King's Business - 1924-04


April 1924

T f i Ë . K Î f i G ’ S B Ü S Î N Ë S ê

Cuts fo r One Color a nd "Two Color Printing W e are offerin g for th e first tim e, electro ty p es for tw o co lo r p rin tin g. By th eir u se strik in g im pressiven ess may b e im parted to an n ou ncem en ts, calendars and others ch u rch printing, bringing it up in som e d egree to the ad vertising va lu e o f m odërn com ­ m ercial printing.

THE WORK OF GOD IN RUSSIA IE may liken the present as­ pect of Russia, to a beauti­ ful garden over which a ter­ rible storm has raged, up­ rooting the trees, breaking the fences and spoiling the lovely flowers, so that you see nothing but ruin and disaster around you. Bitter tears of anguish would fill one’s eyes, and one might well feel broken-hearted at the sight of this devastation, if it were not for the sunbeams that come streaming down to brighten the sad picture and comfort one’s soul. God calls us to look away from the things that are seen to the unseen. Many a time He warns us that the beauty of this earth is like a blossom that fadeth away. Need we then wonder at the happen­ ings of this day? So God has been sending trouble that people might he awakened to un­ derstand and seek those things which are lasting and whose beauty does not fade away. Thus the Tokens of a Great Revival, that are so evident, come like sun­ beams calling forth praise to the Lord from the hearts of His faithful serv­ ants. People who had little thought of God in the days of peace and plenty are now turning to Him in anguish of soul for a drink of the Living Water that flows from His everlasting source. One day in early spring when going down the street, a poorly-clad woman dragging a little sledge loaded with wood overtook me. She looked worn and sad, so I just greeted her with a few loving words of comfort. “Lady,” she asked, “do you think the nightingale will ever sing as brightly as he used to? Do you be­ lieve there will ever be peace and hap­ piness again, as in days gone by?” “Surely,” X answered smilingly and went on to tell her1 of the love of Jesus and the glory awaiting us. She listened well and earnestly, Drinking In the Word of God I invited her to come to our meetings, which she promised to do, and I went on my way rejoicing that a weary heart had been brought into touch with Jesus.—Madam M. N. Yasnov- sky, in “Life of Faith.” THE GOSPEL AMONG THE RUSSIAN REFUGEES An interesting letter was recently received from China by M. Tsetsegov, a native Russian now attending the Bible Institute of Los .Angeles, telling of a splendid work which is being done among the Russian refugees in Shanghai.

When Rodeheaver Sang “ TheOldRuged Cross”

thousands in the great Billy Sunday Tab­ ernacle were thrilled and exalted. This is but one of the many inspiring sacred songs that can now be heard on Mr. Rode- heaver’s Rainbow Records. 'You, too, can enjoy these famous songs in your own home. Read special offer below.

Songs on 4 Double-Faced 10-in. Records Below are listed the songs that will live forever in Christian hearts. Sung by Homer Rodeheaver, Mrs. Asher, the Cri­ terion Quartet, Kim and Nyland, and other well-known Gospel Singers. Safe In the Arms of Jesus


The writer of the letter, Mr. B. Sur­ tees, who, with his wife, conducts a Faith Boarding Home for Christian Chinese Young Women, says: “The work for the Russian refugees was started simply as a humble at­ tempt to obey Christ and stretch out a hand to a destitute and unfortunate people who, through no fault of their own, have become dependents in a strange land.” After visiting some of the refugees and ministering to their immediate temporal needs, Mrs. Surtees asked how many would like to learn Eng­ lish, and a number responded. They now have 300 registered for this pur­ pose. A soup kitchen and employ­ ment agency has also been opened, shelter has been provided for the homeless, and—-best of all— the Gos­ pel has been given to them and many soundly converted. It is hoped that untimately these converts will carry the Gospel hack to Siberia and Russia.

I Walk with the King The Qld Rugged Cross Half Has Never Yet Been Told Carry Your Cross ivlth a Smile Life’s Railway to Heaven Keep Me on the Firing lin e I W ill Sing of M y Redeemer

[bum, value FREEto pur- the above. FREE Record A1 $1.50, sent chasers of Holds 10 re These records should be in every Christian home. Play on any phonograph. Guaranteed to give satis­ faction or money back. Order these eight Gospel song9 today. Pay postman only $2.95 (plus a few cents postage) on delivery. Your money refunded if not delighted. Send No Money ^ O S fJV ia jl ^ ° iP 2 ? » « n __ _ __ The Rodeheaver Co. 814 Walnut St. Philadelphia,Fa. Dept. 301 Please send m e your special combination of 8 sacred songs on 4 Double-Faced 10-inch records. I will pay the postman $2.95 (plus postage) on de­ livery, provided you include Record Album Free. You agree to refund my money if I wish to return the records in 10 days. M a m » ............. ..........

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