King's Business - 1924-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1924 .

R u s s id -T h e Land of Mystery “Astoundingly has the blood o f the martyrs in Russia abounded in the fruitage o f die Church o f Christ. Russia has> been extraordin­ arily rich in its thousands o f martyrdoms to Christ during the last few years.” This is a recent utterance of Rev. D. M. Panton of England. Yes, is spite of the difficulties and dangers involved in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Russia, many noble ambassadors of the Lord are doing so day after day. What are the results? you say—thou­ sands of converts, and on the other hand, often imprisonment for Christian believers and sometimes martyrdom. Latest News from Russia

M adam M. N. Yasnovsky of Petrograd, a woman of noble birth, who was converted many years ago and who has passed through all the horrors of the war and revolution, just recently was perm itted to leave Russia. In meetings of this Society in England she has given graphic descriptions of the terrible happenings in Russia, and has told of how people in sheer despera­ tion have turned to the Lord. H earts have been softened, minds impressed, and there is great eagerness to hear the Gospel message and to read the Bible. The missionaries now in the field cannot eope with the situation for they are b u t as a few drops in the ocean. Prayerfully consider this fact— more than 150 ,000 ,000 people in Russia that should have the Gospel preached to them a t least once. Possibly the Lord would have you invest in the evangelization of the largest unevangelized country of the white race, by prayer and by your gifts. Can you be indifferent to the crying need of the Gospel among these millions of white people and allow them to pass into eternity w ithout hearing the Gospel message even once? The missionaries are risking their lives to bring them the W ord of God, and many more stand ready to go, bu t the means are no t a t hand. This Society is interdenom inational and has about 140 missionaries in the field. Accounts are audited annually by a certified public accountant and the report published. A Special Offer W rite for a sam p le co p y o f “T h e F riend of Russia,*' ou r official m onth ly organ, co n ­ ta in in g rep orts from the field, d octrin ally sou n d sp iritual m essages, and articles relative to co n d itio n s in R ussia an d that cou n try's im portan t p la ce in p ro p h ecy . T h e regular su b ­ scrip tion p rice is $ 1 .0 0 p er year, h ow ever, at this tim e w e . a te offerin g th e m agazin e and a n ew b o o k en titled “T h e S tundist in Siberian E x ile an d O ther P o em s’* w ith n in e splendid illu stration s o f R ussian life, b y P astor Wm . Fetler, w h ich sells for $ 1 .0 0 in Am erica (bou n d in c lo th ), for $ 1 .5 0 . T h e b o o k is h igh ly recom m en d ed b y R ev. F. B. M eyer, D. D ., w h o has w ritten th e forew ord, an d b y oth er p rom inent m inisters. Y ou r p rayers and h elp w ill b e w elcom ed . A ll gifts should b e sen t to C. W . Sw anson, T reasu rer, 1844 M onroe St., C h icago, Illinois.


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