April, 1924
K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
could it have been? “The law is never enforced,” Of course not when bish ops are talking it down and saying it can’t be done. Same rotten argument used by bums and bootleggers against the Eighteenth Amendment to our Constitution. Methodism in New Eng land spiritually dead and the resident bishop spending time in talking down the law of the Church and hob-nob bing with Unitarians.— Eastern Meth odist. ¡ROBERT M O R R ISON C E N T E N N IA L One hundred years ago Robert Mor rison, the first Protestant missionary to China, mighty in word and deed, finished his great service of love— the translation of the Bible into Mandarin Chinese. The occasion was fittingly observed under the auspices of the American Bible Society by a group represent ing all the missionary activities in China, at a luncheon given at the Hotel B iltm ore,' on December 28, 1923. The American Bible Society, in 1882, made a grant of $3,000 to help in the publication of this first Chinese Bible; the British and Foreign Bible Society made even larger grants. The one hundred years that have followed have been, full of activity on the part of the Bible Societies and missionary organizations in preparing the Bible for the Chinese; and it is said that the book is now available in China in as many as thirty-nine languages, dia lects, and colloquials. The average circulation on the part of the Amer ican Bible Society during the past two or three years has been about 2,000,- 000 volumes. Since the Society first established its China agency in 1876, it has circulated 32,789,716 volumes of the Christian Scriptures in China. Robert Morrison is conspicuous for many other achievements besides the translation of the Bible. His first work to be published was a Chinese gram mar, which was followed by the New Testament, and later by the Old Testa ment. In 1820 he established an An- glo-Chinese College at Malacca “for the reciprocal cultivation of Chinese and European literatures.” In 1821 he published a Chinese dictionary in six volumes. In 1823 his complete Bible was brought out, In 1826, after a short visit to England, he returned to China and began the preparation of a Chinese commentary on the Bible. He also established a dispensary, which marks him out as the forerun ner of modern medical missions. Robert.Morrison was born of Scott ish parents at Bullers Green, near
W illiam L yon P help s, A . M., P h. D ., p ro fesso r o f E n glish la n g u a g e and litera tu re at Y ale U n i versity says: “I thoroughly believe in a university education for both men and women; but I believe a knowl- edge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without the Bible. “Every one who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may truly be called educated; and no other learning or culture, no matter how^ exten sive or elegant, can form a proper substitute” A n d P resid en t H ard in g said: “ I h a v e alw a y s b elieved in th e in sp iration o f th e H o ly S crip tures, w h ereb y th ey h a v e b ecom e th e ex p ressio n to m an o f th e W ord a n d w ill o f God;”
P resid en t W arren G. H arding The C orrespondence m ethod of Bible stu d y is th e b e st m ethod fo r securing a thorough know ledge of th e Bible — b e tte r th a n any o ral teaching can possibly be. M ore th an 7,000 p erso n s of 40 different o ccupations a re now enrolled in one o r m ore of th e
studying th e inspired R evelation u n d er th e d irectio n of em inent. Spirit-filled, Bible scholars. T o really know th e Bible is a n education o u t of w hich sp rin g s th e fullest an d b est developm ent of one’s pow ers in an y ^vocation. T his m arvelous Book h as m oulded earth*s lo ftiest ch aracters. It m eets m an’s deepest needs. It c h a rts th e only p a th to real a n d lastin g success. D ig in it as fo r gold and you will secure tre a su res of value an d ex ten t beyond any calculation. L e tte rs of w arm est ap p reciatio n a re co n stan tly received from th e stu d en ts and g rad u ates. . F o r exam ple:
“ I finished the Scofield Bible C ourse ab o u t th ree y e ars ago. I t h as been of g re a te r value to m e th a n an y o th er tra in ing I have ev er had, tho u g h I sp en t four years in college.” A C lergym an say s: *1 often m ention in m y serm ons th a t a C orrespondence C ourse from th e M oody Bible In stitu te h as been of fa r g re a te r value to m e th a n all of m y Bible an d theological w ork in college.” ENROLL NOW 1.. Y ou will be a personal pupil-—tim e, place an d am o u n t of stu d y u n d er y o u r own control. T he prices are below co st— these courses a re not, sold for profit. There is no b e tte r tim e to s ta rt th a n NOW . Send th e coupon a t once for Free P ro sp ectu s describing o u r eight C ourses in detail. Mail th e Coupon Today Send m e y o u r p ro sp ectu s giving com plete inform ation reg ard in g your eight courses in C orrespondence Bible Study. N a m e ' ..........................................:__ A ddress .................................. peal of the church ban on amuse ments. He said that John Wesley, founder of Methodism, had no rules on dancing, although dancing was more coarse and vulgar then than now. Bishop Hughes said: "Our law on amusements is never enforced. In fifty years I have never known any one to be expelled from a Methodist Episcopal Church under the amusement paragraph. The law has lost many fine people to Methodism.” There was no Methodist Church in Wesley’s day. He lived and died a presbyter in the Church of England. Dancing in his day was not “more coarse and vulgar than now.” How TH E MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. 6064, 153 In stitu te Place, C hicago, III.
“It h as nev er been m y privilege to be fascin ated w ith Bible stu d y as I am w ith th is course.*’ “I have com e to know th e Bible in an entirely new light. The O ld T estam en t is now intensely interestin g .” “ The benefits 1 have received from the Synthetic C ourse a re beyond estim ate an d above price.” No m a tte r w h at y o u r o ccupation you can stu d y th e Bible b y correspondence. These courses open a new w orld to you —b roaden y o u r vision, develop y o u r u n d erstan d in g , answ er y o u r questions, help solve y o u r perplexities, give com fort and encouragem ent. WE OFFER EIGHT COURSES BY MAIL S ynthetic Bible S tu d y ; Scofield Bible C ourse; P rac tic a l C hristian W ork; Bible D octrine; Bible C hapter Sum m ary; In tro d u cto ry Bible C ourse; E vangelism ; C h ris tia n Evidences. TH E MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE D ept 6064, 153 In stitu te Place Chicago, Illinois of the amount to pay the losses on the Advocates and Review and some other publications that are needless, or of little real value to the Church. A con siderable amount of the profits of the «Concern are from infidel publications th a t are faith-wrecking, God-dishon oring and a disgrace to us. Addition ally, the book stores connected with •our publishing houses sell train loads ■of trashy, demoralizing novels, hut There is money in it, and, despite the shame of it all, the .business will be •continued.— L. W. Munhall. W H Y NO T D A N C E ? Bishop Edward H. Hughes said in ;an interview that he advocated the re-
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