King's Business - 1924-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924


OUR LETTER BOX (From North— South— East—West— come letters ex­ pressing appreciation of The King’s Business. Notice es­ pecially what the missionaries have to say about it, and re­ member that the “Free K. B. Missionary Fund” is" in con­ stant need of replenishing, so that we may respond to every appeal that comes from the Mission Field for the magazine.) From Oklahoma “Please continue The King’s Business to Mrs. --------------, (Georgia) and M r.----------------- , (Okla.) Its a great maga­ zine for Mrs.’-tiai— ^ . who is a Baptist, and for me who am a Methodist,” (J. J. M.) From South Wales “It gives me great pleasure to state that I have two more new subscribers to The King’s Business, bringing the total number up to twelve. * * * No end of praises from new subscribers for the magazine.” (C. J. P.) From New York “I wish that a million copies of that splendid article by Rev. Cortland Myers could be printed in pamphlet form for circulation. Also, a like number of the article by Dr. W. B. Hinson on ‘JThe Virgin Birth, a Necessary Fact,” and others of a like character for people who may be influenced by the Higher Critics.” (F. E. M.— past 91 years of age). From Canada “I have just lately come into possession of The King’s Business, for which I thank God. I am not a learned man, but i have never read a book or paper which has given me more enlightenment on the Bible than The King’s Business. I have been wondering if it would be at all possible to have this magazine printed twice a month instead of once, and charge accordingly for it. I pray that God will richly bless it and provide all things necessary for its continuous publi­ cation. In the near future I will send a little money to be used as you think best.” (H. W.) From California “I value The King’s Business highly and read every ar­ ticle eagerly. I am fortified by it for the arguments of my friends, most of whom— though Christians— are more or less Modernists in their views. The article on “The Science of the Book of Job” astonished me. I consider it worth the price of the magazine for a whole year. When I cap do so I shall subscribe for extra copies to give to others, for I know of no better way to help my friends in the Christian life and warfare.” (Mrs. L. P. S.) From Japan “I have long wished to write and tell you how greatly I value and appreciate The King’s Business. In these day's of apostasy it is indeed inspiring to receive a magazine that is founded upon the doctrines of our faith. As I read oif the blessed work in other lands and the many helpful ar­ ticles, my own heart is cheered and strengthened. I thank God and take courage. Much that is helpful has been passed on to other missionaries.” (Miss A. L. B.) From South India “I can not but thank you for your excellent magazine The King’s Business which I have been getting for the ladt two years without fail. It is excellent for all people,— very interesting, instructive, inspiring, impressive. Your edi­ torial messages are nothing but impressive. I note down your Bible Briefs in my Telegu Bible. They are short bpt sweet. Your Homiletical Helps are really helps. I always put them in good Telegu. Your Sunday School Lessons are very helpful In my Sunday School work. I do enjoy your other material too, and do most heartily and sincerely tell: you that I cannot do my work well without it. May the dew of Heaven rest upon you for your greater service in His vineyard.” (M. D., Rampatnam, S. India.) From Italy “I felt compelled to write and thank you and all who write articles for The King’s Business because I find them so helpful and look forward' to a monthly feast of fat things. I want also whoever is responsible for sending the magazine to missionaries. It is a real work of charity. My husband and I have been for several years in this Adriatic town and there is such danger of getting nar­ row-minded like the people | among whom we work, but reading The King’s Business keeps us in touch with things going on outside our ken, helps us to remember that there are many others who have not ‘bowed the knee to Baal* and keeps before our eyes the glorious hope of His coming. Please go on sending it to us, or you will deprive us of one of our greatest joys.” (B. H., Pesaro, Italy).

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B I OL A B OOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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