King's Business - 1924-04


April 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

NEW STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST (Continued from Page 204)

up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11.) This prophecy of the angels at His ascension only reiterated His own statement so dear to the hearts of believers “and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and re­ ceive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also.” (John 14 :3 ). In all the epistles, the apostles re­ echo the same glorious promise. Of course there are a few statements of the inspired writers which perplex if not rightly understood. For ex­ ample Mark 13:32 says that not even the Son knew the day and the hour of His coming but the Father. Mark sets forth Jesus as the Divine servant, symbolized by the ox, and the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth. Then in John 14:28 Jesus says, “My Father is greater than I”— That is to say that in the accomplishment of the plan of redemption, the prerogatives of the Trinity were not dis­ tributed evenly; but all this is changed and Deity reverts back to its original manifestation when, as another has said, “Christ effaces His official self” as set forth in 1 Cor. 15:28, so that God shall be all in all. His Absolute Uniqueness That spiritual nature which is highly tuned to Scripture analogy is made to shudder by some recent titles appearing in print. For example the Abingdon Press has just issued a book by one Fiske, entitled “Jesus’ Ideals of Living.” The very title makes one indignant. As if the Lord of Glory could have any ideals! Indeed he is far beyond any and all ideals. Perfection knows no ideals. Ideals belong to sinful mortals and are to be striven after. Jesus never strove after anything! He was absolutely perfect. How could He have an ideal? (Continued on next Page)

proached His pure and perfect life so that He could safely hurl in the teeth of His enemies the question “Which of you convinceth me of sin?” No human being ever ap­ proached Him in the performance of signs and wonders. From blessing the children to raising the dead His works are a fascinating study. No human being ever died like this man for He said, “No man taketh my life from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again,” John 10:18. Other men die because they were born but He was born in order that He might die. In prophecy, in type, in parable, and in plain teaching the substitutionary efficacy of the death of Jesus Christ is clearly expounded throughout the Bible. His Resurrection Body No human being ever arose from the dead as He did with abundant angelic and human witness, demonstrating at once the actuality of His death and resurrection by eat­ ing common food,-and His superiority over the laws govern­ ing human bodies by appearing and disappearing at will through tightly closed doors. Then too He bore and now bears the scarred hands and feet; mute, everlasting testi­ mony to God’s implacable hatred against sin and His amaz­ ing love for the sinner. How can any honest Twentieth Century investigator, in the light of all the evidence given, and before the witness of hundreds of formerly skeptical people, doubt for one moment the physical resurrection of Christ and the ascension as described by many eye wit­ nesses? Also how dare any follower of Christ ever question the statement of the angels who stood by as Christ van­ ished out of sight and said, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken

Are The Premillennialists Right? B y Sam uel H enry K ellogg D. D. A new edition of a book first published n early a gen­ eratio n ago. Dr. K ellogg w as a m an of sound learning an d w o rth y achievem ent. He had no th in g of intolerance o r n a r­ row ness in his m ake up an d in calm m easured fashion he u n ­ dertak es to show the v alid ity of th e ground th e Prem illen­ n ialists have for th e ir belief, a n d how th a t belief is b u ttru s sed b y H oly S cripture. C loth, $1.00 The Second Coming of Christ By Rev. Clarence Larkin T his “B ooklet” w as w ritten for th o se who desire a little tre a tise on th e “ Second Com ­ ing” to circu late am ong th eir friends a n d to give to those w ho know nothing of th e doc­ trin e, o r who desire to know m ore. It gives a h isto ry of th e doctrine, vividly describes th e tw o stag es of th e Coming, an d p o in ts ou t the “Signs of th e Tim es.” It is a simple, clear, sane an d B iblical expo­ sitio n of th e B lessed H ope of th e L ord’s R eturn. P ap er, 25 cen ts; 5 copies for $ 1.00

Catechism of the Second Coming

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The Return of the Lord Jesus B y D r R . A . T orrey T h is splen d id b o o k sets forth v ery clea rly w h at the Bible tea ch es in relation to th e personal visible return o f Jesus. S h ow s H is re­ turn to b e th e on ly p o ss­ ib le solu tion of the p resen t d istu rb ed an d u n sa tisfa c­ tory w o r l d con d ition s. S h ow s th at Jesus H im self is th e o n ly o n e w h o can u sh er in that gloriou s G ol­ d en M illennial D a y that th e w orld is lo o k in g >so ea g erly forw ard to. A b o o k y o u n eed to read just now . P aper, 5 0 c ; C loth, 7 5 c

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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