King's Business - 1924-04

April 1924


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Morpeth, on the 5th of January, 1782. He died at Canton on the 1st of Aug­ ust, 1834. THE WHOLE BIBLE IN ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES The Life of Faith (English) calls attention to the following important letter issued and signed by about twenty prominent educators in Eng­ land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, de­ claring their faith in the Bible as the Word of God, and asking for the co­ operation of Christian men and women: “Dear Sir,—May we enlist your sympathy in our effort to make known to the Christian public that, in spite of the tremendous advance of destruc­ tive criticism in our Universities, there are still groups of men and women who stand for the fundamen­ tals of the Faith, and believe the en­ tire Bible not only to contain but to be the word of God. The basis upon which these groups unite includes belief in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Person and Deity of the Holy Spirit; man’s sinful state by nature; and the necessity of a personal acceptance of God’s re­ deeming grace, as manifested in the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary. It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the first few weeks at a ‘Varsity to the spiritual life of the individual, and we would, therefore, in all humility ask those coming up this October to beware of much relig­ ious teaching, at once popular and er­ roneous, that is current among stu­ dents today; and would be glad to hear of or from any Christian men or women entering our Universities. Inviting the prayerful co-operation of all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, We remain, Yours faithfully, Communications with regard to in­ dividuals and groups at any provincial universities other than the above men­ tioned, and all general correspond­ ence, should be addressed to C. G. Webb-Peploe, Bracken Glen, Farnbor- ough, Hants (retiring president Cam­ bridge InterrCollegiate Christian Un­ ion ).” A NOTABLE RESOLUTION In Our Hope, Dr. Gaebelein calls at­ tention to a notable resolution passed by the Legislature of South Dakota, as follows: “That the people of South Dakota be enjoined to at once address them­ selves to renewed effort to restore the balance between the spiritual and the material, that our children be reared up in the precepts of fundamental righteousness. “That the Churches and Sabbath Schools be constrained to intensify their work and to extend it to every child within their respective spheres of influence. Family Worship Enjoined “That parents be adjured to exert every effort to restore the old time in­ fluence of the home in moulding the lives of their children for the develop­ ment of conscience and morality; that

NEW PRICES We are glad to announce the reduction in price of many of the styles of the Scofield Reference Bible E d ited by REV. C. I. SCOFIELD, D .D . A ssisted by E m in e n t Scholars M IN ION 16mo. B lack-Faced Type Size, 7x43^ inches and only 1 % inches in thickness BREVIER 8vo. B lack-Faced T ype _ Size, 8 3^x5 H inches and only 1 % inches in thickness

Nos. Price 88x As 68x, B revier T ype......................... 16.50 Interleaved with a Blank Ruled Leaf between Every Two Leaves (134 inches thick) 265x M in io n T ype, R eal M orocco, calf lined to edge, silk sewed................. 16.50 285x As 265x, B revier T ype....................... 19.00 W ith Dictionary . of Scripture Proper Names, Oxford Index, Concordance ana, M aps (1 Vz inches thick) 153 M inion Type, F ren ch M orocco, divinity circuit. (This number is on ordinary paper, 1 % inches thick).................................................... 6.50 As 153, B revier T y p e......................... 7.50 155x M inion Type, F ren ch M orocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed................................. 9.50 175x As 155x, B revier T y p e.............. 11.50 159x M in io n T ype, P ersian M orocco, leather lined to edge, silk sewed. . . 10.50 179x As 159x, B revier T y p e....................... 13.00 165x M in io n Type» R eal M orocco, di­ vinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed............................................. 12.00 185x As 165x, B revier T y p e....................... 14.75 C o n tain in g h elp s com piled by Rev. R . A. T orrey, D.D. 50T M in io n T ype, F in e G rain C loth, round corners, red edges................. 3.00 70T As 50T, B revier T ype........................ 3.75 “Oxford India Paper ” Edition 65xT M inion Type, As 65x, with Torrey helps (if of an inch th ick )............. 11.00 85xT As 65xT, B revier T y p e .. .'................ 14.00 173



50 70 51 71 52 M inion Type, Fine G rain Cloth, round corners, red edges.................$ 2.75 As 50, Brevier T ype................ 3.25 M inion Type, F rench Morocco, lim p............................... . .......... .. 5.00 As 51, Brevier Type....................... 6.00 M inion Type, Half Morocco, li­ brary style, gilt to p.......................... 5.00 72. As 52, Brevier Type.......................... 6.00 53 M inion Type, French Morocco, divinity circuit................................... 5.50 73 As 53, Brevier Type.......................... 6.50 59 M inion Type, Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed................................. 7.50 79 As 59, Brevier Type.......................... 8.50 “Oxford India Paper ” Edition Only 1/% of an inch thick 55x M inion Type, F ren c h M orocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed.............................. 8.00 75x As 55x, B revier T ype.................... 10.00 58x M inion Type, A laska Seal, limp (not divinity circuit), leather lined 8.50 78x As 58x, B revier T y p e......................... 11.00 59x M inion T ype, P ersian M orocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed................................. 9.00 79x As 59x, Brevier T ype......................... 11.50 65x M inion Type» R eal M orocco, di­ vinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed.................. 10.50 85x As 65x, B revier T ype......................... 13.25 68x M inion Type, Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed......................................... 13.00 the family altar be restored and that in self-sacrificing love the little ones be trained in the simple virtues of truthfulness, honesty and respect for the rights of others. Reform in School Methods “That the schools promptly re­ form their methods so that the rudi­ mentary studies as well as the sciences be taught only as subordinate to right­ eousness. That the emphasis be placed upon morality, good conscience, re­ spect for parents, reverence for age and experience, and that all learning is but the handmaiden of eternal goodness. “That in the judgment of the Legis­ lature of South Dakota, that only upon the principles herein suggested can the true balance be restored and the crime wave checked and civilization preserved.”

SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE A t A ll Booksellers or the Publishers OXFORD UN IVERSITY PRESS American Branch 35 West 32nd Street, New York


SALVATION are Jam es H. M cConkey’s fo u r la te st m essages, nam ely “GUIDANCE” , “TH E NUTSHELL OF PROPHECY ” “ TH E M INISTRY OF SUFFERING” “IF W E NEGLECT* (G ospel) A bsolutely free, to any one in terested enough to ad d ress th e publishers.


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