King's Business - 1924-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924

unbelief, for he is a free moral agent. We believe him to be wrong in his belief and seek to help him see the truth, but we cannot force him to accept our belief. But when a man signs the covenant of a religious or­ ganization, we can demand that he play as fair as a man is compelled to play in a religious organization, or a business organization, or a secret society, or in the marriage relation. And we do not hesitate to say publicly that any man who signs any agreement, of any kind, with a mental reservation, which he thinks enables him to deny his obligation to keep his pledge to the letter, is not an honest man, no matter what po­ sition he holds, and especially if he be a minister. Now contrast the preacher mentioned above with another Presbyterian preacher in Southern California who is build­ ing a new church,—Rev. Stewart P. MacLennan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, and the brother of A. Gordon MacLennan, of Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, that stalwart young soldier of the cross who stood alone against the other twenty-one mem­ bers of the Committee on Bills and Overtures at the last General Assembly. The officials of the Hollywood Church have adopted the following affirmation of their faith and endorsement of the Declared Essential Doctrines of the Presbyterian Church. We call particular attention to their reference to “mental reservations” last paragraph: Whereas, the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Los Angeles is now endeavoring to secure large gifts for erecting a new church and Sunday School Building, and, ■ Whereas, some are asking what assurance can be given that monies, if contributed, will not be used in the future for destroying faith in the doctrines which the Presbyter­ ian Church in the United States of America now holds e s - ' sential, and, WTiereas, the Session of this church, at a meeting held on March 29, 1923, without a dissenting voice declared its allegiance to all of these essential doctrines. Now therefore, Be it Resolved, that the membership of this Church being in full accord with its Session and Pastor and the doctrines declared essential by our General Assem­ bly in 1910, and reaffirmed in 1923, to wit— F ir s t: “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd o f G od a n d o u r s ta n d a rd s th a t th e H o ly S p irit d id so in sp ire , g u id e, a n d m ove th e w r ite rs of H o ly S c rip tu re a s to k eep th e m fro m e rro r.’ S econd: " I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of G od an d o u r s ta n d a rd s , t h a t o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist w a s b o rn of th e V irg in M ary .” T h ird : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e of th e W o rd of G od an d o u r s ta n d a rd s th a t C h rist o ffered up H im se lf a s a sa crifice to s a tis f y D iv in e J u s tic e a n d to re co n cile u s to G o d /’ F o u rth : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of God a n d o f o u r s ta n d a rd s c o n c e rn in g o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist, th a t on th e th ird d ay he a ro se a g a in fro m th e d ead w ith th e sam e b o d y w ith w h ic h H e su ffered , a n d w ith w h ic h a lso H e a s ­ cen d ed in to h eav en , a n d th e re s itte th a t th e r ig h t h a n d o f H is F a th e r , m a k in g in te rc e ss io n .” F ifth : “I t is a n e s s e n tia l d o c trin e o f th e W o rd of G od a s th e su p rem e s ta n d a rd o f o u r f a ith th a t o u r L o rd J e s u s sh ow ed h is p o w er a n d love by w o rk in g m ig h ty m ira c le s. T h is w o r k ­ in g w a s n o t c o iltra ry to n a tu re , b u t su p e rio r to it.” goes on record by the adoption of these Resolutions, as be­ ing in the said hearty accord with its Session, its Pastor and the General Assembly upon the above mentioned es­ sential doctrines, and Be it Resolved, further, that no man shall be qualified for, or permitted to serve as a member of the session of this church or in pastoral relationships to this church, who shall not subscribe, in advance, without qualification or mental reservation, to these declared essential doctrines of our church, and, Be it further resolved, that no one shall supply our pulpit, who shall not be thoroughly known to the Session as being without qualification »committed to these declared essential doctrines of our church. No man shall be qualified for, or permitted to serve as a member of the Session of this Church, or be chosen to serve in the pastoral relationships to this church who shall! not subscribe in advance, without qualification or mental reservation to the Declared Essential Doctrines of our Church; and, No man shall supply our pulpit who shall not be thoroughly known to the Session as being, without quali­ fication, committed to the said Declared Essential Doctrines.

Chaplin in a fist fight in a cafe. Charlie was enjoying a meal with a couple of lady friends when his divorced wife came in with a couple of her gentlemen friends and disturbed the peace and quiet of the party. We are not sitting in judgment upon Charlie in the matter, hut just using the incident as an illustration of the effect of the moving picture business upon the char­ acter and ideals of those identified with it. Mr. Hays seems a little hazy when he proposes to abolish censorship of the movies. When the church re­ sorts to them as a means of aiding the work of our Lord we can only how our heads in shame. MENTAL RESERVATIONS Our mind has been disturbed by a statement made by a Presbyterian preacher (who has a pulpit of some prominence in Southern California) at a “ Conference of Progressive Religious Thinking” held in Los An­ geles recently. This particular preacher is known as a decided Modernist and does not hesitate but rather seems to enjoy the privilege of reflecting upon the Virgin Birth and Blood Atonement of our Lord. He is reported to have said, ‘‘When I signed the covenant of the Presby­ terian church I did so with a mental reservation.” Now the phrase “ mental reservation” as used in common parlance has a meaning which rather stag­ gered us when used in this connection, so—to be abso­ lutely sure that we were right—we opened the Stan­ dard Dictionary and found the following definition: “Reservation: In casuistry,— unexpressed qualification of a statemene, affecting or entirely altering its meaning; as, a mental reservation.” “Casuistry: That branch of moral science, which deals with particular cases of conscience, or determines duty in doubtful emergencies. Hence, sophistical reason­ ing, undue subtlety or hair-spliting distinctions in cases of conscience. Now with these definitions before us, we are able to understand what the Presbyterian preacher meant when he said he signed a covenant with a mental reser­ vation, i. e.,. in casuistry (which deals with particular cases of conscience, etc.) the intellectual preacher can juggle his conscience to suit himself, which he does. And this is not an isolated case, among Presbyterian preachers and preachers of other denominations, and the prevalence of this practice is one of the saddest signs of the times. If ministers can violate with im­ punity their solemn obligations, how can anarchy be avoided? If conscience can be so seared in the sup­ posedly “ holy places” what may we expect from the rank and file of our citizens? If our religious leaders are lawless"concerning the most sacred obligations, what about their followers? The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is founded upon a statement of doctrine which includes every funda­ mental doctrine of the Bible. Every Director, member of the Faculty and Head of a Department, is required to sign this statement the first of every year. So far, no man has ever signed it with a “ mental reservation.” Were he to do so, he would be a perjurer. God has given men the privilege of choice concern­ ing the paths which they will tread, but He has clearly defined the demands which He makes of men. He de­ mands honesty. If a man says that he does not be­ lieve that the Bible is the Word of God; if He laughs at the thought of Heaven or Hell, he is entitled to his

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