King's Business - 1924-04

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A pril 1924


Kent and Madsen Maps, In Color, for Bible S tuden ts By Charles Foster Kent, Ph. D., Woolsey Professor of Biblical L iterature in Yale University, and A lbert Alonzo Madsen, B. D., M. A ., G raduate Fellow and Instructor in Yale University.

When the prayer meeting is thin ahd dull. Sunday night attendance small and when church festivals and entertainments are thronged and ani­ mated. When the church wants shorter ser­ mons and more musical exercises, in which perhaps ungodly choirs shout lies to heaven. When professors do not find time for home religion, but time for busi­ ness, politics, society and for outings which give the devil his innings. When devout saints feel despondent and discouraged and hardly know what to do. When novels sometimes called “ser­ ials” engross more time and thought than religious reading, or even the Bible. When the one great business seems to be to get money to run the church, and it is transformed largely into a house of merchandise with the world. When, regardless of God’s wisdom in organizing the church as a consoli­ dated body, with the maximum . of spiritual power and the minimum of frictional machinery, it is reorganized into a confederacy of worldly clubs and trumpery societies, needing the executive ability of a railroad presi­ dent to run them, with an abundance of oysters, ice cream and fun. When lagging interest seems to re­ quire many days, holidays and jolly days, often robbing the Lord of His day. When the preacher instead of being a gospel specialist, under a special commission, is literary, secular and sensational; a smart trumpeter of "new thought,” booming every world­ ly craze up to date. When the pulpit issues no impas­ sioned life and death appeals to sin­ ners to flee the wrath to come, and no agonizing prayers are offered in their behalf, indicating a falling away from the faith once for all delivered to the saints. When the unconverted fall off from attendance on the sanctuary and ap­ pear utterly thoughtless and uncon­ cerned in sin. When for a long time no sinners have been converted and neither saint nor sinner seems alarmed, so that we have “a passionless church and an in­ different world,” and God and angels look down on a “church asleep with dying sinners in her arms.” Then a revival is needed. -—E. P. Marvin in News and Truth.

L arge M aps, E igh t to S eries F urnished C om p lete, m oun ted on sp rin g rollers, in W all C abinet. $ 4 5 .0 0 . D eliv ery extra.

Sm all M aps, S ev en to S eries F urnished com p lete, m oun ted on w o o d en rollers, $ 7 .5 0 , d elivery e x ­ tra. T h is p rice in clu d es m aps, tri­ p od and boxin g. N o. 1. P eriod of W ild ern ess W an ­ derin gs: 1 2 -5 0 -1 1 5 0 B. C. N o. 2. P eriod of H eb rew S ettle­ m en t in C anaan: 1 1 5 0 -1 0 5 0 B. C. N o. 3. U n ited and D ivided H e­ b rew K in gd om : 1 0 5 0 -5 8 6 B. C. No. 4. T h e P ost-E xilic P eriod ; 5 3 8 - 63 B. C. N o. 5 P a lestin e in the tim e o f Jesus: 4 B. C. to 3 0 A . D . (In ­ clu d in g the P eriod o f H erod : 40 to 4 B. C .) N o. 6 St. P au l's Jou rn eys and th e E arly C hristian C hurch: 4 0 -1 0 0 A . D N o. 7. A ssyrian , B abylonian and

Size of C abinet, 66% inches long, 16 in ­ ches lu£h. Size of M aps, 42 x60 inches N o. 1. T op ograp h ical Map of P al- estin e. N o. 2. P eriod of W ild ern ess W an ­ derin g; 1250-1 150 B. C. P eriod of H eb rew S ettlem en t in C anaan: 1 1 5 0 -1 0 5 0 B. C. N o. 3. U n ited H eb rew K ingdom : 1 0 5 0 -9 3 7 B. C. D ivided H eb rew K ingdom : 9 3 7 -5 8 6 B. C. N o . 4. A ssyrian , B abylonian an d P ersian Em pires. N o. 5. R estored Jew ish C om m u n ­ ity in P alestine; 5 3 8 -1 6 7 B. C. T h e M accab ean K ingdom : 167- 63 B. C. N o. 6. H erod 's K ingdom : 4 0 -4 B. C. P alestin e in th e tim e o f Jesus: 4 B. C. to 3 0 A . D . N o. 7. St. P aul's jo u rn ey s and the E arly C hristian C hurch: 4 0 -1 0 0 A . D. N o. 8. C hart o f Biblical and C o n ­ tem p orary C h ron ology. A lso furnished com p lete, m ou n t­ ed on w ood en rollers, $ 2 2 .5 0 , d e­ liv ery extra, or individ u ally a s fo l­ low s: N o. 1, $ 3 .5 0 ea ch ; N os. 2 -8 , $ 3 .0 0 each . D elivery extra. F or M aps o n S p rin g R ollers add $ 1 .5 0 ea ch to p rice o f w ood en roller m aps.

P ersian Em pires,

Single m aps also m ay be p rocured fo r $1.50 each. D elivery extra.

THE WESTMINSTER PRESS . H ead q u arters: PH ILADELPH IA , W ithersp oon Bldg.

New Y ork, T5.6 F ifth Ave. S t. Louis, 914 P in e S t.

Chicago, 125 N . W ab ash A ve.

C incinnati, 420 Elm S t. N ashville, 711 N. C hurch St. A tlan ta, 200 A uburn Ave.

San Francisco, 278 P o st S t.

P ittsb u rg , G ranite Bldg., Sixth A ve an d W ood S t.

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