, Than risen son of monkeydom And think myself an Evolute.

Roman Catholic Doctrines Examined By K eith L. B rooks A n y system of religion that can n ot stand th e sea rch ­ lig h t o f G od’s W ord d eserv es to h ave its fallacies and failu res ex p o sed . T h e d octrin es p ecu lia r to th e R om an C hurch are h ere exam in ed in th e lig h t o f G od’s W ord on ly. T h e read er is left to draw h is ow n con clu sion s. 1 0 c ea ch ; $ 1 .0 0 p er d ozen The Arraignment of Millennial Dawn By W . C. Stevens Signs of the Times By F ren ch E. O liver

Robert L. Selle.

POSTPONEMENT OF SUMMER SCHOOL In the March issue we made an advance announce­ ment of proposed Summer School to be held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles during June and July. Since that time some members of the Institute Fac­ ulty have responded to urgent calls for service abroad, and as their absence would reduce the teaching force, it has been decided that it would be best to postpone the Summer School. We regret that these circumstances have arisen, but we will announce in due season a program for NEXT YEAR that will be attractive to all Bible-loving people. A number of well-known speakers, however, will be heard in the Institute Auditorium this summer and announcement of the summer program for services in our ‘‘Evangelistic Center” will be made in an early issue. v ANY BOOK ADVERTISED IN THIS MAGA­ ZINE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 536-558 S. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

Dr. O liver h as given u s in th is little booklet a ^masterly tre a tm e n t on th is subject. One feels in reading it th a t he has p erfectly p ictu red th e condi­ tions of o u r p resen t day and th a t th ey a re th e exact fulfil­ m ent of the prophecy in 2 Tim. 3rd chapter. 10c each; $1.00 p er doz.; $7.00 p er 100

T rue to its title, th is book­ let con tain s a carefully a r ­ ranged epitom e of all th e false teachings o f P a sto r R ussell a n d show s w hy they can n o t be accepted b y any C hristian. A splendid arraig n m en t indeed. 5c each; 50c p er doz.; $4.00 p er 100

Mistakes o f Millennial Dawn B y D r. Wm . B. R iley

A splen d id “ sh ow in g up** of th e fallaciou s d octrin es taugh t b y P astor R ussell and n ow by his follow ers. T h eir m istak es are so clearly p oin ted o u t that su rely n o san e p erson could b elieve in M illennial D aw n after read in g this b ook let. Splendid for distribution in p la ces w h ere R ussellism is g ettin g a foothold. 6 c ea ch ; 6 0 c p er doz.; $ 4 .0 0 p er 1 0 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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