April 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
of Jesus and setting forth that He was in all points tempted like as we aré. Sufficient is the answer that Jesus was tempted merely to demonstrate His impeccability, that He could not fall. His Absolute Pre-eminence On the Mount of Transfiguration the innate glory of His deity shone o u t.. It was not that He was for the moment invested with glory from the outside but that His es sential glory burst the bounds, as it were, and overflowed His humanity. A quotation at some length from the writ ings of J. N. Darby is here given as being both pertinent and Scriptural. “The moment there is a question of put ting Moses and Elias on an equality with Jesus,” says Darhy, “they both disappear; for when Peter said ‘Let us make three tabernacles; one for Thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias’ . . . while he thus spake there came a cloud and overshadowed them, and instantly the glorified men vanished, ‘and there came a voice out of the cloud saying, this is my beloved Son, hear Him.’ It is not said ‘Hear them’ but ‘hear Him.’ ‘And when the voice was past Jesus was found alone.’ If Christ in His wondrous grace, reveals Moses and Elias as His companions and as sociates in the glory, the moment Peter, in his foolishness, gives utterance to the thought that would place them on an equality with Christ, they must both vanish from the scene.” How can one escape the testimony of the transfiguration scene and also that of the baptism? At the latter two members of the Holy Trinity bear witness in marvellous fashion to the third and inspire John Baptist to say “And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God.” (John 1:34).
So far as the writer is aware in all the Bible record, it is never said that—
Jesus believed anything Jesus doubted anything Jesus thought anything
Jesus remembered anything Jesus concluded anything Jesus hoped anything Jesus understood anything Jesus misunderstood anything Jesus decided anything Jesus learned anything Jesus was taught anything
Jesus reasoned about anything Jesus progressed in anything Jesus failed in anything Jesus hesitated over anything Jesus was disappointed over anything Jesus meditated upon anything Jesus reflected upon anything
or that He ever changed His mind. His words and actions were always decisive, authoritative, spontaneous, and in stantaneous. Christ set Himself above the Old Testament (Matt. 5:27, 43); as greater than the Temple, (Matt. 12 :6 ); as wiser than Solomon, (Luke 11 :31 ); and as greater than the rab bis, (Luke 21:15). A writer recently quotes Prof. Harnack as saying that “He named Himself alone as the Son of God.” “He came” says this writer “to make men real sons of God, yet He always distinguished between His own sonship and that of others. It was ‘My Father and your Father,’ never did He say including Himself ‘Our Father.’ ” Interposition may be made just here calling attention to the temptation
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